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Tevri Sal

[SIZE=18pt]Tevri Sal[/SIZE]​

NAME: Tevri Sal
FACTION: Currently Undecided
RANK: Currently None
AGE: 25
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’4 (~1.6 metres)
WEIGHT: 140 lbs (~63.5 kg)
EYES: Blue
SKIN: Pale with a slight tan - freckled.

Strengths -

Loyal - Though Tevri can be difficult to convince, once she’s given her loyalty to someone it is incredibly difficult to break. She’ll stand by those chosen few with a tenacity rarely rivaled.

Instinctive - Tevri is able to make split-second decisions on the fly, often turning the tables without a moment's notice. This has allowed her to be remarkably adaptive, and to keep opponents guessing.

Combat - Tevri has spent a large amount of time learning close and mid-quarter combat. Proficient with a blaster, Tevri nonetheless prefers melee weapons and smaller, concealed weapons. She is aware that her smaller stature leaves her at a marked disadvantage in most combat, leaving her to find different strengths she can play to. She has therefore learned to rely on speed and unpredictability, as well as the protection of her beskar’gam.

Weaknesses -

Reckless - Tevri will often jump into situations without an exit plan or consideration of the consequences. This will lead her to rash decisions, and consequences that become worse as the situation continues to unfold. While at times it works in her favor, it is far more often her downfall.

Stubborn - Tevri is near-impossible to shift once she’s chosen a stance, to the point of staying part of a ‘doomed cause’. Rarely listens to arguments to the contrary once she’s decided.

Adrenaline junkie/Restless - Tevri has the constant need to keep moving, and be in a constantly changing environment. Too ‘safe’ and she becomes restless, searching out ways to get the rush of adrenaline. Sometimes this is solved by moving on to a new system, other times with the simpler solution of picking often ‘un-winnable’ fights. This has led to a large amount of time being spent in a med-center recovering from injuries.

Short/Slim - Tevri’s height and build offer a distinct disadvantage in contests of strength or power, leading her to seek alternative methods of engagement. Her stature has proven to be problematic when backed into a corner.



Tevri is small and slim, with red hair and blue eyes. She is almost always dressed in full beskar’gam, painted red and blue, with a gold shoulder plate on her left arm. Tevri is rarely out of her armor, preferring the anonymity it lends, though she will occasionally don simple, ‘rugged’ civilian clothing if the situation calls for it. Tevri carries a beskad and two pistols within plain view, as well as a number of smaller blades strapped to her person.

Tevri is rather comfortable without her helmet or the HUD it provides, especially when amongst other Mandalorians. She sports a number of tattoos, mostly visible only when she is in civilian clothing or peeking over the top of the neck of her flightsuit. A daredevil at heart, Tevri’s battered and scratched armor bears testament to the many scrapes she’s found herself in.


Born into the small Sal clan of Mandalorians, Tevri was raised exclusively by her mother, Meyla Sal. Tevri grew up learning from the woman, and adopted much of her fighting style as well as an inherited restlessness and need to explore. This was most visible in her childhood with wandering the wilds of Mandalore, exploring for weeks at a time. First with her mother to guide her, and later alone as Tevri approached the Mandalorian age of adulthood.

Meyla was skilled in the use of dual-pistols, a style she passed on to her daughter that, although rarely employed by the young woman, will occasionally be utilised.
Tevri’s mother was killed when Tevri was 12, leaving her to be raised by another branch of the Sal clan. Meyla was murdered while Tevri was held back from the confrontation, her body thrown over a cliffside and into the river below. Meyla’s body and armor were never recovered. Tevri now wears a gold shoulder piece from her mother’s spare armor in memory of the woman. Years later, Tevri avenged her mother’s murder, allowing her mother’s memory to rest in peace.

Tevri’s remaining training was completed by Hayes Sal - a friend of Meyla and later Tevri’s adoptive father. He took her under his wing and trained her more in hand-to-hand combat, as well as the melee weaponry that Tevri had taken a shine to. His upbringing led to a confidence and calmer nature than Tevri might have possessed following the death of her mother. While Tevri struggled to adjust at first, under Hayes’ guidance she was able to heal from the event and move forward with her life.

She began to learn smithing as a way to cope, and has continued the practice. Though far from mastery, Tevri spends a large amount of time experimenting and crafting, choosing to tie in new and intriguing elements to her work and experiments.

At the age of 17, Tevri opted to strike out on her own. She chose not to follow in Hayes’ footsteps as a bounty hunter, instead pursuing her love of exploration and adventure in the outer reaches of the galaxy, testing both her mettle and ability to survive. This has led her to a bit of a loner lifestyle, spending months or years on-end away from her clan and vode. While she is often away, Tevri is never unreachable to her clan and has been known to come rushing back if called by her own.
Tevri was recently caught in the midst of an uprising on a backwater world, leaving her the victim of an explosion at the spaceport. Tevri has spent a number of months in recovery from injuries sustained in the blast, only recently being able to re-don her armor and return to the larger galaxy.



Kom’rk Fighter/Transport
- Smaller model (~53 metres)
- 4 laser cannons (2 fore, 2 aft)
- Hyperdrive equipped
- Carries up to 24 passengers

Silver with orange and red decals. Ship has seen a lot of wear, but is in excellent working condition. Battered and far from pristine, the ship has been used in a number of endeavors -- both legal and otherwise.





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