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Approved NPC The 3rd "Death Knell" Battle Chapter

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Stilicho Drumarch


  • Intent: To create a group of Sith Soldiers for Salvor to lead into battle.
  • Image Credit, then photoshopped by myself.
  • Role: To serve as a paramilitary/holy order of Sith soldiers in the name of the Qotsisajakaar.
  • Permissions: [x]
  • Links: N/A
  • Unit Name: 3rd “Death Knell” Battle Chapter
  • Affiliation: Keepers of the Sith Code | New Imperial Order
  • Classification: Infantry
  • Description: Devout soldiers of the Keepers that crusade against the Sith Empire under the command of Archon Salvor Thul.
  • Zealots: Uncompromising when it comes to the goals of their Sith masters, the 3rd Battle Chapter believes that any objective is surmountable. Whether they are right or not, their ferocity and goal-oriented fighting style makes them difficult to hold back.
  • Veterans: All of the 3rd’s soldiers were former Sith Empire troopers with most, including Salvor, being veterans of the Great Galactic War.
  • Far and Few: Establishing a Sith battle chapter requires gathering the like-minded individuals willing to devote themselves to the Sith code, and since the Keepers lack the infrastructure to train armies on the same scale as other galactic governments, recruits are often those deserting from the Empire. This means that the supply of new Sith soldiers with the devotion and knowledge of the Sith required for the job is less of a stream, and more of a trickle.
  • Persona non Grata: Their devotion to the Sith has earned the 3rd battle chapter animosity from their allies. While other battle chapters seem to have a better time keeping their religiosity to themselves, the outward zealotry of Salvor and his forces makes working with their new allies very difficult. Although their former enemy-turned-ally the Galactic Alliance and the already Sith-weary NIO legions are respected by the soldiers of the 3rd, they are seen as beneath the Keepers cause, making cooperation on the battlefield a nightmare.

The 3rd “Death Knell” Battle Chapter evolved out of the Sith Empire under the command of Salvor Thul. Although he had been in the rank and file his whole life, he had a deep respect and understanding of the Sith taught to him from birth by his Sith parents. While many of his fellow Sith-Imperial soldiers were loyal, few exhibited the same fervent devotion to the Sith as Salvor did. When the declarations of rebellion by Darth Voyance and Irveric Tavlar began an open war against the Sith Empire, Salvor was obliged to follow them. The Sith Empire was stagnating. With as many men and women as he could inspire to follow him, they sought out the Keepers of the Sith Code, who Salvor saw as the true practitioners in the ways his parents educated him. They were true devotees to the Sith Code.

Though none of them force users, the rag-tag group of former Sith Imperial soldiers were welcomed by the keepers, and outfitted with new red armor to symbolize their allegiances. While the Keepers continued to work from the shadows, the newly formed battle chapter, so called the “Death Knell” symbolic of the tide of death they sought to bring to the Empire, was sent to the field. Fighting alongside the soldiers of the New Imperial Order, many of them former brothers-in-arms before the war, they began a heated crusade to right the wrongs that their Sith masters saw in Darth Carnifex’s rule.
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