Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Frozen Moon
Unknown Regions

It had taken a great deal of time, energy, and secrecy to get the facility on this uncharted moon operational again for her purposes. It had originally been established by Grand Admiral Thrawn and stocked with Spaarti cloning cylinders, but those days had been centuries ago. Now, it contained state of the virology and bio-chemical development facilities, all of them run by a selected group of researchers she had painstakingly assembled or bribed ... or kidnapped when necessary.

All that remained was to await the delivery of the test subjects for her project, provided by a Duro mercenary named [member="KeCholo"]. He wouldn't know what they were for, or what the facility was researching, beyond that it was important to the Sith. The fact it was also hidden far out in the Unknown Regions would also indicate to the Duro that secrecy was key ... and she would be insuring that. He was being paid quite handsomely for delivery and to keep his mouth shut.

Waiting on the snow and ice slicked landing pad, she waited patiently for her delivery.
''Just another job'', that's what Ke'Cholo reminded himself of while he kidnapped the various subjects [member="First Daughter"] requested. He had kidnapped a total of 6 subjects and was housing them on the fabled ship, Slave I. A Twi'lek, Trandoshan, Human, Bith, Rodian and a Toydarian Jedi Padawan had all been collected as test subjects.

Ke'Cholo exited hyperspace and gazed down at the frosted moon. It was certainly not pleasant and was out of the way, leading Ke'Cholo to believe this was a secret and obviously illegal operation. He descended down to the moon and gazed over the hellish terrain, making his way to the coordinates.

After a moment of searching, he found the platform and completed the challenging task of landing the vessel. Slipping into his Warden's Coat, Ke'Cholo exited the vehicle to meet his employer.

"No problems, I take it?" she asked, her voice modulated behind her visor as the Duro she hired approached. She could sense the other lifeforms on board his ship, the exact order she had given as she was curious about the crossing between the different species genomes. All to make a better project after all, and it would yield some very interesting results. Possibly, she would know more once testing actually began.

"My apologies for the remote location, the project was commissioned by the one I serve and she wanted it to be quite concealed from the galaxy," she continued saying. "I'm sure a man such as yourself understand that secrecy is one of my utmost concerns for this project until it is done."
''No problems at all.'' Ke'Cholo lit up and puffed on a premium cigar. He offered one to the women, trying to get her to open up her mask. He didn't like people who hid underneath masks for the sake of secrecy, ''what do they have to hide?'' he would often ask himself. After lightning up the tobacco product, he snapped in the air and his robot bodyguard Ed emerged from the vessel holding onto two severely beaten hostages.

The first one was the Toydarian padawan, the second was the Bith. ''Watch that Toydarian, he's the force user.'' Ke'Cholo remarked as Ed threw the hostages to the ground and went back to the ship to gather more.

[member="First Daughter"]

"I don't smoke," she said, pointedly refusing the offered cigar. She could see the attempt as trying to get to remove the mask, but she wasn't having any of it. The hired help didn't need or have the right to that information. They were entitled to the credits they were paid, that was it. Looking down at the Toydarian, she smiled behind her visor and lifted him up in the Force to inspect him.

"He's merely a Padawan, but it's Force Sensitivity that interests me most," she said, looking over the prisoner. "It has always been a problem to work around for this particular project, but I think we may have a way to deal with the issue."

Dropping the Toydarian roughly back to the cold steel, she proceeded to inspect the Bith. The Duro was an interesting subject. Most bounty hunters or mercenaries would be at least a bit curious why they were hired to kidnap random test subjects, especially when it came to the employer being a Sith.
Ed would emerge again shortly with the Rodian and Trandoshan. The Trandoshan appeared to have a missing leg, while both the Rodian's arms had been chopped of. The Trandoshan was kicked in the back of his existing leg by Ed, causing him to collapse in front of @The First Daughter. The Rodian was then thrown down on top of the reptile.

''I don't care what you're doing here and I don't think I want to know. So long as I get paid, I'll be happy'' Ke'Cholo responded, awaiting the last two subjects.

She frowned at the condition the two next subjects were in, half listening to the merc explain he didn't want to know what was going on. Probably he didn't know, then things might have to get unpleasant in the future and nobody wanted that.

"I can't say I'm all that pleased by their conditions," she said to the Duro merc. "The contract said alive but I was hoping that would also mean one piece. My mistake for making an assumption. They will do ... but it is rather disappointing they are missing limbs. Still, it will be interesting to see if reptilian aspects carry over in the experiments. We will just have to ... liquidate assets once their tests are done."
''Don't worry about the conditions, Trandoshans can grow back that stuff.'' Ke'Cholo said.

In just a moment, Ed came back out with the last two hostages. They were in better conditions than the last two, but were sorely bruised. Ed, like the rest, threw them down in front of [member="Eldaah Aderyn"]. The two appeared extremely scared, almost as if they had been tortured. At this point Ke'Cholo held out his hand.

''Pay up.'' Ke'Cholo said through cigar puffs.

"Yes, yes," she said, tossing a small satchel of untraceable credits to the Duro. She exmained the two final subjects, noting the cringing away from her as she went to touch. Tortured indeed. "In full, as I said. If I have need of your services, I shall contact you again. Your work is done, bounty hunter."

With a flick of her hand, several guards came out of the facility and dragged the subjects inside. Smiling internally, she would follow them inside and pay the Duro no more heed. He had done his job, now it was time to get to work herself.
Leaving the mercenary to leave, she followed her men to the laboratory deep in the facility. She could feel the fear rising off the captives as they were led into private holding cells as they could clearly see the scientists and virologists working on some sort of creation. Science and the dark side, combining... it was such a glorious thing really. Still, these tests would be nice to accomplish before she headed to her next destination. She had already rented the apartment and her application had been accepted, now she just needed to get a working virus ready for large scale testing.

"Any luck, Doctor?" she asked.

"With the samples recovered from Ord Mantell and Taris, and with the notes you provided, we have had some success," the doctor in charge of the development said. He was an Anomid, and while virology and biology were not normal fields for their species, he had leapt at the chance of such a challenge. "With the subjects here now, we can begin live tests and see if we have successfully generated a virus that matches your specifications."

"Walk me through what we have then," she said, leaning over to view a computerized version of the fabricated mutagen.

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