Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Teslar Rantarus

Name: Teslar Rantarus
Faction: Lords of the Fringe
Rank: Apprentice
Species: Barabel
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 llb
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: N/a
Skin: Black
Force Sensitive: Yes


Strengths and Weaknesses:

+Self-taught Engineer: When he was younger before he was allowed to hunt with the adults his job in the tribe was repairing any piece of machinery that needed fixing. He grew extremely skilled but strangely most of it was self taught.

-Loner: He likes to stay in the shadows away from most social interaction this came about when his force sensitivity started to show.

+Melee Combat: Hunting was the Barabels livelihoods but unlike the others Teslar didn't use blasters he used a vibrosword because he wanted a challenge. Surprisingly he came back with more impressive kills each time and gained much prestige.

-Protective: He is extremely protective of his intellectual property and he will go to whatever lengths he can to keep out of the hands of the "unworthy" but this can often times be a bad thing because those intelligent enough to see this protectiveness can use it to manipulate him.

+Keratin Scales: All Barabel are covered from head to toe in keratin scales which provide great protection from standard melee weapons and low powered blaster bolts.

Other Racial abilities:
Infrared vision
Radiation resistance
Two stomachs

Force abilities:
Force Sense

Mersonn 434 DeathHammer
Microbe armour
Unrefined Purple Barab Ingot

Ship: The White Eye/ Delaya-class Courier
Jo'henry-class Rare Minerals Mining Vessel

Droids:1x Z5 Maintenance Droid
1x Z4 Cargo Loading Droid
10x Z3 Labor Droid
1x Z1 Assistant Droid

Biography: Teslar was born on Barab 1 the Barbel homeworld at a young age he knew that he was different like the other younger Barabels he was given a job a job he would have till he was old enough to hunt. His intelligence was recognized and he was made the local mechanic repairing hunting equipment and other machinery in need of repairs. He was taught the basics from the old mechanic Fivvic but other then that he learned through personal experiences and self teaching. Once he turned fifteen he was given his first weapon a vibrosword and a set of Microbe armour it was time for him to perform in his first hunt. He was taken to the clans hunting ground along with the others of his age this is when his force powers truly began to show when the hunting party was ambushed by two Durgolosk. Teslar's power was revealed when one of the Durgolosk killed his brother deep down he felt all the anger rise up and just as the Durgolosk turned its attention to him. He pointed his hands at the approaching beast and willed the energy through his hands wishing to cause pain to the thing that killed his brother then to his surprise lightning shot from them. He looked down at his hands then looked up where the lightning had struck the Durgolosk in the eyes on the right side causing them to go milky white along with scaring the area around it and he smiled a terrible grin, what was this power? The Durgolosk charged towards him screaming in pain quickly he attempted to jump to the side but the Durgolosk began to flail about and one of its venomous barbs caught his leg. Teslar quickly pulled himself up not realizing the barb that was stuck in his leg and looked around trying to spot the two Durgolosk after he thought they where gone he walked over to the chewed corpse of his brother. Rage filled him as he turned over his mutilated brother, not far away broken and seemly damaged beyond repair was the blaster pistol his brother cherished a Mersonn 434 DeathHammer Teslar picked up the pieces of it and stashed them in the his bag hoping that he could rebuild it in his brothers honor if he ever made it back. He set off for the caves with his sword drawn in case he came upon anything that tried to kill him by now his leg was paralyzed which was causing him to limp. The next thing the venom affected was his vision causing it to swim and as it soon as it did his arm holding the sword began to lock up as well. Thankfully he had reach the caves and he was quickly taken in and the venom in the barb was used to create a antidote. Once he was better he began rebuilding his brothers blaster with scavenged parts all the while searching for the Durgolosk that had killed him. When he wasn't doing these two things he was often experimenting with the force but he wanted more knowledge as the years went on, he was hungry for it. Teslar had grown tired of Barab 1 and he wanted to get off world, he wanted to discover more about the force to know the secrets. He needed a ship for that but first he had some unfinished business with the Durgolosk that killed his brother. It had been nearly four years since his brother had died on what was to be Teslar's first hunt and many of the youger Barabels taunted him about not being a man this usually ended with fights or the occasional "hunting accident". But he still hunted the Durgolosk and he was getting close recently hunters had been getting attacked by a Durgolosk they started calling it White Eye because all the eyes on one side were milky white. It took him only a day to gather all the information he needed and pinpoint the area in which the Durgolosk's resting place was located. When night time came he gathered his weapons and pulled on his armour, he hoped this would be the night after four long years of waiting his brother's blaster would once again be used in a hunt and he would get his revenge. Teslar set off from caves for White Eye's resting place and as he slipped into the forest he pulled the black hood he had recently added to his armour making him nearly invisible to predators and prey alike. It wasn't long until he found evidence that White Eye had been there by now he was past the clan's hunting grounds where nobody went but he was determined so he pressed on finding more evidence that he was on the right path. Shortly after crossing the clans hunting grounds he came upon a cave that resonated with dark side pulling Teslar to its open jaws by the time he reached the entrance he could smell the power and hear it whisper to him with promises of power and knowledge. He reached out with the force and felt White Eye in the cave he slowly entered the cave with his vibrosword drawn. When he reached the central chamber he was amazed purple crystals had began to form along the walls and in the center a small cluster of the purple crystals had formed and that was where White Eye laid starring at the crystal in the center. Then it noticed Teslar and got hostile as if protecting the crystals he brought his sword up in case it decided to charge him again. White Eye bit at him but Teslar rolled out of the way and cut its front leg wounding it. The durgolosk roared in pain and Teslar drank it up smiling maliciously but before he knew it White Eye was charging him. He was slammed against a wall and fell to the floor with a thud. Quickly he pulled himself up as the durgolosk was about to tear him to shreds his sword was across the cave so quickly he pulled his brother's rebuilt blaster out and fired at its legs causing it to fall. He quickly holst the blaster and used the force to retreive his sword then he walked over to White Eye and finshed it. That was when the crystals at the center of the room caught his eye because towards the top of the cluster was a sizeable crystal that seemed to be out of place then it called to him to pick it up and he did. Once he packed up the corpse of White Eye he fashioned a beacon out of scrap he had and linked the signal to his datapad so he could find his way back. When he reach the caves he was greeted with joy and praise because his clan was smaller compared to others. Instead of staying with tradition Teslar sold White Eye's body to a wealthy member of the Exchange he then used that money to buy a Delaya-class Courier starship from an auction of seized ships. He named his ship after the durgolosk he killed, White Eye.


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