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Character Tertius C. Nargath

Tertius C. Nargath

Weight82 kg
Force SensitiveNo


Tertius C. Nargath is a relatively tall and slender, atheletically built man with platinum blond hair and eyes that seem to be a mixture of teal and amethyst depending on the lighting. He has a rather long and slender facial structure which is always kept shaven and trimmed in order to fully excert the strange allure and charm his family usually tends to possess. Just like others in the main line of his family, Tertius usually tends to wear elaborately piped and embroidered suits and attires that lean more to ceremonial military garments than they do to the more flowy and wavy fashion generally worn by nobles and politicians of the central worlds of the galaxy. Favoring colors such as deep red and burgundy, aquamarine and a variety of purples all combined with black and gray tones tend to give the man an almost regal, though also rather stern appearance, even for his age.

A particular point of note, is that Tertius C. Nargath looks almost identical to the Marquis of the House of Nargath from two generations prior and tends to have an almost uncanny resemblance to said man during their own prime. However, given his somewhat softer and gentler facial features, Tertius does come over as more charming and does not have the usual air of authority his predecessor seemed to exude.




Tertius is a generally rather aloof man, who seems to view life as something of a game of chance. He always views any and all situations as moments of choice, chance and risk. Though pragmatic and somewhat staunchly logical in his nature, he tends to favor taking risks, seeing them as the spice of life, the necessary moments in which personal choice may change the very foundation of logic.

Generally tending to be charming, calm and levelheaded in his dealings with other people, Tertius can be described as a well-mannered, somewhat rounded personality, someone who'd rather converse and find ways to engage in good dialogue, rather than becoming argumentative and heated. He tends to avoid heated discussions as he does tend to dislike any display of his more negative aspects, knowing fully well of himself that anger and rage can turn his logical thinking and usually calm and levelheaded personality in an ugly, misshapen monstrous side of himself, where his pragmatism and natural ruthlessness dare take the upper hand, which tends to have consequences Tertius dislikes to deal with in the aftermath.

Believing in dialogue and rationale over spiritualism and superstition, it is clear that Tertius can't be seen as a man of faith or belief in higher powers. Though he is aware of the Force and what it can do, the aspect of the force has not dominated nor controlled or shaped his life in the far as it can be seen. He has had ample opportunities to get into contact with people attuned and marked by the Force, but his own lack of force sensitivity made it less of a hindrance nor an issue for the man to simply ignore these strange and remarkable powers in others, in stead believing in the undaunted will and spirit of oneself rather than the guiding power of something he can't see, feel nor hear.


Tertius is a levelheaded man, tending to not take decisions lightly and to be mindful of the consequences of whatever step he takes. This thoughtprocess has managed to curb his own emotions to a degree that he tends to be hard to anger, which means he is also less likely to make irrational decisions based on the heat of the emotions or the faltering state of mind one could experience when pushed over the edge.

Curious: Having been born and raised in the House Nargath has granted Tertius insight in both military and business affairs that fell within the family's many assets and responsibilities. It also allowed him to gain a keen insight in the family's history and the rise and fall of its members. Generally being interested in others, in what science and technology have to offer, Tertius is always curious and intrigued by things that manage to interest him and as such shows a rather extensive knowledge on a variety of subjects and shows a keen intelligence that confirms to the amount of subjects he has researched and tried to understand over the course of his life.


Though his figure is not too slender, lanky or by any means disfigured and disheveled, the scion of the House Nargath has an ailment to the heart which forces him to take medicine on a regular basis to prevent his bloodpressure from dropping to unhealthy levels. Though he is capable of exertion and exercise like any normal person, doctors on Eriadu have pointed out that any desired career in the military would be a fool's dream and should not be pursued because of the low stamina the man possesses as a result of his heart condition.

Blind in one eye: Due to something occuring in his youth, Tertius is effectively blind in his left eye, which can only barely distinguish light and dark. This has made the man's depth perception and general vision impaired and as such it also hindered any potential for a military career, driving Tertius to become more of an academic and politically influenced and practicing person rather than a man with military acumen.



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