Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The ancient ones

Witches held no end of interest to Mara. Their history, their moral concepts, their spells, all worked perfectly to satisfy Mara and her brain's need for intellectual and physical challenges.

Now the physical aspect of the challenges had gotten a bit out of hand when she'd heard that a Nightsister holocron was hiding somewhere on Dxun and Mara was left wondering where and when exactly her ego had taken over her common sense and brought her to the most dangerous planet in the galaxy. Her speeder was smashed into bits and buried in a swampy area that Mara had only barely managed to escape from herself, her usually pristine witch robes were torn and stained and her only weapon was her blue saberstaff. But, she thought to herself with a sigh, now that she was here she might as well see whether she could accomplish her mission.

[member="Haileigh Dheed"]
Dxun was not a planet one would just end up on. Or at least so thought Haileigh who always had a reason to be somewhere. Whether it was for personal business, fun, or maybe even for work, she always had a reason for anything. Well, that is if she didn't crash somewhere. Luckily she had not made any serious crashes in the past, nor would she crash now.

The planet practically consisted of jungles, making it really difficult for the woman to land there. She had not yet been to a planet like that, so it took her a good while to even make it past the treeline, not even speaking of actually landing on the ground. She had started cursing and thinking about leaving the planet whatsoever moments before actually finding some solid ground to land on.

And at that very moment, all of that tension was gone.

Haileigh wasn't one to make things too complicated. It it was meant to happen, it would; and if it was not meant to happen, there was no point in even trying. Not very goal-driven, but she was fine with that. She was definitely not a gold-digger so that she wouldn't get to feel serious breakdowns when she didn't achieve something.

Well, alright, now that she was on the planet, she thought she could do something there as well. Wondering if there were any artefacts on the world, she stepped out of her ship and took a breath of the air. The smell wasn't very pleasant, but it was manageable.

[ [member="Mara Sedaya"] ]
Several hours later, Mara was still wandering through an enormous forest in search for the remote Dxun village where supposedly Asajj Ventress herself had left a holocron before her full plunge into the Dark Side. The Nightsister's story was one Mara had obsessed over, memorizing every detail and trying to figure out when and why and how the infamous witch had abandoned the neutral alignment of the Nightsisters, because she dreaded the possibility of one day crossing the line witches always tended to hover over and becoming ensnared by the Dark side and had gone out of her way to prepare so that if the day ever came she would not succumb.

When a rumour had surfaced saying that Ventress had made a holocron and left it far from society by hiding it in the dangers of Dxun, Mara knew if she found it it could be the key to remaining as neutral as she worked so hard to be and had taken on the dangers of the planet with open arms. After eight hours of painful and exhausting search the holocron didn't seem so worth it but in the distance Mara could see a figure. Where there was one person there were often more, and were there were many people there were frequently villages. Dusting herself off to try and regain her usual regal appearance, Mara cleared the distance and turned to speak to the woman.

"Do you know of any nearby villages?" she said bluntly, as ever untroubled by politeness.

[member="Haileigh Dheed"]
After several hours of wandering, Haileigh could finally see somebody. And not only see, but hear them as well. It was a blessing to her, considering how she had thought she could get out of there in no time. That was an obviously utopian thought.

"No," she said to the woman who'd spoken to her. "I'm assuming you don't either?" She couldn't really understand who the woman could be, but she sure could tell she was some kind of a regal and noble person. Whether she was actually a Princess or a Queen or whatever, she had no idea. And at that point, it didn't really matter.

"Just a wanderer," Haileigh said about herself. She didn't know what else to say. It would have been weird to just keep going on on her own after having encountered a living person. Maybe the two were there for the very same reason, meaning they could cooperate?

She walked closer to the woman and could finally see her dark hair and pale skin. She herself was more tanned, but her hair that was set into a bun was not too much lighter than hers under such light. And what's more, she herself could definitely never be as elegant as the woman was.

[ [member="Mara Sedaya"] ]
Mara nodded. "I'm just exploring a little." She wasn't sure whether to expand on that, because while the last thing she wanted was to go through the dangers of Dxun to have her prize snatched away by another, a quest of this nature could be accomplished much more easily. It was hard to tell through her limited people-reading skills and the woman's Force alignment seemed either clouded or just very complicated. Possibly both.

After a moment of thinking she spoke again. "Were you headed in any particular direction?"

It was hard to decide how trustworthy the woman in front of her was. Based on pure appearance, she looked as though she had seen every corner of the galaxy. On the other hand, appearances could be deceptive and it was hard, given Mara's cautious nature, not to be suspicious. Still, everything would hopefully become clear.

"Nah," Haileigh said. She didn't know much of the planet, nor did he know of the artefacts that could have been found from there. So she was just wandering, trying to find anything. It was one of these times when she thought she would just go with the flow instead of going for a certain item. Even though she loved the latter as well, there was a tone of fun to just exploring a little bit with no goals whatsoever.

She looked at the woman. Didn't tell her much new information.

"Uh, you mind if I wandered around with ya?" she asked, not bothering to think how she sounded. Life was too simple to delve deep into problems. Especially such a small problem that trying to seem normal was.

[ [member="Mara Sedaya"] ]

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