The Jedi Temple of Edemar was now little more than ashes. Embers still filled the thick purple sky as it's carcass had began to fall in upon itself, it's corpse thickened by the many fallen Jedi whom the Matador had slain in the night.
A night of butchery and a merciless nature that was reserved for only the most savage of creatures. The Ancient Eye had shown an unrelenting savagery towards the Jedi and defenders of Nibelungen and her sister planets. A savagery that had left their people on the defensive.
These people were soon to come under the fold of the Ancient Eye, to be subjected to their ways whether willing or by force. Yet, even while this was evident they still stood defiant.
The native residents of Edemar were warrior like, and took pride in their Religious views of the force. Following a system of belief not too dissimilar to that of the Jedi, thus they eagerly took in the cowardly Council Members who'd so quickly turned their backs on their fellow Jedi in hopes of survival.
Yet, those efforts were to no avail. At least it was so for Jedi Master Eliyse Dareiyn, she was one of the few Council members who had escaped from the Vault in the Jedi Fortress on Edemar. She had taken an artefact that intensified a Force Sensitives ability to control others via telepathy and in her fear, she took control of a local village on Edemar; Garadel. Master Dareiyn hoped to hide herself amongst the villagers.
It wasn't long before she was discovered. Visitors and members from other villages had begun to disappear upon entry to Garadel, raising the suspicions of nearby villagers and soon the newly reigning Warlords. It was but a few hours before word reached The Matador of the strange occurrence.
Pain still teased the unrested flesh, and thus he had not arrived alone. Two Tol Varen warriors stood on either side of the Matador, awaiting instruction. Garadel was surrounding by sandstone watchtowers and battlements, sitting on the ridge of a small hill overseeing a lake and beach of red sand. This made only a single approach viable, with a sturdy Durasteel in the centre. Edemar's people were not to be trifled with, several standing with rifles drawn as their oppressors stood casually beyond their gate. However the three Tol Varen were not alone, [member="Kyle Raymus"] and [member="Skorvek"] fell in behind the War-Chieftain and his two fellow warriors.
The Crimson clad Chieftain took a single step forward, ahead of the rest. Crimson beskar clicked against itself in response to his movements, giving an inhuman and mechanical texture to the sound of his movements, the enormous Ori-Buir resting on his back, it's hilt rising almost four feet above his head. The faceless slitted helmet looked up, testing the nerves of the Edemarian warriors on the battlements. They were unflinching, without motion. As if waiting for an unseen command, sitting in a reactionary state as if they would be triggered by an orders consequence rather than there own initiative. He felt this much at least, taking a step back.
"She is here."
A night of butchery and a merciless nature that was reserved for only the most savage of creatures. The Ancient Eye had shown an unrelenting savagery towards the Jedi and defenders of Nibelungen and her sister planets. A savagery that had left their people on the defensive.
These people were soon to come under the fold of the Ancient Eye, to be subjected to their ways whether willing or by force. Yet, even while this was evident they still stood defiant.
The native residents of Edemar were warrior like, and took pride in their Religious views of the force. Following a system of belief not too dissimilar to that of the Jedi, thus they eagerly took in the cowardly Council Members who'd so quickly turned their backs on their fellow Jedi in hopes of survival.
Yet, those efforts were to no avail. At least it was so for Jedi Master Eliyse Dareiyn, she was one of the few Council members who had escaped from the Vault in the Jedi Fortress on Edemar. She had taken an artefact that intensified a Force Sensitives ability to control others via telepathy and in her fear, she took control of a local village on Edemar; Garadel. Master Dareiyn hoped to hide herself amongst the villagers.
It wasn't long before she was discovered. Visitors and members from other villages had begun to disappear upon entry to Garadel, raising the suspicions of nearby villagers and soon the newly reigning Warlords. It was but a few hours before word reached The Matador of the strange occurrence.
Pain still teased the unrested flesh, and thus he had not arrived alone. Two Tol Varen warriors stood on either side of the Matador, awaiting instruction. Garadel was surrounding by sandstone watchtowers and battlements, sitting on the ridge of a small hill overseeing a lake and beach of red sand. This made only a single approach viable, with a sturdy Durasteel in the centre. Edemar's people were not to be trifled with, several standing with rifles drawn as their oppressors stood casually beyond their gate. However the three Tol Varen were not alone, [member="Kyle Raymus"] and [member="Skorvek"] fell in behind the War-Chieftain and his two fellow warriors.
The Crimson clad Chieftain took a single step forward, ahead of the rest. Crimson beskar clicked against itself in response to his movements, giving an inhuman and mechanical texture to the sound of his movements, the enormous Ori-Buir resting on his back, it's hilt rising almost four feet above his head. The faceless slitted helmet looked up, testing the nerves of the Edemarian warriors on the battlements. They were unflinching, without motion. As if waiting for an unseen command, sitting in a reactionary state as if they would be triggered by an orders consequence rather than there own initiative. He felt this much at least, taking a step back.
"She is here."