Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Thanks, Chaos. It was fun.


Zenith of Bakers
Hey everyone, even those people I've never really gotten along with or chose to ignore. Hey. I don't want to end up spilling a bunch of tears with this, even though I already am, but I wanted to give everyone my goodbyes. It really was fun but I guess I just couldn't find much happiness in it. I'm sorry to everyone I've made commitments to, to the ones I owe posts and still never responded to them, and I won't. Ever again, because I can't. Thank you all for being you, the friends, the bad, the unkind and those who just plain disliked everything that I did. Thanks for just being something I could get around with and try to enjoy. You've gotten me this far, and I thank you for playing and chatting with me. This however is my final goodbye. Goodbye.


In fact, I almost left, myself, after a couple of weeks doing Chaos. I felt that my trust had been betrayed and I cried. I wanted to leave and delete my account. But, then I realized that I was forcing the site as I had wanted to see fit. I had these crazy expectations and wasn't thinking realistically. (I'm not saying this is your case; I'm just saying that this is what I went through.) So, I bonded with other writers more directly through Skype. I joined the Red Ravens and found a really fun group of people to focus on lots of stories with. With my very first character, Jarven Zexxel, Zenva Vrotoa became family, [member="Miss Blonde"] became his wife and I've met and interacted with so many awesome people that I would never have ever met otherwise in my lifetime ([member="Keira Ticon"]).

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