Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Territorial Update Thread

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
Template for updating the territory claims is as follows.

Player Name: Your characters name
Gang: What gang he or she belongs to. Every player may have an NPC gang.
Syndicate: What larger organization are they are a part of if any. The Exchange? Hutt Cartels? Black Sun? Remember Syndicate members can still fight eachother.
Planet: Planet on which you either fought a gang war or set up a new Criminal Activity
District: District on said planet.
Criminal Activity: Which activity you have established.
Link to Thread: A link to a 10 post minium thread or skirmish thread representing a gang war.
Wealth Modifiers: Any additional modifiers you have. Hiring a smuggler from outside sourts for instance is +1. Writing an exceptionally large thread +1 ect. ect. If you don't know for sure if you get a plus 1 just put it on here and worse that happens is I say no.

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