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The Ambassador from Morellia (Supreme Chancellor and Senate members)

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Torill Holgor

[member="Popo"] [member="Alyesa Praxon-Organa"] @Bard of the Hyperlands [member="Persephone Callas"] [member="Alena Beswin"] [member="Faith Balor"] [member="Aurelia Saelari"] (and any I missed :p )

As Torill Holgor got closer to Republic space he sent a message ahead of his arrival to the leaders of the Republic requesting a meeting with the Supreme Chancellor or any available Senators in the official capacity as a Representative or his home world of Morellia. As I hybrid of a virtually extinct species Torill had been doing a lot of thinking recently. It culminated with his very brief time listening to the hardships of the Empire of the Hand. If anyone could serve as a good ambassador of his people it would be Torill, part Politician and part Officer of the Law. Well Wild Space law anyway.

Torill waited just briefly in orbit above the planet giving which ever person had time to see him a chance to prepare and respond to his message.

Wrath Hardin

The Old Eye Patch
[member="Torill Holgor"]

There was something pleasing about paperwork, it was like the gift that kept on giving. Every scrap of paper, no matter how useless, could touch the lives of millions somewhere and that was something that Wrath always found comforting. Some at his stage in life, the ripe age of fifty-six, would be tired of paperwork and they had every logical right to be. After all, it was all that the elderly senator had dealt with for the last good thirty years of his life.

Between his work with the military on Hakassi to his work as a politician, he had seen enough paperwork to be pinned as having committed genocide on trees. He wouldn't mind having a break from it all, but he enjoyed his work too much to find a less paper heavy job and he was too old to be running around any more. He was probably lucky that he had missed the invasion of Coruscant or he might have blown out his hip trying to fight off the One Sith.

"Mister Hardin?" the familiar female voice of his secretary buzzed through the small metallic box on his desk.

Without taking his good eye off the paperwork, the man through forward his finger and hit the microphone button. "Yes, Linda, what is it dear?"

"There is a signal coming in from a representative of Morellia, he wishes to meet with a senator. Would you like me to forward the message to the customs office?" The cherry sweet voice asked through the buzzing of the electronic box. There was nothing stopping Wrath from shooing away the man and forwarding his message to someone else, but that just wasn't who he was. He had to see what this rep was here for, he could be in some serious need of assistance. After all, who could Hardin trust to take care of the man more than himself?

"No, no that won't do. Send a message back inviting him to my office." Wrath said with a kind smile, as if the box might judge him if he didn't.

a small chuckle came from the voice in the box before the answer, "Of course, Mister Hardin."

"And would you be a sweetheart and bring me some tea for myself and the guest?"

"Well certainly, coming right up sir."

Torill Holgor

[member="Wrath Hardin"]

Torill sat in the copilots seat of the shuttle flipping through holovids of recent events when the response came through from the Senate Tower giving him a name and permission to land. Sending acknowledgement Torill nodded to the pilot stepping into the back to freshen up as the pilot guided them to a land pad near the tower.

Once they touched down Torill reappeared in the cockpit.

"Hey why don't you take some time and enjoy a drink or something." "We have been in Hyper for entirely too long."

Torill smiled before heading down the ramp and into the building stopping at the reception desk for directions to the Senator's office. Once satisfied he could find his way Torill moved deeper into the building until he got outside the Office. Once inside he smiled to the young lady behind the desk.

"Greetings my name is Torill Holgor from Morellia." "I am looking for a............."

Torill glanced briefly at his data pad.

"......Senator Hardin."
[member="Torill Holgor"] [member="Wrath Hardin"]

Yusan looked up from what he was reading and the aide he was talking too, listening to the words and smiled as he walked over to smile at the man whom had entered the room. With a careful and soft voice he spoke up as he looked at the man from Morellia and... Linda, if he remembered her name right from the information he had on others. His movements were supported by a cane and his hands closed around it and smiled wider as he bowed his head to the woman.

His face was no different from when he had left the Senate, his eyes blood red from darkside corruption though his mind was healed after a talk with one Darth Banshee. His face still half scarred by burns he had gotten from a attempted assassination months ago, but now he wore them with a pride in that he had gotten them in service to the Republic. He was changed, he still wanted revenge and every Sith to die, but he realized they could trade lives and he knew if he just waited he could save the life of Carliah.

Now though he stood with a smile on his face and he spoke up as he looked at the man. "Linda right? I think i can take this man to Senator Hardin... Yusan Fenn at your service Mister Holgor."

Torill Holgor

[member="Memorial"] [member="Wrath Hardin"]

Torill turned to the man giving him a once over noticing the various scars and other injuries before speaking.

"Mr. Fenn a pleasure, and please Torill will do just fine."

Torill smiled giving a slight nod and waiting for Yusan to lead the way his hands clasped casually behind his back.
[member="Torill Holgor"] [member="Wrath Hardin"]

Yusan smiled and continued to walk though the area and towards the doors that would lead into Hardin's office. His eyes slid over to look at him though and he smiled a bit wider and spoke again. "Morellia right, always liked the planet." He was judging the man as he said that, seeing if pride or otherwise came from him, his blood red crimson eyes focusing on the man.

Torill Holgor


"Morellia is like most places."

Torill smiled a bit.

"It has something to offer if you are willing to look hard enough in the right places." "Not exactly a tourist spot being in Wild Space but we try our best to keep things relatively safe and calm."

Torill turned his head slightly towards Yusan.

"So where is it you call home?"
[member="Torill Holgor"]

"Well that is simple, you are standing in it. My true home is on Eshan and the place my heart belongs on Panatha, but my body and my soul are tied to the Republic and as such i have given my self to the flames of war and the talks of politics many times over. That is why i have returned, twice falsely branded a traitor, and once mentally unstable, but here is my home... Sorry, im rambling. Have you been able to settle in mister Holgor?"

Torill Holgor

(OOC: been waiting on you buddy :p )

Torill shook his head.

"Just arrived here." "I have not had time to consider accommodations as I was not entirely sure if I would be landing or not."

Torill smiled.

"I figure I can work that detail out after meeting with..............."

Torill thought for a moment how to word it.

"....... the powers that be."

"Eshan, Panatha, and now here?" "Sounds like you have done some travelling of your own."
[member="Torill Holgor"]

"Not truly, i have never set foot on Panatha but a certain Sith lord that rules the planet holds something very dear to me. He is one of the reasons i would be glad to see the entire Sith order wiped from the face of the galaxy so that what is dear to me is returned.... Anyways, i seem to have delayed you with my own rambling. I seem to do that more and more often now a days, maybe its just coping with the injuries still."

Torill Holgor


Torill shakes his head.

"Think nothing of it I have enjoyed are little talk." "Nothing wrong with taking advantage of a little light conversation here and there."

"I myself made a small pit stop at a port or two getting to know some of the local movers and shakers affiliated with other governments between Morellia and here."
[member="Torill Holgor"]

"I see, and what is it you thought of those governments if i might ask?" He stopped and leaned on the cane he had, the blood red eyes, markers of how deep into the darkside he had become clear and plastered on his face. He was himself though, calm and respectful, calculating, and holding back any cruelty that only those who are ready to be killed deserve. His face, had half it not been burned and the scarring still there, was soft still in the fact that he showed no signs of open anger or rage.

Torill Holgor


"Those in power will always act only to preserve their power in tight inner circles while demanding a king's ransom through boot on throat of everyone else."

Torill sighed.

"Though I imagine I am not the first to arrive at that conclusion at some point or another about all governments."
[member="Torill Holgor"]

"Nor the last, i am sure there will be hundreds more after you that realize the same thing." He smiled and looked at the man, far more serious now. "You come at a bad time my friend... in such a time when the Republic is unstable and i offer you a bit of advice. The coming weeks will show every man and woman's true colors including my own, do you rest with the people you represent, the Republic itself, or your own personal gains... when you figure that out come and find me..." With that he left him, his words ringing clear and solid.

Torill Holgor

[member="Memorial"] [member="Wrath Hardin"]

Torill smiled as the man walked off musing over the comment.

"To deny the will of the people is to find yourself with no friends and only enemies."

Torill made the rest of his trip on his own. While he had learned enough he would be rude to not at least attempt to meet his host. Torill silently wondered to himself exactly how deep the instability went.

Shrugging Torill knocked on the door of his destination.
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