The Slithering Shadow

Valery Noble...
Kat had said the name with reverence, speaking of her the same way she had once spoken of other Jedi they had both fought alongside: Spark Vallen, Bethany Kismet, Ceel and so many more.
Pulling out his pipe, he cracked his neck as he sighed hesitantly. If he stood at this spot any longer, someone was going to notice and come to find out who he was. He had to go to the temple and find out what future would meet him.
It didn't take long before Mak was slithering to the front of the temple, his cane tapping softly on the surface as he approached the main entrance. Though, as he got closer, a young man who had been standing guard pulled out his lightsaber, holding it off at his side.
"That's close enough. Only Jedi and authorized people are allowed in here."
As Mak stopped, taking a deep inhale on the pipe, his beard crinkled at the words.
"I'm Mak Manto."