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Thanatos Eligos

Kyla Foy


Thanatos Eligos
Human (Ghoul)
Eight (8)
3'6 feet
Light Weight Class
Starting Acolyte

+ Food poisoning resistant: Thanatos can withstand any kind of food poisoning as long as there hadn't been injected any type of poisons. The diseases of animals do not affect him.

+Longevity: Produced as a byproduct of their exposure to high doses of radiation and the presence of a mutative gene caused in part by the Gulag Virus, the vast majority of the Ghouls have seen an increase to their natural longevity; with some reporting to have lived beyond what even a human force user was previously recorded, with that point being 120 standard years. This longevity is credited as because caused by the mutative gene within the DNA being further mutated and reacting to the radiation that the species was exposed to.
+ Natural Resistance to Radiation: Further credited to the mutative gene caused by the Gulag Virus reacting to the Radiation that the species was exposed to; all Ghouls have a natural resistance to radiation, provided they are low to mid ranged levels. It has even been reported that while in the presence of low level radiation, Ghouls seemingly heal faster and regenerate their strength at a much more rapid pace.

+/- Unawakened Ghoul: This character is able to currently eat anything, but as long as it isn't human flesh. It would taste all dull to him.
+/- Average: This character is a Jack Of All Trades. He has yet to pick a specialization, but before that would happen will take a long time, due to his age.
+/- Force Sensitive: This character is a Force Sensitive. It is seen in some situations a very good thing to be and others would say bad.

- Held Back: Due to never having a real father figure who would've taught him to learn to stand-up for himself this character became very held back. He lets himself get pushed around, kicked, yelled at, bullied.

- No Combat Experience: This character has no experience for on the battlefield.
- Discrimination: While not a physical or purely mental weakness; it has become societal weakness. Due primarily in part to their appearance and some individuals giving off low levels of radiation; many Ghouls are discriminated against which has often barred them from active service in many industries, as well as in trading circles and business deals with other species. This has, more than anything else, produced the heavies of blows against the Ghouls attempt at recovering in the aftermath of the Gulag Plague which they have still felt the effects of even after hundreds of years.

Thanatos Eligos is at his younger ages actually very kind though, he has no friends, due to being a Ghoul. Since he was born a Ghoul, he got discriminated and hated far more than the actual few infected people. He had no father growing up, which could give him certain attitude changes, he is a very held back and allows himself to be pushed around, bullied and loads more cruel things. He had never been brought to the brink of anger, he only cried tears day after day from sadness. He always tries pretty hard to help, but once the people of his small village see his face, they turn their back on him. He has especially hard times to communicate with people his age and older. The younger children most of the time do not know about him and that's how he could get along with them till a certain time that their parents would notice it. Do you need some help, he will be one of the first to try to help.He is very easily manipulative sometimes the older teenagers, who want to steal ask for him to help and come 'play' enough of times he falls in it and gets the blame of everything. He does not have any dark side currently residing within him.

His biggest fear lies with him actually being a Ghoul. He knows Ghouls actual behavior from all the rumors that were going around and fears to be something like that, a human devouring murderer. The sight of his back also are a great fear factor. His favorite things in the world is playing playing, but he never can do it since he would most of the time get rejected.

Thanatos is a pretty short slim boy of the age of eight. He has crimson colored eyes and a pale white colored skin. His ghoul features are only seen on his back where he misses entire pieces of flesh. It is always covered up with simple clothes as he most of the time wears a double the amount of T-shirts together with simple jeans. He has black colored hair which comes to around his eyes, from the back of the head it is slightly shorter as it does not pass his middle of his neck.
BIOGRAPHY (Will be updated)
Thanatos was born on the planet Coruscant, but within a village deep in the woods on the other side of the planet. He was born under an actual curse of the infection of a ghoul virus. His father was an intelligent Ghoul while his mother was only a human. They loved each other and in the end they got a child. The child was a completely new kind of fashion, though the actual hate of Ghouls were not to be taken off. His father got quite quickly executed for getting a child, but within the rules of the territory of the One-Sith it was not allowed to kill an actual Force Sensitive if there was no legit reason. This allowed him to grow up, poor or wealthy it did not matter. He was highly discriminated from the beginning in kindergarten where the humanoid beings didn't help him, but only the droids were helping him. As he was becoming older, he did not progress very strangely. He did not like the taste of everything, it tasted very dull and each of the people around him knew why. He was being misused by people around him, but what would've happen now, when he finally had hit the age of eight?

Kyla Foy

  • Added height & weight
  • Made the text easier readable through making it white
  • Ready to RP!

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