Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Acolyte and The Apprentice

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Sith Academy, Jutrand

A stranger who had never been seen on academy grounds wandered the library for some time, a dark two piece cloak enshrouding the whole of her body. Her eyes, which were golden with the unmistakable dark side corruption, would quickly dart around in the shade of her hood as they looked from book to book only to find nothing of particular interest. She was a scholar, a Seeker of the Kainate. The archives of Malsheem were vast and thus far, the academy's told her nothing that she did not already know.

The one thing it could offer her it seemed, was some insight into the process in which an Acolyte becomes an Apprentice like herself. A process that was oddly alien to her. Her earliest memories were of being chosen- handpicked even- by Darth Carnifex. An honor or a curse, still she did not know. Upon her recent return to the empire, the life of an acolyte had become a personal curiosity of hers that many back home found quite odd. How did it differ from her own training? Did it see them better prepared for the next phase of training or did it leave them with just merely enough knowledge to be fed into the imperial meat grinder?

An odd thing to for a young seeker to obsess over, but Kaila wasn't one to leave curiosity unsatisfied. Besides, what if she lived long enough to choose an apprentice of her own some day? This preemptive research could prove valuable down the line.

Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

Location: Sith Academy, Jutrand
Outfit: Casual
Equipment: Training saber
Tag: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Eira was already spending a long time studying and researching various aspects of the Force and developing her skills in combat, but also general studies as she knew she needed to learn more about the galaxy, more formal studies in language and reading comprehension. Eira was also seeking to demonstrate that she was far superior than the initial ranking that the academy had given her during her entrance exam. Though she was noticing her struggles during the reading and comprehending the Sith texts. She was attempting to learn High Sith but taking on a new language was not something she found to be simple currently.

There was so much that she was learning that she was completely unaware of.

Looking up from her studies, she was taking a small break from her studies and decided to see who else around. See if there was another student here learning or if there was anyone who might be of interest. Eira wasn't seeking help, she was always in constant concern of appearing as weak or someone seeing her studies and believing she was unworthy of her Master's sponsorship or training under Iuuna Talon Iuuna Talon .

Noticing an unfamiliar face, she gave a short wave to the stranger, unsure if she was inviting trouble or not.
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Kaila felt the a presence she was nearing before before she saw them, that increase in the dark side within a small area. It was difficult in a place already so potent in the dark side but her recent advancements had left her powers more sensitive then before. And so she was already glancing in that direction before she noticed the acolyte waving.

At least she assumed they were an Acolyte, as they looked somewhat younger than herself.

She waved back, putting back one of the holo-books she had been skimming through now that there was something- rather someone- more interesting.

She approached and pulled her hood away to appear less like some wandering monk or vagabond, which might even be a fair assessment given the lifestyle her duties had recently placed upon her. Golden hair settled over her shoulders, flanking a naturally pale face that looked on studiously at the young woman.

"Greetings," She would nod "Am I correct to assume you are a student of this academy?"

Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

Location: Sith Academy, Jutrand
Outfit: Casual
Equipment: Training saber
Tag: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

When the other woman approach, Eira took note of the facial features and was setting the memory what this new person looked like. People tended to enjoy when they were remembered and recognised after first meetings and it was something that Eira had learned from a young age so she made always made the effort to memorize people. She believed that it made them easier to manipulate and bend to her will, especially if they saw it as a positive thing, a kind gesture. Though for her it was a gesture to use to her advantage.

"Do I look like a student even out of the uniform then?" Eira giggled a little, expressing humour in the statement, she had tried to look casual and normal since she had noticed enough students not be such sticklers for the uniform and she did not feel it was her style of fashion. Instead she keen on wearing her own style of clothing and outfits.

She looked Kaila in the eyes, there was a boldness in Eira's red, fiery gaze, she was not someone who believed herself lesser or weak for being a student or an acolyte. Her ambitions made her believe she was as strong as anyone she faced. "I am guessing that you are not a student then?" Eira was interested in meeting the Sith who were not students. There were chances to learn and rise in rank by either impressing others or demonstrating her power, Eira was all too eager to rise in power.
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"Not a student of the Academy, no" Kaila explained, deciding to take a seat across from the acolyte.

Her lips pursed in thought and there was a brief pause while she considered how to introduce herself. On the one hand, she didn't typically announce her loyalties in public spaces as to avoid potential hostilities by her master's numerous enemies. Not because she was afraid to fight per se, but because she found herself oddly ignorant of life outside the Malsheem, and wished to avoid causing political incident in their already fractured empire.

But then again, She supposed an acolyte wasn't as likely to start another civil war for introducing herself properly, so the additional context to her answer couldn't hurt.

"I am called Kaila, And I am apprentice to Darth Carnifex"

Her master however, and any implications therein, she assumed needed no further introduction.

"I realize this might seem... well, unusual? But I've come to understand the Acolyte method of teaching quite differs from my own training. If you've a moment, would you care to answer some questions?"

Near-golden brows rose in questioning anticipation, eager to see if this one would be both useful to her little quest. Or not, it was entirely possible that the Acolyte would be too busy to satisfy the curiosities of a stranger who made herself at home in her place of study. Perhaps an exchange would yield better results in that event? Knowledge should be traded and never gifted, that is what Darth Varynx tried to teach her in New Pau City. So many variables to consider, but for now she'd have to wait and see how they would react and what kind of woman this student was.

Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

Location: Sith Academy, Jutrand
Outfit: Casual
Equipment: Training saber
Tag: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

An apprentice to Carnifex himself. Impressive and definitely a position that many Sith would be jealous of since they believed it would give them a chance to develop into a leader that could rule. Many held dreams of ruling, of holding the full power of the Sith in their fist and a level of control and power that no other could display. It was something that Eira had thought about and while she was far, far away from achieving that dream, she knew that she would not be achieving it any moment soon.

There was too much work that had to be done but Eira was determined to put every little bit into achieving her dreams of becoming the best.

"Kainite... They are not popular on Jutrand, you should be careful exposing yourself as such, even another Acolytes." Eira mentioned but there was no hostility or judgement in her tone, she did not know the reasoning for the war, for the divide in the Sith. Nor did she care all too much about it. It was more frustrating to see there was a divide than care why it was there. The Jedi were not divided and that made them more a fist that the Sith.

Watching as Kaila took a seat opposite her, asking if she could question Eira on the ways that Acolytes were training under the academy. Eira shrugged, "sure. As long as you are willing to answer my questions in return." An answer for an answer. It seemed fair and would allow Eira to pry into the lives of other Sith, get knowledge on the Kainites and their ways. She might not follow them but understanding them, that was knowledge many would desire to know.

That was Eira's thinking at least.
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Kaila would simply nod, understanding the risk.

It was frustrating, that an Empire- something built on the ideals of Strength and Unity- was divided so thoroughly. It was an almost laughable affair really. They were becoming like the Mandalorians, always fighting among themselves only to be swept aside by weak but unified threats like republics and Jedi. Something needed to change, and she hoped one day to have the strength required to bring this change within the empire.

"sure. As long as you are willing to answer my questions in return."

Still, the acolyte's answer brought a slight smile to the corner of her lip. The yet unnamed student was shrewd enough to glean what advantage she might from this encounter and Kaila would oblige.

"Well I can't teach you the secrets of immortality or anything crazy but I'll tell you what I can" She teased

"Now then, My research into the ancient sith empire on Korriban suggested that acolytes received training from one teacher which consisted more of trials than actual education, and from there the best performer would be picked by a master searching for an apprentice. Does Jutrand still practice these methods or has the order moved on to something new?"

Kaila pulled a small datapad from her belt, eager to begin her research.

Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

Location: Sith Academy, Jutrand
Outfit: Casual
Equipment: Training saber
Tag: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

"It is not secrets of immortality that I seek from you." Eira stated, she knew there were others who could provide those secrets if she desired them, for now she had other questions that she wanted answered first.

What she needed to do first was answer the question that Kaila provided her, "I have a sponsor and a mentor in Iuuna Talon, meaning that my performance in the academy represents House Talon." She stated, there was a practised tone to her words. "The Jutrand Academy only takes students with a sponsor, and only the most skilled 128 applicants." Eira mentioned as well, "those that achieve the first cohort will go on to become leaders of the Sith Order, at least that is the promise the academy offers."

"To get to that rank, you must defeat all those who stand in your way. You must combat every opponent in front of you and if you are low ranking the academy offers you nothing since you must fight and claw for everything you earn." Eira stated, she was in the fifth cohort, the lowest of the cohorts and she needed to find a way to swiftly rise through the ranks. "Many who joined the academy were encouraged by their Sith Masters, to develop their skills and go on to become full apprentices of their Masters/Sponsors after completing the academy."

Eira leaned back, "there will be trials we face, attacks from those with privilege and protection due to their higher standing and many will die. Though killing is not encouraged by the academy. Accidents happen." Eira smirked, admitting she loved the idea of rising rank by murdering her way upwards.

"What is Carnifex like as a Master?" Eira asked her question in return. Curious to know more of the leader of the Kainites.
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"Ah? so there are similarities, albeit few. And sponsored by House Talon? That must be an honor" Kaila looked positively fascinated as she typed notes into the datapad while Eira talked, occasionally glancing up to nod along. Her all but explicit confession to the joys of murder in particular earned her a longer glance than before, not out of fear but rather acknowledgement. It wasn't something of a necessary evil in their line of work, she supposed.

Other then that, the typing didn't stop, not until Eira broached the subject of Kaila's own master.

"What is Carnifex like as a Master?"

There was a long pause as Kaila set the datapad down, trying to decide not only how to feel about her master in the first place, but how to put it tactfully.

"I... I broke every bone in my body, until one day I replaced them all with metal"

It was something that Kaila rarely told others, either because it was rarely relevant or rarely their business, but she felt a need to illustrate her point to this young student, to prepare her where Kaila had once tread blindly.

"He calls pain the "Scalpal of all creation". I think, besides the physical, taking joy from another's pain is the only thing he can feel. And my once weakened near-human body was able to experience that pain more potently than his other apprentices."

"So in the end, I killed them."

Her empty stare slowly turned to something more resolved as her jaw clenched, chin tilting upward just a little more. Still, her true opinion of the ordeal was plain to see.

"I suppose that means his methods are effective. I came here to learn if the academy would have left me better prepared for such training, had I not been thrown at him before learning to use my powers. Though it's beginning to sound like the "sink or swim" mentality is taught here as well, However, I was outright encouraged and sometimes ordered to slay my fellow apprentices, unlike those of you who must resort to "accidents" as you called them"

"Does that... cover what you wished to know?"

Eira Dyn Eira Dyn
Location: Sith Academy, Jutrand
Outfit: Casual
Equipment: Training saber
Tag: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

"It is an honour that I will demonstrate was well placed one day." Eira stated firmly, she was not going to waste the opportunity that her master provided her.

When Kaila began to talk about Carnifex, Eira listened intently and listened with deep intrigue. The ways that Carnifex was training, it was different and sounded extreme. However, it was effective and Eira did not see it as an issue, pushing your students to their limit. Breaking them and forcing them to rebuild stronger was something Eira could see plenty of benefit in. She had not suffered such punishments from her own Master but Eira was also someone that inflicted harsh punishments on herself for failing anyways.

"The strongest survive. To find the strongest, you need to push yourself and go beyond your limits." Eira said, thinking about how training with the Sith was like, "they have to make us sink or swim because we need to prove ourselves worthy of their time. Prove ourselves as capable in striking down the Jedi."

Eira nodded her head when she was asked if it answered her question. "It answers the question for now. Did you have another question to ask about the academy?" Eira was curious what else this other Sith was wanting to learn.
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There was a long pause while Kaila considered everything the acolyte said, and pondered over the next line of questioning she would ask Eira. She had brought something to her attention that many Sith throughout history and perhaps even Kaila had nearly forgotten; Their power was not a goal but a tool, and the purpose of that tool had been― since the exiles first came to Korriban in 6900 BBY, to destroy the Jedi who were indirectly responsible for the creation of this order since it's inception.

Fighting the Jedi was no mere side effect of their being, but it's purpose.

And so if she were to become the master and take on a student, they needed not only the tools, but the will to slay Jedi.

"You speak of pushing oneself beyond one's limits. Do you believe they have pushed you far enough? And your training, do you believe it adequate or would you have preferred something more hands on like my master and I? Would it prevent those with protection as you mentioned from claiming undue privilege which they had not earned? Unless am I perhaps mistaken, and they have earned their comparatively relaxed stay somehow"

Eira Dyn Eira Dyn
Location: Sith Academy, Jutrand
Outfit: Casual
Equipment: Training saber
Tag: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Eira leaned back and reflected on the things she had experienced so far, "I have not been pushed to my limit yet... but it is still very early in my time as a student here that it would be unfair to use my experiences to judge the academy." Eira mentioned since she did not wish the academy to think her little experience was forming her whole opinion on her training here.

"There are advantages and disadvantages to both methods, however, I can also seek out my sponsor and Master for more personal training and I will be seeking it out to help me rise in the ranks." She was ambitious and she was not one for settling with what she had been given. Eira was going to force others to respect her whether they wanted to or not.

Shaking her head, "it is hard to say whether they earned their privileges or not, they were ranked high and due to that placement received them but I do not know how the rankings were formed so I cannot say whether the system was honourable in that regard." Eira then smirked and leaned forward a little.

"I just answered three of your questions, so you must now answer three of mine." Eira pointed out, holding up three fingers, "what drew Carnifex's attention to you out every acolyte that exists?" Lowering a finger, she was not asking it in a manner where she did not think Kaila was worthy, more curious about what made Kaila special and if Eira could draw similar attention. "Do you think anyone else could have made you as strong as he did? And finally, do you think I stand a chance of learning from him or does he only teach those he takes on as students?"
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Kaila seemed surprised to learn that her continued training resembled this Acolyte's more closely now than it had when she first began, if only in her own personal methods.

However she was forced to set aside those thoughts as Eria leaned in and demanded answers to questions which Kaila had mistakenly believed were all an extension of the first question, simply details to better clarify her intent. However it wasn't wrong of the Acolyte to ask three in kind.

"You're lucky I believe in fairness unlike many sith" She confessed with a slight chuckle.

But the questions being asked were no laughing matter, and she could see in Eira's smile that this girl would either rise quickly or, more likely, her ambitions would get herself hurt...

"The answers you seek are... complicated"

She leaned in after a brief pause

"I do not believe for a moment that Carnifex seeks empower Sith, rather he is refining tools. I have a distinct feeling that he's hiding something from myself in particular but I don't know what, not yet. But most of his servants belong to some kind of religion, they believe he's the chosen Sith'ari or... something"

Her voice was hushed even in the near empty library

"He wants control, not a powerful student. I don't think he would ever teach you unless he could assure absolute loyalty. I'm not sure how he feels about House Talon but I'm inclined to believe you'd have to leave her and become his permanent student. I've been able to take individual lessons from others but... That's because I became a Seeker after proving myself. We're essentially wandering scholars, we fill the archives of Malsheem with secrets and force lore, both Sith and Jedi"

She left out the part where they sometimes served as spies.

"I'm... unsure if anyone else could have brought me to my current heights, however. On the one hand, I am well aware that he is keeping things from me, and some of the things I have learned came from my own research or... dealings with individuals. On the other hand, I find sometimes that I am surprised by the lower standards expected of other apprentices outside of the Kainate. Not many, but there are definitely a few who hardly qualify as true sith"

"As to what brought Him to the conclusion that I would live up to his standards?" She shrugged

"How I came to serve the Kainate is... a personal story, but I remember the first time I saw my powers, they manifested in a fire. Some were injured, I had assumed others were killed. It was an accident but it got his attention I suspect... That was a long time ago"

Kaila looked distant as she described the scene, trying to pick out details, figure out what exactly drew him to her. But whatever she came up with, it was always too simple to sound like one of her master's plans.

Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

Location: Sith Academy, Jutrand
Outfit: Casual
Equipment: Training saber
Tag: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

"I was not intending on asking the easy questions." Eira admitted, she was not looking to just get to know Kaila or become friendly. She was wondering what the powerful Sith Lords were like, what were her chances to learn from them and what things could she take away from their beliefs and their mindsets.

Hearing that Carnifex surrounded himself with followers who perceived him in a religious cult manner, it was disappointing. While being revered and worshipped was never something Eira was against, she wanted that for herself one day, she also didn't want to solely be surrounded by those who just worshipped her though. "Interesting to be surrounded by people like that. Would make it difficult to have any voice of reason that wasn't just yes manning you." That was her biggest concern, she knew she was flawed and made incorrect decisions or actions. She needed a voice to ensure she didn't make those errors constantly.

But perhaps that was the problem, she was still making errors. Perhaps she needed to be better and demonstration a prowess like Carnifex had. He was a legend in name and history for a reason she figured.

"Disappointing to hear. I cannot leave House Talon. They took me in and teaching me how to become the strongest version of myself." She was genuinely disappointed that she had no chance to learn from Carnifex. Seemed like she would just have to watch from afar. "Seems you are very lucky to have been chosen by him then. While he might not be revealing all he knows to you, there is still plenty he can show you that few other Sith will be able to learn."

Nodding her head, Eira leaned back and tapped her sharp, long nails on the table. Mulling things over in her head, there was still information she needed on Srina and her husband the emperor, from what she had learned so far, they were the three most powerful currently. There were others she could learn from as well, but she was keen on understanding what made the leaders so great first, since she was ambitious enough to strive to be in their role someday.

"Fire huh. I was lightning. Killed a pirate who thought he could sell me as a slave." Eira showed no remorse or sorrow in her actions, instead she loved the memory, it was the first time she had honed her powers to their maximum. "Perhaps it was an accident. Perhaps it was something more designed, a test before you were even taken on." Eira suggested, she did not know but it was something she could see herself doing. Causing someone's life to collapse and make it appear an accident to swoop in and offer the freedom and liberation they are so desperately needing now.

"More questions?"
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"Oh, I seem to recall a lot more than one pirate" She confessed with a nervous chuckle. It was strange, she couldn't remember who or why, but she had always felt... justified in some way.

But then Eira continued and something about it drew Kaila's golden stare.

"Perhaps it was an accident. Perhaps it was something more designed, a test before you were even taken on."

A... test?

By what?

By who?
Why couldn't she remember?
What couldn't she remember?
"More questions?"

"What test?!" She didn't skip a beat

"Sorry, I meant... When you say design, who's design? The Force? My... my master...?"

Her jaw was clenched, eyes widened as she fought herself to maintain composure in the face of a great and terrible realization that she would have preferred to deny, and perhaps she had for so very long. She had never been given time to question her origins. Xyrah tried, but in his words, she was like a Ghost. No records remained that could possibly reveal the history of "Kaila Irons" before that day in the hospital, not even the greatest intelligence networks within the Kainate could claim to know where she came from nor who she was.

Or could they...?

Kaila blinked, and began packing away her datapad and notes.

She had come to Jutrand looking for simple answers, now she would leave with a great many questions.

Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

Last edited:
Location: Sith Academy, Jutrand
Outfit: Casual
Equipment: Training saber
Tag: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

It seemed that Eira's casual and without much considered forethought comment had struck a cord within Kaila. Something that only made her grin, she had thought of something that the other Sith had not and she was now holding information that was much more important. A shift in power that swayed to Eira. This was something she revelled in, taking the moments before she spoke to enjoy the concerned and desperate need for answers that lingered in the eyes of Kaila. Eira smirked and shrugged her shoulders.

"If I was a Sith Lord seeking potential acolytes and I saw potential in a student but needed to break them, to ensure they would be loyal, I would set things in motion that would lead them to having a violent outburst or even potentially destroying the life they currently had. Making sure that they were faced with only joining my side or left alone and ignored by the galaxy." Eira stated in a hypothetical tone, "the Force isn't something that controls us, that whips us into obedience. We control it. We break the shackles of the Force and take destiny into our own hands."

It was perhaps blind of Eira to believe that notion, that one could control the most powerful force in the galaxy, something that was everywhere and connected to everything, but it was the doctrine of the Sith and a core tenant in the code. Stating otherwise would be heresy, at least, Eira feared it could be.

"I killed one pirate because it was all I needed to kill, I could control the rest through fear." Eira pointed out, it wasn't a lack of murderous intent that dissuaded her from taking more life, just an understanding that she held more power through the wielding of fear that she killing everyone that crossed her path. "And if you truly did not think about the fact that Carnifex could have played a part in your outburst and subsequent submission to him, aren't you then showing that he is not as controlling as you previously stated?"

Eira did not disapprove of the tactic, if anything, she was impressed that he had been able to achieve it without Kaila thinking of such a tactic for so long. Perhaps she had erred in highlighting that such a possibility existed. "Leaving already?" She queried since Kaila was packing her datapad.
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Kaila packed the remainder of her notes in a small pouch with the datapad, almost hurriedly so
"the Force isn't something that controls us, that whips us into obedience. We control it. We break the shackles of the Force and take destiny into our own hands."

"Yes, yes" She sighed "I understand that, it's one of the primary reasons I practice the dark arts. But I wasn't a practitioner then, my destiny was not yet my own. And I still bloody hate the force for that"

Her relationship with the force was somewhat unusual even for a Sith. It was not merely a source of power but a malevolent beast to be overcome. Ironically, it was her hatred for the force that made her ability to wield it's darker half so potently. If Eira was concerned about Heresies, than the wayward apprentice was sure to be an Anathema of her faith one day soon.

"And if you truly did not think about the fact that Carnifex could have played a part in your outburst and subsequent submission to him, aren't you then showing that he is not as controlling as you previously stated?"

"Leaving already?"

She stopped suddenly, deep set eyes glaring up at the acolyte.

"Unless of course, your theory holds true. Then I'd say that was quite controlling indeed"

Kaila stood, clipping the pouch to her belt and then shoving it closed.

"But we'll never know, because I can't ffffucking remember any-"

Her eyes shone a deeper gold, if only for a moment.

"...I've already said too much..."

She berried her face in her gloved hands for a time, only emerging after she had taken a deep breath. There was something... wrong with her presence in the force. Anger was normal for the sith, but it seemed to suddenly grow for a moment as if they were no longer alone, only to gently recede as she exhaled.

"Just do us a favor, yeah? Stick with House Talon... Unless I find a way to kill him permanently, I don't need more kainite apprentices running around and I'd rather not fight more right now"

Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

Location: Sith Academy, Jutrand
Outfit: Casual
Equipment: Training saber
Tag: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Hating the Force seemed curious.

"Do you hate the air when someone farts?" It sounded like a ridiculous question but Eira was trying to point out something important, much like air, the Force does not control the things we experience. It is merely a power that flows around and exists.

Eira could only smirk more as Kaila clearly began to talk about things that she did not wish to share, it was delightful to see that she had unsettled the other student enough to cause secrets to spill out. Memory loss was an interesting fact, "would be smart to remove memories of the incident so that you cannot recall the hand that played a part in your fall from grace. As it were."

"But that is just a thought, a theory. And not like you can stop the path you have been set upon. You have too many desires, too much hatred built inside you to simply stop being Sith." Eira teased, as if she was talking to a caged animal at the zoo. "I am loyal to House Talon, they took me under their wing and given me up that I would not have if I remained where I was. I have no reason to leave the tutelage that I have."

She was being honest and she did pride loyalty as something of great value, "typical of a Sith to seek their master's demise, is it not? Perhaps that is why he holds you back, because he can tell you wish him dead and he will not let you succeed." While she was suggesting this, it was only ideas she had from her own views, she had never met the former emperor and supposed god and therefore did not know if this was actually the way he thought, nor did she know if he would be bothered enough to take such actions.

It did seem a little beneath a god to meddle with an apprentice like Kaila. Though Eira was having a lot of fun playing with Kaila with these ideas and it seemed she was being rattled by them, which made it more fun for her.
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"Oh I knooow he can tell" Kaila sneered

"He wants us to hate him. It's all very Banite, you see. One to embody the power, one to crave it. It's not the competition that gets me, not the why behind it, but the how of it all"

Kaila sat back down suddenly, drawing on passion as much as hate while having one of her philosophical episodes.

"Our order has stagnated for thousands and thousands of years, there was a time when- Because of Bane- we were thought extinct even. The only Banite Sith empire, that of Sideous, lasted roughly twenty three years give or take. It took them centuries to lay out all the careful plans that eventually led to their empire's formation, So why the hell do we still hang on to such a Banite school of thought?"

"Competition is one thing, and I can see why proving yourself better than a student in the early phase is necessary, but it never stops! How can we expect to create a loyal and stable empire if we're all so busy trying to kill eachother?!"

"I mean look at the last two civil wars we've been through" She gestured at nothing in particular

"The inquisitors- the ones who are supposed to assure loyalty- have gone bloody mental, Force knows what the hell the Tsis'kar are doing! It goes all the way to the top. And what are the self righteous Jedi doing?! They're united, and they are preparing to lay siege to our borders- which are dwarfed by theirs I might add. They might be weak little things but there a hell of a lot more of then than there are us because we keep murdering each other"

Kaila would pinch the bridge of her nose, knowing well that she was just ranting in a library at someone who very likely did not give a damn.

"Look, before you say anything, I know this is an unpopular opinion... I'm just frustrated that the Jedi are doing so well and we're not. I will always be Sith, as you said, it's not something I could ever let go of, I don't think I could ever want to. I'm just... how do you balance being taught to murder every other Sith you encounter with loyalty to the empire?"

"I mean surely you've thought about it too? You might be thankful now, but don't tell me you've never thought about having the power to take Miss Talon's place. I'm sure she'll give you reason to if she hasn't already"

Eira Dyn Eira Dyn
Location: Sith Academy, Jutrand
Outfit: Casual
Equipment: Training saber
Tag: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

"The Order does not follow the laws of Darth Bane." Eira spoke in a calm demeanour, feeling like a peaceful lake against the raging river that was coming from Kaila as she ranted about her hatred of Lord Carnifex, "there are far too many Sith running around for us to be following the laws of Darth Bane, there should only ever be a Master and an Apprentice under Banite rules." There were many Sith Masters currently and many more apprentices. "He might want you to hate him and he might want to push you into doing everything you can to kill him." She did not know the beliefs that Darth Carnifex held nor did she think she could ever truly comprehend them.

It was unlikely that even his many wives fully understood him.

She chuckled and shook her head, "it was not that it took centuries to form the Empire, it took centuries for the right leader to come along. The correct person with the right vision, it was Sidious's plan to create a clone army, to turn the Jedi's chosen one against them, to almost completely wipe out the Jedi Order that it never truly recovered until decades after the demise of the Empire." Palpatine's plans had far lasting damage than just the couple of decades that the Empire ruled for. Eira had been studying recently on the stand out Sith Lords in history and took note of his actions, his beliefs since he had been the closest out of all the Sith to exterminate the Jedi.

"When a superpower forms and is too bloated, the divided will unite, they will turn their attention, find a weakness and exploit it." Eira mentioned, "look at the Dark Empire, establishing a portion of their empire in the middle of Alliance space. Sacking Coruscant, unsuccessfully, but they did it." She was not believing that this would lead to the downfall of the Jedi but she saw it as a stepping stone. "All people need to see is a victory. A single moment of weakness from the Alliance and their Jedi and their whole empire collapses. Once the whale bleeds, the sharks attack. And rest assure, there are many sharks out there that can be manipulated and directed towards the Galactic Alliance."

"They just need to be nudged. Similar how I nudged you into your rant and anger, I found what I needed to exploit and I did. We do the same to the Mandalorians, the imperials out there, the Dark Empire, we show them that the Galactic Alliance can bleed, are not all powerful and they will crumble." She tilted her head and gave a coy smile, "same could be said for Darth Carnifex. You don't need to kill him, you just need to make him bleed, to show a weakness that others can exploit and allow others to weaken him to the point where he is not the god that you fear so much."

Thinking on whether or not she had actually thought about killing Iuuna to take her place or demonstrate her power, Eira shook her head, "it is not Iuuna that I need to kill. I do not wish to settle for the role she has within the Sith. I wish to surpass her. I wish to be greater than that. I want to rule. It is the Emperor, that I think of killing and taking his place." Her eyes glinted with dark ambition.

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