Mid-Rim | Concord Retreat Line
The Witches of the Mistwalker clan knew what it was like to flee one's home in the face of inasion.
Many centuries ago, their ancestral Nightsisters had done so to escape the genocide of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. More recently, their children had done so again, fleeing Talay when it had become the hotbed of war between the new Confederacy and its enemies.
When that had happened, the Silver Jedi had welcomed the Mistwalkers as refugees.
Now, there was more pain, more suffering, more genocide. In centuries, the galaxy had not changed. But the Mistwalkers remembered how others had treated them as refugees, and this was an opportunity to be grateful.
Grateful for the help that they had received.
Grateful that they were in a position to be able to offer aid to others..
Grateful that there were still survivors to help.
Overnight, Chalacta had become the new border with the Bryn'adul. Tensions were incredibly high. Suddenly, the political situation on Commenor or the debate with the Galactic Alliance, or even internally with the Jedi Order, seemed of little consequence. Here, the war was real. The Chalactans did not just face invasion, but the possible loss of their entire culture. Their entire way of life.
But Chalacta worried about tomorrow. Their worst fears had already been realized by the Klatooninians, the Nikto, and the Lervon. Already, plans for accommodating the volume of refugees was being hastily worked into a plan of action. Some were headed for Arsenae, others to Kashyyyk. Still more planets were being asked to provide aid.
There were so many, and still too few from the planets lost to the Bryn'adul madness.
Chalacta was one of the first stops on the way to safety. While the Antarian Rangers moved quickly to shore up their defenses, the Circle of Healers and the Mistwalkers had found an ally in the Chalactan Adepts, transforming the Temple of Illumination into a triage center and field hospital. Already, the hospitals on the planet had been filled to capacity and the medical ships of the Concord stretched for both space and resources as they continued to respond to the critical needs of the fleet.
The Force Healers of the Jedi seemed skeptical at the magics employed by the Dathomirians. Several Nightsister skulls surrounded the area, while several Nightsisters and Nightbrothers focused on channeling the Waters of Life from the spirit realm to aid in the Witches healing arts.
Jorah was assisting with the less critical patients. Weaving his arms around the Nikto, he was using the spirit ichor to ease the burns that marked part of the man's body.
It had been like this all morning.
And more were still arriving.