Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply That's that.

Location - Coruscant
Written Perspective - Ruth Les'mer
Current Equipment - Crushgaunts, Vambraces (No Armor)
Tag - OPEN
Now Playing -
Hell Broke Luce

"Well, that's that then."

No voice to be heard, not even a death rattle from his gaping mouth. I had the poor crook's body down on the ground in front of me - some rogue force flinger who got a taste of the finer things in life... Violence, power. Poor bugger got too close to the sun, so I pulled him back to the ground... Figuratively, and literally.

We were alone in some forgotten nook of the undercity. Nobody to see us, and nobody to interrupt. The acolyte was reduced to a bloody pile on the floor, since I almost squeezed the bones out of his body with my Crushgaunts. I had his lightsaber hilt squeezed underneath my boot, and I could feel him tugging on it desperately with that god forsaken "gift" of his. I guess he was still kicking.

"Aye? You wanna try it again? Well go on, have a crack..!"

I'll admit, it was a bit foolhardy of me to give him his stick back, but I relished the opportunity to knock him down once again.

The hilt whipped back into his shaking hand, and I watched him slowly pick himself up from the floor. It was a little miserable, but that only multiplied my satisfaction. The acolyte suddenly pushed a hand in front of himself, attempting to force choke me... Bad move.

"G-ghh.. Heh... That's a cute little trick, son..." I used one of the repulsors on my vambrace to push my body towards him. I closed the distance right quick, and I decided to humor his tenacity by clutching him around the throat, just like he did to me with that ###### disgusting ability. My Crushgaunts were operating at minimal capacity, but they slowly increased in pressure as my digits squeezed, and squeezed...

As he began to gurgle once again, I decided to give him a few parting words.

"See... Us normal folks, we do our dirty work with our bare hands."
"Glrrgh.... Gh-ECK-"
"You was doin' it the lazy way. Didn't even ignite that blade, you just got comfortable with exploiting those inherited abilities on other well meaning people... I saw what y'did. You're one of 'em new Sith acolytes. I saw what you did to your kid... I've been tailing you for weeks. And now I've got you."

My alone time was short-lived, as I began hearing footsteps round the corner into this alleyway.

I wonder who it could be?
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Equipment: Towers Data Goggles, Towers Spider Rig


It was hard to not hear this person coming, in fact it be far harder to be deaf than to not notice something was getting much louder on each step. With a loud CLANK, from around the alleyway, appeared to be a large metallic tendril like claw embedding into the nearby wall. Slamming the next tendril into the wall beside it, slowly a figure appeared. A slender female, hoisted up from a specialized rigging with large goggles blocking the color of her eyes. With the last two coming around the corner, she was hoisted up about another four feet as she was walking as if on stilts, about eight feet tall at this point.

"My...My...My~ I seem to be late on my own bounty collection. People were willing to pay all so handsomely for that...dreck in your hands."

The voice spoke, the smile slowly creeping up as one of the four tendrils moved forward and was half-way between the two, less then eight feet apart as a blade popped out with a gleam, a Vornskr Cybernetic Arm Lightfoil Blade. Giving a similar hum much like a lightsaber, the very tip was only six feet away as her voice echoed out again, staring down the two beings.

"Unfortunately...they want this dreck alive, not dead. I am asking...very politely, to hand over the wasted space before you ruin a great dinner reservation at Cheskos down the street."

Ruth Les'mer Ruth Les'mer
Tags - Matias Tower Matias Tower
Now Playing - Iron Man (Black Sabbath)

What in the...

Alright, so my day just got a bit more interesting... I watched as the large appendages gripped into the concrete wall faces surrounding us, and another tendril produced a pretty wicked looking blade aimed in my general direction.

"Aw... You're so right! Sorry love, I'll let 'em go..."

I could see a small, but smug grin crawl on that weasel Sith's face. He thought he had an opportunity to squirm his way out of an execution. I let him dwell in that fantasy, for a moment at least.

"Heh.. Yeah, listen to Professor Cephalopod over here, psycho... Grrgghck-- J-just let me go and--"

S Q U I S H !

"Pop - goes the baaa-stard~"

It wasn't a pretty sight. Red confetti and gibs of joy splashed over me arms, me legs... Me face.
I smiled behind the warpaint of blood and viscera, and I let go of the body's crumpled neck. The corpse flopped onto the ground, and I felt a laugh churn in my belly... And spew out.

"Hahahahaha! Oh -- Oh, would you look at that? There goes y'creds! Don't think he would've been worth much, anyway..."

I sniffed, and turned my body towards the strange girl.

"Looks like you're eating take-away tonight, princess."
"That is a good boy, I may actually even give you a cu-"


The sudden death instantly turned a simple smile from Matias to an instant frown, eyes almost becoming daggers as she was patiently listening to each word said with the blade slowly lowering down as the blade went away. There seemed to be a bit of...resistance from doing anything somewhat stupid. In the end, he was a male now in a womans body, there was certain urges that even after changing, still exists. One of whom was being annoyed at another mans blood lust.

Though the last sentence set off the supposed "princess" as a tendril shot out but rather quickly, it was obvious there was way more to her than met the eye. It glowed for a moment before it tried to literally "Pull" the human that pissed her off directly into its claw like tendril. If successful, it would clamp down, acting like an actual tractor beam around the center of the body. Not crushing but still tight to where a good breath would be difficult, she made it very plainly clear how pissed off she really was, even if she could not grab onto him.

"That reservation took me two months you slimy bastard! It costs a small fortune to eat at it and this man was going to make the meal free! I should honestly crush you like a kriffing bug!"

There would be a loud KECLANG as on top of all of this, hit or miss, a grenade would pop out from her rig as she held it in her human left hand, propped up a bit as it gave a soft whistle.

"I should also shove this Whistling Bird grenade where the sun don't shine as well!"
Ruth Les'mer Ruth Les'mer
I couldn't anticipate the tractor beam pulling my body into that claw. It squeezed around me - I could feel the microfractures forming across my ribs as it clutched me tightly. Thankfully, while one of my arms was caught in the grip, the other was free to dangle. I flipped the bird at the sheila, before spitting out more taunts through gritted teeth.

"Yeah... You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

I heaved a few sizzling breaths through my closed teeth, and a Forearm Missile popped out of my left Vambrace.

I continued holding up the bird as the micro-rocket chu-chunked into position, and I chuckled quietly.


It was insanity, I know. The blast could easily kill me at this near distance, but I didn't want to give this chick the satisfaction of victory. I aimed for the end of the appendage gripping me - the end that was connecting to the rig hoisting this lady up. If it landed, I'd be free to escape. If this possibility bared fruit, I'd immediately dart under the damaged rig, under that crazy lady... -and book it right out of the alley, so I could go and equip the rest of my gear laying haphazardy in the boot of my vehicle.

If it didn't land... Well, I had a plan B in mind. But let's keep that a secret for now, shall we?
There was an audible groan from possibly one of the worst insults she heard since she got back into bounty hunting, resulting with the tendrils claws tightening much like Crush Gauntlets. Micro Fractures most likely now was far more now. The sound though of a Chu-Chunked made the eyes widen for a moment as she stared at the other ones eyes before giving a deadpan expression.


The missile did indeed, do some harsh damage between them. She had to let go to move the appendage away, the missile landing and smashing harshly into the appendage. Nothing she had, would have helped the situation at the time and on short notice. Instead, she shielded what she could with other appendages as the human...midget to her, ran under her and started to run off. Having a bit of her flesh now a different color aside from a whitish pale skin to a reddish burnt color, she would turn and fire the Disruptor attachment right as he turned the corner. Smashing into the wall, it would sound like a disruptor cannon from a starfighter! A beam erupted and arced towards the human but missed him at each turn.

Giving a loud growl as part of her annoyance and damage, the appendages shoved into the wall and started to climb upwards quickly to get out of the area as loud CLANK CLANK CLANK CLANK noises occurred as Multi-Purpose Smoke Grenades popped out of part of her gear and tried to hide her presence. She was not only hurt, she noticed on her left hand that part of her nail had turned a pure black and blue, the man ruined her look! Climbing up two stories, she would start to move away but it was very noticeable where she was going from the punctured structures nearby as she climbed onto sides of the Coruscanti buildings.

Ruth Les'mer Ruth Les'mer

I hauled arse down the street as that multi-limbed freak pursued me overhead. Sure, I might've given her a scare, but... I was left with a few of my own burns, and a few sharp pieces of debris had cut up my face. It didn't help that I was also winded from my ribcage being near fractured... Whatever. I could barely hear the disruptor shots leaving singed craters behind me, since my ears were ringing something dangerous. While running, I held my palm up to my ear... Blood.

Well that's just ####### great, ain't it?

A few pebbles knocked on my head as the crazy lady's metal claws shoved into the walls of the high rising buildings. I just gotta find it... I need to...


There it is.

I found my hired Grav-car parked on the side of the road. It was a miracle I got here without a hole being shot through me... But I couldn't hesitate. As another disruptor bolt landed right near my heels, I opened up the back of the car and found what I was looking for....

I looked above me, at the smoke that began to blanket the sky. There wasn't an obvious target, but I could take a few guesses...

I didn't have time to suit up, so I just took out my boomstick... A EE-3 Carbine Rifle, modified with a ZE-1111 Spread Barrel.


Tags - Matias Tower Matias Tower
Now Playing - Megadeth, "Hangar 18"

Clack, clack, clack, clack!

Plasma ripped through the spread barrel and seperated into hot, indiscriminate bolts of pure madness aimed at the sky. Holes riddled the surrounding wall faces, and some entered a few windows, causing screams to fill the sky, and the earth I stood on.

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The amount of care she had at this point to keep into this fight was far less than it started. She had no intention of letting this little smear though try to get a part above her current skillset! Seeing him take out a rifle, her appendages went in front of her more exposed body to block any shots. Due to the Phkalt Metal that was the plating it had, it reflected anything related to energy such as blaster bolts, plasma and even lightsabers...but he saw though it was dented from explosions, kinetic damage seemed to be the largest weakness. Turning on the old style Commando Shields, she pulled out what was called Ock and Lok, a twin set of repeater blasters as she let go of the building to try and drop down with the shields activating on the ends of her claws to protect her on the way down, trying to land onto him as her body language showed it.

She Had Enough.

Slamming instead though directly into the Grav-Car as one of the appendages, the one that manipulated Gravity along with the functions of her density and own gravity generator kicked in. If it was an older model, it probably became nothing more than scrap metal. Newer ones may just now have a ruined hood as the shields would pull close to her body and tried to aim Ock and Lok directly at the black haired male. She would only fire Ock at first, the roar of the flamethrower would erupt as it was endless, venting all the heat as she would try to follow this crazed male into burning him alive!


Ruth Les'mer Ruth Les'mer
Tags - Matias Tower Matias Tower

"Oh, hell..."

I could barely rip the suitcase carrying my armor out of the trunk before tumbling haphazardly onto the sidewalk. There goes my deposit... Damn it. The car was completely flattened into a pancake.

The flamethrower was a fun touch though. I coughed in reflex from the smoke billowing out of the heat vent on the weapon, and attempted to avoid the flames by entering through the door of an apartment complex located on the street.

I got a bit of fire on my coat... I had spares, so - whatever. I chucked it off, and stuffed it under the now closed door of the apartment entry. The door acted as fine tinder for the flames that began to feast on whatever flammable surroundings it could cling to.

I evaded the pursuing embers by going into the first unit on the ground floor. There was no point going upstairs, since the heat would just rise...

There was a couple in there. Couple of humies like me, apparently enjoying a quiet dinner home. A hint of nostalgia shook my brain for a moment. Tut, tut. That's unfortunate for them.

"Oi, could I use yer' shitter? Okay, thank you!"

I walked past the two, who were shaking in fear... They could probably smell the smoke behind their front door too. I chucked my suitcase into the bathroom, and started to change.

This was a good spot... It was small, and cramped.


I eventually fitted into my ass-kicking garbs, and waited patiently on the toilet. I kept my rifle anchored towards the bathroom door, and I kept my ears open for the sounds of metal stilts carving their way inside.

Unbeknownst to my persistent friend, I had used my crushgaunts to squeeze a gas pipe behind the drywall of the interior. The residents didn't give two shits... Otherwise, they'd be dead too. They decided to leave the unit and go upstairs.

Very unfortunate. They'd simply fry.

I put my visor on, which supplied a temporary hit of oxygen to avoid succumbing to the gas in the air.

I simply waited... With a big smile hidden under my helmet.
It looked like a horror movie, when he ran into the apartment building to get away from the crazed woman, she merely followed. The appendages broke through the durasteel wall paneling and were propelling her towards him faster and faster. The tinderbox of the building was indeed rising and she was indeed chasing. Every moment though, was an insane chase that kept getting worse and worse by the second. With Lok and Ock aimed forward, blaster bolts would rain down through the interior hallway as some would run past, probably the couple from earlier as she kept trying to chase before slamming herself accidently into the ceiling.


The explosion from earlier was now rearing its ugly head, the damage had done some things to the rigging, most notably making the appendage controlling the Tensor to act a bit...funky at times. Slamming forward as he would indeed have enough to change, her data googles switched into a heat tracking mode to figure out where this person had went, having a backtrack sensor to find the chemical trail of humans. Leading to the door, the googles would then scream many symbols...gas symbols, toxin symbols. This was bad and the fire behind her...well, it was getting worse and the realization someone may not be coming home alive...and she wanted to bet on herself!

Within a few seconds, the two arms would slam out towards the wall to bust it out onto the outside, not knowing exactly what he had planned but an entire room was rising in gas. Aiming one of the last appendages he had not encountered, it would glow green before firing multiple green orbs as it was a radiation weapon! Most likely though, his armor would survive it but he could probably see very quickly, the radiation level rising in the entire area and it was on purpose! It would make anyone ill and possibly even kill someone...or mutate if that unlikely. Though before she could really let it rip, the fire did indeed hit a few more gas pipes as it pangs and creaks, exploding under her own feet as she flew backwards back onto the ground floor and skid on the appendages on the duracrete below.

Ruth Les'mer Ruth Les'mer
There we go now...

The fire and the gas were interacting in the air. The pipes underneath us began to pressurize from the flames and heat scorching the inside of the stairwell, which began to reach its way through the hallway, and into the unit.

I was left pretty exposed by now. The bathroom had been turned into a hotbox of toxic fumes, but as soon as the bathroom wall was torn open, it instigated a few localized explosions under the duracrete.

Didn't stop the lass from firing a few strange projectiles into the air... I instantly started to feel sick, like a thick webbing had seized my lungs... The blood in my ears painted the interior of my helmet, and the mucus was dribbling from my mouth... But I was alive.

I was alive.

Tags - Matias Tower Matias Tower
Now Playing:

I popped out another forearm missile from my vambrace, and gripped it in my hand.
Sure, I trusted the durability of my armor to some degree... But there was no way I'd be getting out of this truly unscathed.


F##k it.

I ripped my covered ass off the toilet, and darted towards the lunatic chick with my right arm geared for a very explosive haymaker.

I intended to crush the missile upon impact of her torso. Regardless if I hit her or not... There would be a very resounding...

B O O M !
There was almost no time to even react to this kind of attack. The goggle sensors would go into a haywire like mode as it warned of the incoming person darting out towards her as she laid flat on the ground. Without giving a second thought, the Gravity Appendage shot forward and tried to backhand the humanoid armored figure but in doing so, it blew the missile up...along with the entire appendage.

In an instant, the explosion flew her back and tumbled her as the whole appendage actually fell off and a massive explosion occurred of black energy before a vibrating yet strange effect occurred. Blue energy pulsed around them in a quarter mile radius as quickly, they would realize they were still moving even after they got blown up, only stopping at the corner of a wall or smashing into the side of a building.

Gravity had been turned off. The destruction of the appendage had turned off all forms of gravity and made it completely wonky for the next few minutes. Going into the corner of the wall as she had part of her hair singed and some parts of her left hand now more black than before, two of the appendages embedded into the wall near her to climb upwards once again with the Disruptor Appendage aiming out with the Tensor one still sparking from earlier clinging to the wall like a bipod.

With a loud whine, the Disurptor Appendage fired the beam once more, wherever he was and tried to follow him around as it fired for several seconds. With gravity being off, it made it way more difficult for her to hit the target, considering now they had a full three hundred and sixty degrees of least, for a short while!

Ruth Les'mer Ruth Les'mer
Tags - Matias Tower Matias Tower

We were back in the street - the complex had been blown to bits. The ground floor was now a gaping hole in the side of the building, exposed to the outside and any prying eyes witnessing the explosive battle.

The only thing keeping the structure from collapsing onto us was the anti-gravity field that sustained the foundation... For now.

My right vambrace was fine, but the crushgaunt was shattered... And my hand was split down the middle, almost completely seperating the sides of my ring finger and middle finger apart. The surroundings were scorched, and ash covered the rest of my body.

I flew about half-way up towards the building adjacent, and my body smashed through a window. Nobody was home, and this was the perfect spot to both cover myself and fire away.

I stationed my rifle on the ruined window casing - floating glass particles obscuring my vision just slightly. The only thing keeping me in one place, defying the lack of gravity, was my right vambrace aimed directly vertical, pushing me down to the ground with the repulsor attachment as I aimed with my left arm.

Disruptor shots boomed into the apartment as I attempted to aim steady. Ears were still ringing... Hand hurt like hell, and I was coughing up nasty chunks of blood and pus.

No matter.

I held my finger on the trigger and desperately clung to my weapon as I fired indiscriminately into the street and towards the lady. If her aim adjusted to the window I was stationed at, I'd move to the next... I'd use my repulsors to push myself out of the room, into the hallway, and into the next apartment that faced the street. This one had one guy in it... He knocked himself out while having a cuppa - stains of an uncertain liquid beverage covering his face and clothing as he floated idly in the living room.

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The blaster fire would merely ping off with the Disruptor Appendage making suddenly the Droid Commando Shield, it would protect her from any normally dangerous blaster fire. But once again, the Tensor Appendages issues starting to rear its ugly head, creaking before a loud SNAP could be heard as the anti-gravity was still working but now she was flying backwards, barely braced as each hit pushed her violently over and over into he building. It was making a crushing part of the building as she broke through towards the other side with a loud KABANG, going into a room as her appendages, the two that was left would grip onto the walls with people screaming nearby.

Going through the building, she stopped focusing on fighting and now was focused on just leaving this area alive. Moving through the building, parts from the outside was visibly being destroyed as parts of durasteel flew off the building with loud BWAHHH noise of Disruptors going off as she blasted through towards the other side of the building, a loud CLANKING noise as the Tensor Appendage was ejected completely to balance her rig. Shooting out of the apartment, she went into the next one and halfway, she started to fall violently as she screeched a bit loudly as she plummeted down...and down...and down through multiple stories as she was falling through the many levels of Coruscant.

She had left behind some rather...unique equipment, including some of that Metal from earlier. It was up to him if he decided to go after her any further, but it seemed the battle was long over...even if the buildings were about to collapse and people were screaming from all the gore that was leftover.

Ruth Les'mer Ruth Les'mer
Tags - Matias Tower Matias Tower

I watched as that poor lady absconded from the scene, leaving traces of her equipment scattered on the road. I smiled crookedly as I heaved globs of filth from my lungs. I ripped the shirt of the unconscious fellow inside the room, and tightly wrapped my split hand in the worst gauze I've ever used.

Even if she was gone... There was still danger right in front of me. A tall, collapsing building, right outside the window... Oh, shit.

With a loud thoom, I used my repulsors to crash my body out of another window and out of the way. I glided through the air, as the anti-gravity field began to fade, and I found myself dropping down towards the end of the street. I pushed in the direction of the ground with my repulsors to mitigate the damage upon landing.

The durasteel structure collapsed onto the building across it, which lead to a small domino effect that decimated its surroundings.

Absolute chaos. The Coruscant Security Force were surely on their way...


The screams of pedestrians were drowned out by the blood still spilling out of my ears. Funnily enough, I landed right near the shattered Gravity Appendage, and something definitely caught my eye.

Phkalt Metal, prime for the taking. I attempted to pick a smaller piece up, but I could barely lift it off the ground without a struggle. It was too damn heavy...

I didn't have much time, so I tapped my vambrace a couple of times with my good hand, and I spoke into it.

"... 'Ello, 'ello gents! I need a quick favor... I need it now."

I pulled something out of an empty compartment in my suit... It was that Sith loser's lightsaber hilt. It was disgusting to hold, but it had a very important material within.

"I've got a little project we could all benefit from..."


That's that, I guess.

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