Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Testing the Waters (Duel Between Alexandra and Balaya [Ask])

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location: Tatooine

Alexandra waited as she sat against her ship and waited for a certain person she had long been... friends would be the best word for the odd relationship between Alexandra and Balaya Zambrano. From the moment that Balaya had saved Alexandra from that hole, she had come to find the woman as her ultimate challenge, always ahead of her and Alex found that as something to be focused on overcoming and not falling behind. She had tried in the past several times but now she was whole, her mind focused and her abilities much stronger. If this woman thought Alex was going to make it easy this time then Alex was ready to prove her old friend wrong.
The shifting sands was more then enough for her as Balaya stood there looking on, she had been surprised mostly because Alexandra wasn't stupid... challenging her here in sector five meant she had to know Balaya would use any and all advantages. Gadgets and armor but there was more to it she was guessing and there had to be something up the girls sleeve. That was why as Balaya stood there with her sabers and weapons a small grin was on her face. The normally large mane of red hair in a tight three meter ponytail that was tipped with a zenji needle laced in sith poison. To a non darksider painful and her hand touched the hand cannon, her primary saber and lightwhips. The asherian shield on her wrist with its blades gleaming as purple eyes flicked around using the sith magics to let herself be felt. She had a multi-weapon and tool for the fun of it on her hip just in case.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Alexandra smiled and looked on the giant of a zeltron, her hands clapping as she pushed off from where she was standing as she spoke to the woman. "Ah, good you could come Balaya, i was a bit worried you might not actually take up the challenge that i had decided to pose." She looked up at the sky as she thought for a few seconds. "Well, its good to see you with or without the challenge included Balaya." With that Alex did something that few others probably even considered doing and, very oddly because of the difference in height, hugged the Zeltron with a smile. "Oh, and try not to kill me miss, don't need fox brain going mad for your chest again."
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Balaya stood there and spread her arms a little as she spoke. "Well when you asked for this how could I refuse, it isn't every day there is a challenge and besides... why would I say no?" Balaya stood there for a bit though as she held a grin on her face to it all. "As for killing you, that wouldn't be fun... if I kill you I can't make your realize or accept someone is stronger. If I let you live with that knowledge it will actually drive you... plus fox brains coming after my chest is well not very enticing as last time I got scratches and it itched."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She laughed before giving the woman a wave before letting her hands drop to he side as she bowed to the other as she spoke. "Well, i suppose its time we start doing this, no?" Her sabers dropped down into her hands as she pressed on the activator as the two silver blades erupted from their casings. "Oh and Balaya, trust me when i say that you are not going to win this time and i can assure you of that."

[member="Darth Praelior"]
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Balaya looked at her and had to smile to that now, standing there while her talons ejected with the alchemically hardened armor. She looked at the sabers and had the size advantage while the saber came to her hand. She didn't activate it yet letting herself stand on the dune with a solid footing for djem so while she was pushing the force into the ground making the footing solid. :Alexandra you make it so very simplistic... there is far more to the world then winning or losing.... There is everything in between and as we have managed to show many times... you can lose but still win. You saw that on Ossus, the sith fell but won coruscant because the jedi are their own greatest weakness."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Praelior"]

"Riiight, you forget though." She smiled as she kicked out the sand under her feet and shot forward, her feet falling on the sand and creating solid footing with each step through the force, aiming a blow with the sabers still in their low energy training mode at Balaya's neck. Should she get there before Balaya did anything the blade would rest at Balaya's neck as she would have jumped up a bit and hung in the air with a smile, hovering there. "I learned a few tricks and am no Jedi."

Daella Feanor

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
[member="Darth Praelior"]

The little girl would run from, out of nowhere it seems, and would start to shout out. "Nuuu! Don't hurt mommieh!" She would run and jump off of a dune, going to try to land on her head, but from the distance of her jump, the girl would land on her... chest instead. "Wha-...Ooof..." She blinks a few times, then realizes what she did and would just.. slightly freak out. "Owh. . .I-I mean hai. . .Y-our alot taller then I-I thought you'd be. . ."
[member="Daella Feanor"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

laya saw it, Alex coming at her and hovering as her saber raised up with a snap hiss as the blade came, the crystal inside insulting and shouting at them both before it came up to meet her blade. The talons scraping against the blade coming at her throat as the sith stood her ground. Minimal movements to attack or make a scene, she was a bastion of power able to defend and counter the attacks when something was coming. There was a sound while she moved around hearing a scream and her blade with talons were near the blade to stop it while she felt something latch onto her chest as her free hand came up and she wrapped the arm over it. "And what are you little one?" There was a smile now on her face while she looked down and let the force guide her movements to defend against Alexandra.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Daella Feanor"]

Alexandra blinked as her daughter came out of no where and was now sitting on the chest of the woman she was suppose to be dueling. With a sigh on her face she dropped to the ground from where she hovered and let her blade deactivate before speaking. "Balaya, This is my over hyper daughter Daella... apparently she wanted to help me. Not sure why she got off the ship but that is pretty much it. Mind getting her off from sitting on your chest.... which mind you i am not going to ask how what i am seeing is even possible."

Daella Feanor

[member="Darth Praelior"]
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

The girl flinched, and slightly shivered. Truly her idea was a bad one. "U-Uhm. . .H-Hai. . .I-I'm just gonna get off now. . ." The girl would go to get off of her, but then sees how high up she is, and would freak out. The strange tall woman's arm would indeed wrap around her, but the girl would go to cling onto her head, moving her arms around Balaya's neck. "M-Mommieh. . .I-I'm scared!"
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Daella Feanor"]

Balaya remained there while she felt the girl clinging to her neck while she moved her head. Exposing her mouth as she opened it letting her tongue come out, the large biot designed for one purpose presenting a tongue that could extend the length of her body to attack. The dexterious appendage coming out to flex and bend as the small creature snarled with glistening teeth looking at the girl, saliva dripping while she was able to speak. "I'd hold on if I was you little one, the creature the vong gave me likes to eat little girls who get in the way of a fight."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Daella Feanor"]

"Balaya, stop now and put the girl down." She was staring hard at her friend and a tinge of worry crossed her face as she looked at the strange appendage and not even wanting to know why the hell Balaya even considered that abomination of a thing but she shook her head. "Put my daughter down right now Balaya, i am not in the mood to deal with this so if you don't mind i would really hope you not think it smart to harm her because if you do i will kill you without hesitation..."
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Balaya remained there for a moment as she spoke. "Oh you worry to much, she is not going to come to harm. It is just easier to get her to stay still and not climb everywhere." She remained where she was and lifted the girl to get her down as she looked at Alex. "Besides it isn't everyday I get to see a child, perhaps she would like to come and see how her mommies friend lives. I promise lots of fun."

Daella Feanor

[member="Darth Praelior"]
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

The girl starts to panic for a brief moment, hearing what the strange tall woman that was apperently Mommieh's friend stated, but she would stare at the creature for abit. The girl wouldn't move from her spot, and continues to cling ongo the womans neck. Suddenly though, her whole demeanor changed. "Hey. . .Can I touch it?" Shes oblivious to what else was spoken to her.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Daella Feanor"] [member="Darth Praelior"]

She calmed down hearing the words and shook her head as she straightened up a bit and looked at Balaya. She sighed and spoke as she shook her head again. "'Balaya, you know how dangerous it would be for me to let you take my and vulpesen's daughter to the Sith. Your colleges could use her as a hostage if they wanted too and i am not prepared to see my daughter in harms way."
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Daella Feanor"]

Balaya looked down at the girl as she spoke letting her tongue come out for her to play with. "Be careful, the saliva is excretes makes things euphoric." Her eyes turned to Alex and she spoke. "Come now, I am better then that and I am the voice of sector five. She'll be in my sector with my soldiers and my people instead of a place like Coruscant." She almost sounded hurt by it but there was truth to it as she stood there with the kid. "Besides my daighter needs someone to play with."

Daella Feanor

[member="Darth Praelior"]
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

She would try to repeat 'euphoric'. But failed miserably. "That's a funny word. . ." With that the girl went to lightly touch the vong creature, and giggles as she does so. The girl is oblivious to the conversation that is erupting around her. She remains holding onto the mysterious tall woman, and remains on her... cleavage.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Daella Feanor"]

"Your daughter... actually i can trust Sam.. Fine, you can have Daella on one condition, no harm is to ever come from her. And if it does then she is to be returned to myself or Vulpesen without hesitation or waste of time. Is that clear Balaya... second stipulation is you please put her down so that we can get on with this duel. I need to test how strong im getting and test a certain power itself." She smiled as Balaya would be in for a nasty surprise during this battle and probably wont take too kindly to the power she was working on becoming adept with. This would be the first time she tried to utilize it in combat after all so this duel was going to be rather interesting.

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