Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Thane Drexel

Image Credit:
NAME: Thane Drexel
FACTION: Smugglers Alliance/ Freelancer
AGE: 35
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6’ 3”/ 1.92 Meters
EYES: Hazel/Green
HAIR: Horns/None
SKIN: Tan with Black Tattoos

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Dual Blaster Marksman
+Strong Physique
+Increased Agility
+Hand to Hand Combat Practitioner
+Trained Pilot
+/-Moderate Long Range Blaster Proficiency
-Weak with Explosives

APPEARANCE: Thane is a tall, slender Zabrak with archaic tribal tattoos all over his body. He is noted by the typical cranial horns and his Hazel Green eyes make him a little more distinguished from other Zabrak.

Born of a simple family, Thane grew up in his father’s wake, a spacer. He learned the tools of the trade. His father was very strict and had to have everything perfect, and from the combination of drunken beatings, and strict living, Thane developed OCD and followed in his father’s footsteps and went to the drink for resolution of his problems. He took over his father's business as a spacer and picked up skills with blasters and martial arts from his father's contacts. He now looks for work throughout the galaxy.

SHIP: Wild Turkey

GEAR: Viola Coat
x1 Echo-SXB-1 Scatterblaster
x1 Ambassador Revolver
x2 GV-45
x1 Whistler
x1 Revenent Armor
x1 Scramble Key
x1 Computer Spike




Jakeal Rogue was here first man I mean for using this pic. I know there is a limit on Zabrak pictures and I have yet to fill in his Back story. [member="Thane Drexel"]
I was just saying. I'd have been willing to change my pic I'm sure I could have another one but thank you. I didn't want to come off as being a ass.

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