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The Allure of Subjugation



Bith were well-known for being near-sighted. Within a certain proximity, details and subtle visuals were picked up rather adeptly, but from a certain distance, things faded into obscurity. Dravis would've rather been farther than closer to this disgusting planet.

Dravis had avoided the homeworld of the Hutts for as long as he could, but business had brought him here nonetheless. He had made a few friends, brokered a few deals, even put down a rebellious Evocii for the favor of a Hutt. While he would rather not associate with the slime, their credits were necessary for his future plans.

His plans involved the creation for an army. Then, he would finally be able to give back to the Darkness what it gave to him.


He found himself in the Smoking Cannonade, one of the nicer establishments reserved for offworlders. It was a place of hard drinks, dancing women, and strange species drinking off their meager earnings from the Hutts. Dravis sat alone at the bar, ordering their generic alcohol. It tasted terrible, but it reminded the Bith of home.

"You want anything else, guy?" The bartender, a Besalisk with four tattoo sleeves, stared at the darkly-cloaked individual suspiciously.

"No, your services have been appreciated." A simple answer to a simple question. He piped up again, staring behind the four-armed alien. "And, from one barkeep to another, you should consider removing some of the graffiti around here. I'm sure the crime bosses around here would take great offense to a few of them."

The Besalisk only huffed, and moved away from the Bith. Of course, he took offense, but it seemed ungentlemanly to murder him now.

- [member="Jhiaga Shiwr"] -
Jhiaga let out a groan as she felt a hand settling on her shoulder. Couldn't she watch women dancing in peace? She had even paid for the damages done the last time she went there. With minimum effort, she pointed one of her blaster pistols at the person behind her, not even turning around. She could feel the man retreating, and so she smirked from behind her helmet. Most people, especially bartenders, disliked the fact she never removed it, thus making her a useless customer. But trying to throw her out often resulted in a few broken limbs, and, if it went far enough, a few blaster shots.

Noticing a bit of attention was gathering, she magnetically reattached the blaster to her hip and stood up, planning to make her way out of the bar, when she felt a weird feeling as she passed by the bar.
She frowned, and when she turned around to see that the only person at the bar wore dark clothes, she gave a small bump of her fist on her helmet out of anger. After working so hard to suppress any reactions originated by the Force, she still sometimes had the shameful trait showing up, much to her dismay. She was a Mandalorian. Mandalorians didn't use the Force; all they needed was a blaster and their armor - and sometimes, neither of both.

Sighing, she sat down on the stool next to the mysterious customer, waving the bartender off by simply staring at him, smirking as she saw the sentence dying on his lips, the Besalisk grumbling about "no good bounty hunters" as he went back to cleaning a glass.

"So", started the bounty hunter as she turned to face the man, an elbow on the table, her hand on her helmet, the other resting idly near her blaster in case of violence, "Judging by your look, I would rather say Sith than Jedi. Or maybe just a rogue knight, who knows."
She fell silent after that, watching him intently, waiting for his reaction... and hoping she wasn't going to get sliced in the following seconds. In truth, she was curious; she wanted to learn more about the Sith.
As Dravis was still glowering, fantasizing about how he would string this Besalisk up, he noticed someone approach from the corner of his eye. The Bith turned slowly, surprised to see his face mirrored back to him from the t-visor of a Mandalorian.

The warrior, who the Bith correctly identified as female, warded off the rude bartender, and turned her attention to him. Dravis didn't know what to expect. He was often overlooked in cantinas, even moreso by Bounty Hunters. So when the Mando assumed that he was Sith, or something of that ilk, Dravis was taken aback.

Had he slipped up? Had word gotten around?

As much as Dravis hated to admit it, he would be completely and utterly destroyed if any Jedi caught wind of him. Of course, he had been required in his current negotiations to reveal the fact that he was Sith. He would have to be more careful.

He responded quietly, his circular mouth trying out each syllable, a slithering, probing sound. "Maybe I just like wearing dark clothes, eh?" Dravis couldn't help but notice the woman's cautious, yet carefree stance. Dravis felt a twinge of unease. "If you're looking for trouble, you are searching in the wrong place." Dravis took a swig of his drink, and set it gently on the table. "I'm just a man that wishes to celebrate."

In trying to gauge the Mandalorian before him, he felt something else, almost like a change in the wind. He felt something from inside the woman. The Force.


- [member="Jhiaga Shiwr"] -
Jhiaga kept her cool. Her suspicions weren't being denied, so maybe she was right - maybe that Bith was indeed a Sith. And there was no reason for her to panic; if he tried anything, he would have the Jedi after him in no time. Just as the thought passed through her mind, she cringed; her mother had been in the same situation when she was still a child. Deciding not to show her melancholia, she cocked her head to the side, examinating the one before her, violently suppressing the part within her that tried to use the Force. Mandalorian before all, the bounty hunter reminded herself. And she preferred that the darkly-clothed Bith remained in his ignorance of her shameful "gift", as the Jedi called it.

"I'm not here to fill you with holes, if that's what you are thinking. I rarely ever work for the Jedi."
She said this in a casual, laidback tone, but her hand still remained near her blaster, ready to roll backward and fire should her try anything. She was sympathetic to the Siths because of how the Jedi treated them, but she wasn't blind to the threat they posed. One only had to get pissed, and he, or she, could give in to his anger and start going berserk.
And so, the woman remained careful.
"I'm not searching for a fight, either. Not today, at least. But perhaps, you could answer some questions I have."
Dravis relaxed slightly as the Mandalorian assured him he was safe. If she had only picked up on his true intentions through his wardrobe, perhaps he had to consider changing his wardrobe.

The Bith leaned against the bar, glad that the woman had warded him off. Besalisks had always annoyed him. He was also intrigued by the Mando to no end. She had a spark within her, he was sure. It was smothered, unrefined, but still there.

"Thank goodness, I have had enough battle for today." Dravis' voice had lost much of it's cold gusto, replaced by fatigue. "If you want to ask questions about my... way of life... Perhaps we should talk somewhere less..." The Bith gestured grandly around him, to the scum on the bottom of the galaxy's boot. "Y'know, Public. Eavesdroppable. Is that a word?" Dravis stood, grabbing his drink, neglecting to use the Force. He didn't need to, so he wouldn't. Gesturing for her to follow, the Sith stepped out, and into the streets of Nal Hutta.

It wasn't a long walk to the fountain. The place had a scattering of people, to give the Bounty Hunter some solace that he wouldn't simply attack her. In the center of the square lounged a statue of a Hutt, a smattering of water running down his dribbling chin. Dravis walked up to the fountain, scrutinizing it, neglecting to look at the Mandalorian.

"So, you said you had questions? I have a few of my own, but they can wait. Ask away."

- [member="Jhiaga Shiwr"] -
"Agreed", said the Mandalorian simply as she stood up and followed the Bith outside the bar, ignoring the burning stares directed at them. She was walking alongside him casually, although her hands were always near her blaster pistols. When dealing with Siths, she had to be on the max safety-wise.
She watched him from his back as they reached a fountain, with the statue of a Hutt. The sight of it made Jhiaga cringe; she hated dealing with the fat slugs, but they possessed the money and the power, and so they were a clear reference among bounty hunters.

"First of all", said the young woman as she placed a hand on her hip, the other resting near her thigh, "I want you to tell me where I can someone able to open a Sith Temple."
She paused, letting her words sink in. He was going to ask questions; a sith artifact was always prized, and she would be in a position of strenght if she was the one with the info, while he would remain in the dark. All calculated - or at least, she hoped. It had been a long time since she had promised herself to finish what her mother started - and she would need the help of one, or several Siths for that.
"And then, I want to know how someone can get rid of the Force within themselves - for good."
That was it. The moment of truth - knowing if she could get rid of her shameful trait. The Sith could lie, and she knew that - but a lie was better than to receive no answer. The Jedi had been especially unhelpful with her matter. She hoped a Sith would know better.
- [member="Dravis"] Rosillla -
Dravis had a strange admiration for Hutts. In a way, they were what he aspired to be; powerful, wealthy, commanding respect along with an army of warriors. In other ways, he detested them. They were born with status and power. Dravis needed to claw his way to respect, which he planned on doing.

When he heard her two questions, the Bith's advanced mind began mapping out reasons for them. These were both strange things to want to know, and there had to be a story behind each. Dravis turned to look at the Mandalorian quizzically. "A Sith Temple... Well, I have never been to one myself..." Dravis didn't like revealing that he was new to the Sith, that he was relatively weak. Yet, he felt it was necessary. "But from my studies, I can tell you that it takes one willing and able to use the Dark Side." Dravis frowned, thinking hard. "Some temples require two. Master and Apprentice. Others require more. It depends what Temple you wish to open..." Dravis phrased the comment as a question. He was curious, to say the least.

"As for your second question, I'll answer with another. Why?" Dravis sat down on the edge of the fountain, removing his shock whip's hilt from his belt. The Sith levitated the weapon above his palm, staring at it intently. "Why would you want to throw away a gift like this?"

Dravis returned the weapon to his belt, genuinely perplexed. "The Force is a marker. A precursor, for great things. Those with it are destined to rule over the weak. That is my destiny..." Dravis studied the woman's helmet, searching for anything at all, but seeing only mask. "It is yours too, is it not? Why give up your rightful place in the galaxy?"

- [member="Jhiaga Shiwr"] -
Jhiaga's mind was racing after she heard the Bith's answers. Finding a Sith apprentice and its master was one thing - getting them to open the temple was another. She would have trouble taking whatever artifact laid inside and escape with two people able to force-choke her and zap her with lightning if she made a bad move. But now was not the time; or at least, not yet. She would explore that temple and claim its secrets, but first, she needed more informations from this Sith. The fact he was relatively new to the dark side did not matter to her. A Sith Lord wouldn't even be hanging around in a bar to begin with, and she would have much trouble getting to talk with the person and escaping with her life.

Her stance changed as he started talking about the Force. The hand on her hip was inches away from the blaster, and the other had closed into a fist.
"The Force is a dishonor. A great shame that stains my identity as a Mandalorian. As for great things", the bounty hunter trailed off with a gesture of her head toward him, "The power it will give you is not worth it. Not worth the price to pay, that I know. Now, answer my question. How do I purge myself of the Force?"
She tapped her blaster, then pointed to her helmet. "I crafted this armor myself, as per the custom of my people. This is something I can rely on - something physical. The Force is just a coward's way of fighting, using a raw power that you can never tame for sure."
Turning away slightly, she stomped her foot on the ground repeadetly, trying to control herself. Calm down, the Zabrak reminded herself, concentrating on deep, long breaths. You need answers. Not a fight.

Turning back toward the Bith, she once again designating him with a small nod of her head. "Do you know where I could find someone to open the temple?"
Dravis watched her outburst with little more than a raised eyebrow. He was no stranger to strong emotions, after all. He watched blankly as she stated her beliefs, and tried to control herself, asking him if he knew any that could. He simply stared at her a moment, his deep black eyes holding floating spheres of bright yellow.

"That is quite the opinion you have there." Dravis let a bit of his smugness return to him. "Who fed it to you?"

Dravis let a hint of Dun Moch slip into his words. He wanted to get her angry, get her to doubt if her own words were true.

"Obviously, you have no experience with the Force. You have been told it is destructive, that it is dishonorable, that it is... how did you put it... the coward's way?" Dravis smiled, his circular mouth morphing into an expression of pity. "I suppose the Mandalorians drilled this into you, no? Do they not also teach to train with every weapon you can? The Force is a weapon, to be molded to your desire. Now," the Bith said, with a chuckle, "Why would the Mandalorians teach to avoid a weapon? Perhaps the ones who made your doctrine were jealous that they couldn't use the Force. So, they thought no one should." Dravis let his gaze pass over the woman again, gauging her.

"Is it honor to shorthand your own forces? I think not." The Bith took a swig from his cup, savoring the bitter taste. "As for your second question, I know not. My master, and all of his allies, and all of my allies, were destroyed on Atrisia. However, I may have a suggestion."

Dravis stood from the fountain, careful to make no quick movements. "If the Temple indeed takes two to open, and there are two of us..." The Bith shrugged, feigning indecision. "What means more to you? Your uneducated view of the Force, or the Temple?"

- [member="Jhiaga Shiwr"] -
Jhiaga had to summon all of her willpower and the strict training she went through on Mandalore to stop herself from letting her anger perceive in her voice. Instead, she controlled it, confined it, threw it into a corner and remained calm. Giving in to her emotions so easily would make her just like the Siths, and that, she did not want.
The Bith's smug response hit her like a wave onto a rock; she remained still, silent, looking at him through the visor of her helmet. "Who fed me this opinion? A Sith Lord."
She let her sentence sink into the acolyte's mind, while she silently debunked everything he told her, making sure the seeds of doubt would not be planted into her. She had been forged in fire and steel, intended for combat, honor and glory; the tricks of an unexperienced Sith would not sway her.

"I had experience with the Force. What my people taught me is not the only thing that convinced me the Force is nothing but trouble. I have seen untold destruction and a cruel fate, all because someone had the sad fate of having the Force. I have seen Jedis killing a Sith who minded her business, I have seen Siths enslaving populations, all of this, because they had this corrupt power inside of them. Insidious and twisting. Look around you - all of your force users wreck havoc wherever you go. Only a minority tries to control it, instead of using it."
She closed her eyes for an instant, remembering her mother's tomb on Kalabesh. She died because she defected from the Jedi Order. The suffering imposed on her mother was because of the Force, the fact she had to flee for her life was also because of the Force - nothing good came out of this mystical power.

She now closed her grip on one of her blaster pistols as the Bith stood from the fountain, being ready for anything.
"I think you care more than me about that temple. I wouldn't know what to do with the knowledge within. And, besides, there must be more Siths out there. They always came back, and always will."
Ah. That explains it.

She has experienced loss. Loss through the Force. And it has frightened her.

Perhaps the Bith's words had done more than the Mandalorian had realized. She had just revealed some crucial information. Information that the Sith could use. "I feel as if I finally understand you, inexperienced one." A quick jab, to see how she would respond.

"You are terrified. You deny it, of course, but it's there. Hidden, along with where you push the rest of your emotions." Dravis tapped his head comically. "You blame the Force for the death of this Sith Lord who trained you. I sympathize with you. When my master perished, I grew... angry." Dravis felt his rage flare within him, even at the thought of Kruel. "How dare he die, to leave me with no teacher, nothing but myself and my wits?" Dravis' angry demeanor changed. "But then I realized something."

"Perhaps this is my test, given to me by kismet itself. I had not believed in fate before I became Sith. I was a simple bartender, making ends meet." Dravis could still picture the endless hours of menial labor, and his blooming hatred erupted again. "Now, I have purpose. Because of my powers, I have the potential to reach out, and touch fate itself." Dravis reached out one hand at seemingly nothing, enraptured in his own story, before quickly realizing where he was, and focusing back on the woman.

"When a man is shot, who is responsible? The blaster, or the one wielding it?" This wasn't a Sith lesson he had conjured up. He had learned this from his parents, back on Coruscant. "I believe you have these things mixed up. The Force did not kill your Sith friend; it was the Jedi. And those with the Force are destined to rule over others. It is nature's will that the strong control the weak. Unless I'm mistaken, the Mandos also go by this rule."

"I care not for whatever knowledge you seek. I do care about making allies, however. Frankly, an alliance between us would serve both of our agendas. You get whatever it is you want, and I get to show you just how powerful you could be." Dravis shrugged again, just noticing the woman's hand on her blaster. "If the Dark Side does not agree with you, you never have to use the Force again after this, I swear." Dravis' intentions were unreadable. Whether he believed his own words or not was difficult to tell.

"Also, I suppose you would be hard pressed to find any Sith more agreeable than I. I have been completely honest with you so far."

- [member="Jhiaga Shiwr"] -
Jhiaga felt like their conversation was like a battlefield. Full of traps and decisions to make, and all of this right on the moment, without preplanning.
"You do not understand me, Sith", said the Mandalorian coldly, still wrestling her emotions and throwing them back in the back of her mind. She had an iron will, and she needed to put it to good use before that Bith managed to make her ask herself questions, which was far from what her creed told her. She shook her head as the darky-clothed thought he understood her - and he didn't. She hadn't lost a master, and she had never trained in the way of the Sith. In fact, she had lost someone she held even dearest, because of the Jedis and their twisted view of purity.
"I don't belive in fate, either. What I believe in is what I can see, what I can touch. I believe in these blasters, I believe in the firepower of my ship - but I do not believe in fate, something even more random than the Force. You can't alter "fate", as you call it. You simply think you are strong enough to, which is way, way different."

She tapped her finger against her blaster, aiming to stress the Bith, the metallic sound of her gauntlet against the grip making a clear metallic sound. "The Force killed the Sith I cared about. She died because she was unlucky enough to be born with these trait - all who have it are doomed. I have never met a force user than ended well. Sure, you can gain power and become a great being for a time - but someone will always rise to kill you. The Force is a curse, not a gift. Mandalorians respect one's prowess with weapons, their wits, their courage, their honor. Not their ability to use mystical powers. Why do you think we are known as the Jedi killers?"
Jhiaga cocked her head to the side, looking at the Sith with suspicion. In fact, she was already planning to trap him into the temple and blast his face away - but she dropped the plan soon, as it would bring her nothing. Instead, she shook her head and sighed. "I will not use this malediction to my advantage. Besides... I am not naïve. You could be lying. You know that Siths are infamous for their sweet lies, so genuine they sound true, don't you?"
Dravis shook his head, amazed at the Bounty Hunter before him. Her point of view was alien to him. He simply couldn't fathom why someone might restrict themselves of power, all for the sake of honor. To him, the writing was on the wall, and she was just too stubborn in her outdated ways to see it. He was Bith; He knew the value of seeing things for what they were.

"I realize I cannot persuade you to my ways. My words bounce off your helmet, eh?" Dravis chuckled, seemingly anything but unnerved by the tapping of the blaster. "And you may or may not be correct about Sith. We lie if it benefits us. But believe me when I say I would rather have you as a friend than an enemy."

Dravis finished his drink with a large gulp, tossing it into the fountain. "What I will say is that I am offering a chance to experience what you've been missing all your life. What your friend devoted their life to, what they refused to give up, even as the Jedi were pounding on their door. I will also say other Sith will not give you this much mercy when you mention a Sith Temple."

The Bith fastened his cloak tighter around himself, giving the Mandalorian one last curious look. "So? Will you accept my help, or run to another Dark-sider to die to?"

- [member="Jhiaga Shiwr"] -

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