Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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That's not very punny, Thane.

Rhurek Thane

Dr. Cantanker0us, M.D.
Last night, my wife told me that she had thrown away all of my Monkeys albums.
At first, I didn't believe her....then I saw her face.

Come on, admit it, you know you want to try one. Post your favorite puns here.

Rhurek Thane

Dr. Cantanker0us, M.D.
I used to think the letter "M" was one of the most commonly used letters of the alphabet.
But actually, it only appears once in a blue moon.

Rhurek Thane

Dr. Cantanker0us, M.D.
I was awake all last night. I seriously couldn't go to sleep. I spent the while night pondering why the sun sets, and then it dawned on me....

MG-42 a/b

did you hear about the droid that had all of hs bolts stolen ? yes, and he fell apart after the incident.

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