Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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][ A B S O L U T I O N ][


NAME: Tevro
FACTION: The Sith Empire | Fel Empire
RANK: Sith Acolyte | Imperial Knight
SPECIES: Near-Human
RACE: Zabrak
AGE: 19
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'0"
WEIGHT: 187 lbs
EYES: Cloudy Red
HAIR: Black Dreadlocks
SKIN: Red with black tattoos

  • FORCE ADEPT: Tevro has been Force-sensitive since birth, however he discovered this when he was eleven. He discovered his Force sensitivity by way of spar. Long story short, he lashed out and found that his senses became more acute, shall we say. Since then, he has been discovering and learning of his new found capabilities.

  • STRAIGHT FORWARD: Simple, he is blunt. He tends to be brutally honest regardless of who he is speaking to or what matter he is speaking of.

  • APATHETIC: Due to his upbringing on Iridonia, he is stoic. The only feelings that are likely to show on his blank face are those of either immense surprise or of raw, primal emotions. This also allows him to view conflict in a more tactical manner, looking into all possible perspectives and angles before reaching the course of action that will play out in his favor.

  • FORCE SIGHT: Tevro has been blind since birth. After discovering his Force sensitivity, he began to open himself to the Force. Eventually he learned to see through it with an ability known as Force Sight. He is still learning to perfect the technique, though, he can 'see' clearly enough.
  • SURVIVAL INSTINCT: Tervo is no stranger to fighting or any other type of conflict. To protect himself from mental, emotional, and physical conflicts, he was adapted a vicious fighting style that is meant to end fights quickly and mercilessly in an attempt to prevent all future conflicts. While this can be an admirable trait to have, it also is liable to cause him to become reckless in long term battles.

  • STRAIGHT FORWARD: His brutal honesty has gotten him into some trouble in the past. Perhaps it was due to the fact that the listener either did not wish to hear what he had to say or did not wish to face the truth.​

  • FORCE SIGHT: While the ability of Force Sight has been an ability Tevro has used for years, he is not a master of the ability. Because of this, he is forced to stop and meditate to regain his mental strength at times.


Tevro is a red skinned Zabrak with black tattoos covering his entire body who is nearing his twenties. His eyes are cloudy red, displaying his blindness to all as a badge of pride. His hair is twisted in long, black dreads that reach down to his chest. He is of a muscular build, leather pants and a black cloth tunic being his primary clothing other than the jet black cloak he dons around other Acolytes on Bastion.


Iridonia, the homeworld of his species and his birthplace in the Mid Rim. It was a dangerous and unforgiving world, imposing the same traits on the native species which inhabited it. The beauty of the world, to him, was unrivaled. Then again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Perhaps, it was simply beautiful to him and his fellow Zabraks. There was beauty all around for him to see, both natural and unconventional.

For example, the fights that were held daily by friends and foes alike.

The loud smack of flesh on flesh as the fights commenced, the deafening shouts of the surrounding crowds, the ground's black soot-like powder shifting underfoot as each combatant struggled to gain the advantage, and the roar of triumph that rang out for all the galaxy to hear as a single Zabrak stood victorious above his or her opponent. Primal emotions such as anger, grief, mercy, fear, and hate rang out. But still, we achieve definition through fighting. Our culture, our way of life, our very souls were molded by the need and thrill of combat.

This was true beauty.

Such beauties were things that Tervo treasured from the homeworld that he was brought up on.

His parents were caring, for Zabraks. They raised him and his older brother, Vuxae, together, often pitting them against each other to constantly force them to become better and stronger than they were. Their father, a Zabrak named Kegan, was a warrior by all definitions of the word. He was resilient, unwavering in his resolve, tactically inclined, and always knowledgeable of his enemy. His father was the one to push them to and well beyond the limitations that they believed they had. Kegan taught Tevro especially to never let his blindness hinder him in any form, encouraging him to "break the physical and mental chain" that engulfed him like wildfire whenever others pointed it out. Meanwhile, his mother, a Zabrak named Rori, taught him to be mindful of others and their intentions. She helped him see that there was far more to examine about a being than what they presented to him. All of his family members are Sith, save his mother.

His brother was more of a teacher and a foe to him. A teacher, in the way that he taught Tevro the brutalities of life from a young age, exposing him to danger, death, and pain on new planes that he would have otherwise never fathomed could exist within this galaxy or the next. Perhaps he was preparing him for the future or perhaps he was warning him. Vuxae was a foe to his younger brother simply for the fact that the best teacher is an enemy. An enemy could tell him where he was weak or strong and where he needed improvement. But, a foe could also show you his own weaknesses and strengths, bearing them forth as clearly as if they were Tevro's own. He learned to spot those particular vulnerabilities in the blink of an eye.

Before being able to use Force Sight, he located things in battle through sound, vibrations, and the roar of his enemy's voice. Everything betrayed his foes. Their breathing rate, the shifting of their feet as they changed their position or method of attack, the all too apparent swoosh of a limb cutting through the air like a knife.

Life on Iridonia was filled with strife and competition and rightfully so. We were - are - a proud and ever changing race. Soon, Tevro would also know betrayal of the deepest level.

News came that, years after his departure from Iridonia, Vuxae had turned entirely to the Light. The message enraged his former friends and their parents, but, it stung Tevro the hardest. How could his own brother, the one who taught him most of the Sith knowledge that he knew at that time, the ruthless combatant who never gave up to anyone, have turned on his people, his family, and his very way of life? How could he have been so gullible, so imcompetent? The idiotic bastard. Kegan told Tevro that "...the Dark embraces the Light and brings it forth from the center of itself." Tevro only scoffed at another one of his father's childhood teachings. Fine, if Vuxae wanted to become a Jedi, he could.

But, inside, Tevro knew that he was going to find his brother and kill him for this treachery. Him and his precious new Order for taking him from himself and his people. They made him into something that he was never meant to be.

He stole his father's ship, a high powered Lambda T-4a shuttle, along with a poorly hidden shikkar, and left his homeworld without a second thought, speeding away to Bastion. A note from his father giving him admission to the Academy there.


On Bastion, he would immediately be thrown into the belly of the beast. The training and lessons of the Overseers and Masters of the Academy were beyond brutal and unpleasant. But, he was more prepared than anyone to endure them. In fact, he was glad to experience this. The early morning drills as the sharp winds flowed in and the cold sweat dripping down the backs of all participants. The philosophy and lore lessons that more often than not held at least one or two reprimands from the instructor.

Tevro soon found that he was hated on Bastion. He was hated for his combat prowess, both hand to hand and with a Vibrosaber. He was despised for his knowledge and blindness. The Overseers feared that he would grow to be more than what they were, he could feel it in everything from the intensity and rage seething in their stares to the tension in their stances when speaking of or to him. None of it phased him in the slightest.

He would go on to steal an Overseer's purple curved hilt lightsaber on a dare, killing the Overseer when he awoke and found him grasping the saber in his left hand. The Overseer was dead before he even sat up in his bed.

After this event, he opted to always don a black hooded cloak to never allow others to see his build. All they were permitted to see were his mesmerizing eyes.
His journey of being made a true Sith has just began. Now, he needed a Master to teach him and further his mission.

"We all wage war with the past. It leaves it marks on every aspect of us. But mine... mine will only grow and fester until it can become truly useful."

Purple Curved Hilt Lightsaber (Stolen)
Standard Vibroblade
Kegan's Shikkar (Stolen)

Lambda T-4a Shuttle (Stolen)

Unidentified Overseer in the Academy on Bastion [NPC]


Kegan - Father [NPC]
Rori - Mother [NPC]
Vuxae - Older Brother [NPC]
Khaori - Adopted Older Sister [PC]
Jairdain Ismet - Adopted Older Sister [PC]
  1. [TSE Dominion] It's Raining Raiders | Completed | Reward: Subjugator of Irn
  2. [Training] Oricon Initiation | Inactive/Halted | Training on Oricon with Tirdarius
  3. [Public] The Slums | Abandoned | Tournament on Nar Shaddaa
  4. [Private] Encountering Allies | On-Going | Meeting with Adrian Vandiir under the Academy on Bastion
  5. [Faction] The Grand Hunt | On-Going | Hunt with the Fel Empire and Clan Australias
  6. [Private] Sibling and a Half| On-Going | Flashback/Development | Meeting Tevro's second adopted sister, Jairdain Ismet
  7. [Faction] More Than Just Your Average Meeting | On-Going | Diplomatic Meeting between the Fel Empire and the Silver Jedi Order
  8. [Private] Perception | On-Going | Meeting with Connor Harrison on Makeb
  9. [Private] One of Us | On-Going | Memory of his first adopted sister, Khaori
  10. [Private] Narrow Alternatives | On-Going |





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