Jedi Accountant
After returning from Wayland, the reality sets in that she's returning to Karideph and work a busy season in tax; assurance was essentially a means to spend the off-season to her. Here, unlike in Talz-land, where there are three federal corporate tax brackets, two of which apply to active business income (10% if eligible for the SBD, 15% otherwise) and the third was 38 1/3% for passive income, but tribes varied wildly, it was 21% federally on Karideph on all income. The ages-old salary-vs-dividend dilemma, and the business had 150,000 in profits, and here salary is all-inclusive of payroll taxes. The owner pays 37% marginal tax rate (combined clan and federal), and receives 63,000 after-tax from paying 100,000 in salary. Now, if 79,000 was paid out in dividends (after paying 21,000 out of the profits), the owner is then paying 20% taxes on those dividends, for a total of 15,800, and then the owner would receive 63,200. Conclusion: dividends are preferred.