[member="Popo"] [member="Alyesa Praxon-Organa"] @Bard of the Hyperlands [member="Persephone Callas"] [member="Alena Beswin"] [member="Faith Balor"] [member="Aurelia Saelari"] (and any I missed
As Torill Holgor got closer to Republic space he sent a message ahead of his arrival to the leaders of the Republic requesting a meeting with the Supreme Chancellor or any available Senators in the official capacity as a Representative or his home world of Morellia. As I hybrid of a virtually extinct species Torill had been doing a lot of thinking recently. It culminated with his very brief time listening to the hardships of the Empire of the Hand. If anyone could serve as a good ambassador of his people it would be Torill, part Politician and part Officer of the Law. Well Wild Space law anyway.
Torill waited just briefly in orbit above the planet giving which ever person had time to see him a chance to prepare and respond to his message.
As Torill Holgor got closer to Republic space he sent a message ahead of his arrival to the leaders of the Republic requesting a meeting with the Supreme Chancellor or any available Senators in the official capacity as a Representative or his home world of Morellia. As I hybrid of a virtually extinct species Torill had been doing a lot of thinking recently. It culminated with his very brief time listening to the hardships of the Empire of the Hand. If anyone could serve as a good ambassador of his people it would be Torill, part Politician and part Officer of the Law. Well Wild Space law anyway.
Torill waited just briefly in orbit above the planet giving which ever person had time to see him a chance to prepare and respond to his message.