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Approved NPC Tetri Azo

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  • Intent: To give Djonas a former love interest.
  • ​Image Credit: Skyeparrot
  • Role: Djonas' baby mother
  • Links: N/A

  • Age: 32
  • Force Sensitivity: Knight
  • Species: Morganian
  • Appearance: Tetri is a stunningly beautiful woman. As a Morganian, her beauty is exceptional. Long curly brown locks of hair hang elegantly from her head. Tetri's eyes are a soft brown, reminding one of lakes of rich milk chocolate. Her body may be rather lithe, but her strength is impressive. Her skin is bordering on pale and soft to the touch. She is normally seen wearing light makeup and modest jewelry. Her love of fashion is apparent when she chooses to dress up, however, on some occasions she is experiencing a "lazy day" and will wear something less-than-flashy.

  • Name: Tetri Azo
  • Loyalties: Herself & her family
  • Wealth: High - As apart of their agreement, Djonas sends monthly allotments to a secret account only Tetri can access in order to keep her and their child living comfortably and happily.
  • Notable Possessions:
    Dragon Queen Necklace

[*]Skills: Tetri was raised and trained by a small group of Gray Paladins. As one of them, she learned many technical skills while also learning many styles of combat. As a Gray Paladin, she is not skilled in any force powers, however, she makes up for this with her other skills.
  • Animal Handling
  • Cooking
  • Leatherworking
  • Marksman
  • Metallurgy
  • Piloting
  • Singing
  • Stealth
  • Stava
  • Survival
  • Teras Kasi

[*]Personality: Tetri is known as a compassionate and fierce woman. She shows undying loyalty to her friends and family while showing her enemies unending disdain. Tetri's main trait is her kindness. She shows her appreciation and love for those she calls friend. Tetri goes out of her way to ensure that her friends are kept in good spirits through gifts and quality times spent with them. Tetri enjoys nature and being outdoors to bask in the splendor of nature's beauty. She does not enjoy the city life much. All the pollution and enclosed spaces. She likes to be free of barriers and walls.

  • Weapon of Choice: The Counselor
  • Combat Function: Tetri has seen many battles over many years. She has learned much through training and firsthand experiences. In combat situations, she will use whatever weapon she can get her hands on and almost instantly become a master on how to use the weapon.

  • Tetri's training as a Gray Paladin has given her much knowledge on utilizing technology of various civilizations and species with relative ease and all while allowing the Force to naturally augment her skills without using it directly.
  • Years of training in multiple forms of martial arts, such as Teras Kasi and Stava, has turned Tetri into a deadly hand-to-hand combatant.
  • Tetri is tough, but she isn't strong. She can possibly be rather easily overpowered by a larger opponent.
  • Her child is her main weakness. Using that against her will possibly assure victory over her.


Tetri was born on Orellon II an only child of her Morganian parents. Her childhood was spent running through the vast jungles and making friends with many of the animals within. Young Tetri had no fears as she faced many predators of Orellon II head-on. Her parents had to save her many times when she would get a bit too brave and face creatures she had no chance against. Tetri also made friends with many of the native Kentra. Their humor kept her happy for many, many years.

Around the time Tetri was 16, a group of Gray Paladins, force users that aren't force users, came to Orellon II for a rest before moving on. They met with the King who welcomed them into his city with open arms. Tetri eventually met one of these Paladins and began to learn from them. They taught her a few of their tricks before realizing that she was also force sensitive. Tetri's parents allowed her to travel with the Gray Paladins and train under them. They knew their child was brave and she would be living her best life if she went with them.

Years later, a 22 year old Tetri met Djonas Vile or, as he was known by at the time, Darth Avarice. The two became rivals after constant encounters with one another in the Old Sith Empire's conquest of the galaxy. Tetri was there for each of Djonas' missions, always a thorn in his side. The two eventually become obsessed with one another. The desire for each to defeat one another once and for all was overwhelming. It wasn't until Djonas encountered Tetri on Muunilist. But, by then, he had been reformed from his Sith ways and was an Imperial Knight. She attacked him despite him explaining to her how he had changed. She did not listen. She just kept coming at him. He stayed on the defensive as she attacked as he did not want to hurt her, but she was beginning to hold him back from completing his objective. Using the Force, he knocked her unconscious temporarily and had her taken to his command ship. When Tetri awoke, Djonas stood at her bedside. He carefully explained to her how he changed since the last time they met. It took some time and convincing, but eventually, she believed him. After so many years of fighting each other, they came to good terms and became friends and, eventually, lovers. After all those years of hunting one another, they realized that the only other person that knew themselves like they do was each other.

Soon, this love produced a child. A little girl they named Jana. Tetri wanted to retire from her ways in order to raise the child and Djonas wished to continue adventuring in order to provide for his family. Tetri returned to her home planet with the child and Djonas set up a secret account in order to continue providing for them while he was away.

Now, Tetri resides on Orellon II with little Jana, building a home for her and her family.
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