Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Testing the Waters

By the post I put out last night, I'm just testing to see how I feel about writing again.

I can make excuses, and go on about the many reasons outside of here but I'm not and I won't.

I can honestly say there are certain things I am looking to avoid outside of the writing (Not people) in order to prevent anything from within hindering my enjoyment, etc.

So, I'm giving it a shot - either solo or with whomever wishes to write. Feel free to send me a message.
The Squirrely said:
[member="Mira Gyndar"]

You still owe me a post in the loth-cat thread. :p
I'll get you one when I come back from the Dr - so like give me a few hours and it'll be up. :)

Just sorry, I won't say for what cause it's obvious.

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