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Approved NPC The 909th Regiment

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  • Unit Name: The 909th Regiment
  • Affiliation: Romund Sro
  • Classification: Paratroopers/Light Infantry
  • Description: The 909 is the private army of Romund Sro thanks to his position and authority as a commander in the Warlords of the Sith. The are made up entirely of subservient Non Force Sensitive Clones of Romund, because if he wants something done, he would rather leave it in good hands. His own to be exact. Their an odd hybrid between paratroopers, guerilla fighters, and pirates. Using Jump packs to weave in and out of cover and close distance or gain it. Their appearance is more of a façade. Looking like a pristine appearance and equpment of professional army but with ruthless behavior of thugs.

  • Combat Function: The 909 play more of a role of combat support. Not really designed for slugging it out on the front lines. Often being deployed in air to ground transport and preferably behind enemy lines of varying degrees to "muddy" up enemy forces. Often using fast paced guerilla tactics to try and minimize causalities. The biggest guns they're provided on those on gunships and shuttles that can support them in transport. Otherwise their typically left with their small arms weaponry. In order to aid in their rapid mobility and make themselves rather "slippery" targets most are given a standard issue jump pack.
  • Guerilla Warfare, despite not really looking like what one might assume of guerilla fighters. The 909 are rather proficient in hit and run tactics.
  • Mobility, as a rather light infantry type unit being able to rapidly move around the battlefield is a prize quality among The 909
  • Loyalty, Do to the cloning process in making The 909, even with their desire to stand out they are fiercely loyal to whoever is charged giving orders, one might think they're droids under their identical appearances.
  • Clones, not only is it fairly easy to outfit this rather small clone army, but it's also quite easily to "levy" or just manufacture more of them when need be.
  • Specialized, The 909 is not to be seen as a general purpose all rounder type unit. In unless the odds are horribly in their favor they work best in asymmetric battles or as an auxiliary unit to a larger army.
  • Individuality and instability, even with them not being the most stable clones of a fairly unstable host. There's considerable lack of discipline within the ranks of The 909. Considering that their host is a raging narcissist quite a few of them have inherited a this trait from Romund. In order to stand out many of them have a case of "hero syndrome" to prove themselves as above and beyond.
  • Flash Training, this is very much a mixed bag. Sure it makes the cloning processes very quick and easy, it also doesn't make them of the highest quality.
  • Force Dead, do to some old cloning techniques Romund, being the vain man that he is and not wanting to create psychotic force sensitive clones stunted all of them. One so that there's no question that he's the alpha among them, and to more quickly clone new batches.

"No man rules alone..."

But, what if they could? This was the question proposed to Romund to himself when given the reigns of his own fiefdom. After all whoever said that quote probably didn't have access to a Spaarti Cloning Cylinder unlike Romund in his
asteroid base. Through pulling some strings in the Warlords of The Sith and older contacts in the Sith Empire Romund got his hands on one of these old, bulk cloning tech.

In both a stroke of genius, toxic pride and arrogance, Romund got to work with a small team of medical droids on his asteroid base to create a personalized, private clone army all for himself. Partly to say that he runs a kingdom of one, and when it comes to military ventures he really only needs to answer to "himself"

Yet Romund wanted to work some within the culture of a the
Athiss Horde, and some of their themes of piracy. Mostly in terms of function somewhat rather than style. Romund just didn't want to taint his glorious little clone army with the rough and tumble look of mere pirates. After all how would that look on him? They were just inferior versions of him after all. So in a sort of compromise he gave them the more specialized role of light infantry paratroopers. Really good at getting in or behind behind enemy lines and messing up hostile formations and organization.

All in all Romund needed man power for his fledgling fiefdom, so he made it out of the best person he knew, himself, after all

No man rules alone...
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