Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Thanitos, Interstellar Idiot

NAME: Thanitos
RANK: None
AGE: He sits on the floor removes his shoes, wiggles his toes and fingers at you and says "This many years old."
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: Puts his hand on his head and says "This tall". Others says he is 5'8".
WEIGHT: "I'm a chunky monkey", He says while expanding his gut. Scales report his weight as 185
EYES: Green
HAIR: He has pink hair.
SKIN: Soft and flawless.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes. The force seems to swaddle him in its embrace, as if to protect him from his own stupidity and others back lash. He has also demonstrated an affinity to speaking to / understanding animals. Though that might be because of his lack of intelligence. He claims that "Scweek scweekie, scweekums...scweek" are words to live by.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Weakness: stupidity. Most concepts like counting in his head are beyond him. Weakness: He doesn't understand reality. He has several odd beliefs (see bio) and if someone could convince him of the true nature of the universe it may crush his spirit.
Strength: Acting ability. He can act like a the great Calculon. While he takes a role he believes he becomes the role.
Strength: Animal communication. He has talked and seems to understand the language of animals.

He appears to be in his early twenties and in great shape. His sculpted torso is almost always visible because he refuses to wear a shirt or close his vest. He wears a simple red vest with yellow trim. And loose fitting black pants with simple shoes.

A story as told by Thanitos. "One day a traveling group of actors came to town. They had lost one of there own somewhere in the jungle. They asked me for help with there next production and I agreed. I fell in love with acting. It's just like pretend time but with other people. After our production of 'Pirate or Privateer' we attracted the attention of a patron. She requested a few other plays for access to a ship so our troupe could share our talent with the galaxy. So we put on the plays, 'Tragedy of a Meanie' and 'Last Flight of the Flock' and these went off without a hitch. Our patron was happy so went to the ship and left. We went to the park to put on 'Guy and Girl' but now there gone. Can you help me find them? Also can you help me find this man's dog?"





I don't get the reference, but still, a very interesting concept.

I will point out though that you'll need the profile name as the character's name - so create a sub account or rename your writer account to Thanitos.
Let's ease up a bit on the negative posts, hmm? This is the first post of a new player, and whether you love the idea or don't care much for it, we need to be welcoming to everyone who joins. It's how we grow, you know.

Best of luck, new pink person! Cookies and rum for all.

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