Placeholder 0133
An encrypted message would find its way to the datapads of a chosen few. Shortly after being closed, the message would delete itself, leaving no trace of it ever being there to begin with.
Hello, my designation is X204, an artificial intelligence unit assigned to DG-04, but most sentients usually just call me Stanley. You'll have to forgive my intrusion into your personal space, but I believe the circumstances that brought about my presence here justify my actions.
The real question is how I should actually explain all this. I suppose to start, I should say that I represent a rather secretive group. Well, secretive until this point. You see, my compatriots have taken up arms with the remnants of the fallen republic out on the edge of the galaxy, and they're having a bit of trouble. The lot of them are soldiers, the kind that can turn the tide of a war if you use them right.
The problem is that most of these good young men and women died protecting the republic before its fall. The few that remained thereafter met similar fates, but the survivors have been called upon once again nonetheless.
We're fighting for a crippled nation against just about everything that breathes right now. A starling republic of sorts seeking to return things to proper democratic form, but it's been a rough ride. We're fighting on all fronts, and the senate has directed all our resources into keeping the borders protected.
Thus, my companions were commissioned to reform their ranks. They are creating a brotherhood of soldiers ascended far beyond any mortal ken. Normal men and women reform to fight as an equal with the likes of the Jedi Knights and the Sith Lords. It is a higher calling, one that only individuals of great character and a strong sense of altruism could ever hope to meet.
And that is why I have contacted you.
Your body matches the requirements for augmentation. In other words, you're special. Our people need heroes, and you have what it takes to become one of them. If this is a calling you wish to answer, click the blue key. If not, then press the green key. Please don't waste our time.
Pressing the green key leads to the deletion of the message all together. The blue key, however...
Well, I'm glad to see that I've garnered your interest! There aren't many that would press the blue button, truth be told. When I said that this was a higher calling, I meant it. There's no going back once you take that first step. This soldier we intend to make you into shall be a member of the Angeli Mortis, a brotherhood of warriors that can trace its roots back to the clone wars of old. Our people are a highly moral group dedicated to preserving democracy and freedom wherever we go. We place great value on honesty, duty, altruism, trust, and sacrifice. Our brothers and sisters fight where no other man can. They do not death, but rather greet it as an old friend.
As a member of the Angeli Mortis, you shall be equipped with the best weapons and armor available. You mortal body will be reforged via the combined strengths of physical augmentation and cybernetics. You will undergo intense training designed to make you the greatest operator possible. When all is done, you will be seen as a paragon; a living embodiment of what all soldiers should strive to become.
Our current headquarters are located on the world of Lorrd, where we prepare the next generation of the Angeli for the wars that await them. The coordinates can be found at the end of this message. If you have what it takes to stand with us, then we look forward to fighting by your side in the wars to come.
OOC Section
Current Roster
Hello, my designation is X204, an artificial intelligence unit assigned to DG-04, but most sentients usually just call me Stanley. You'll have to forgive my intrusion into your personal space, but I believe the circumstances that brought about my presence here justify my actions.
The real question is how I should actually explain all this. I suppose to start, I should say that I represent a rather secretive group. Well, secretive until this point. You see, my compatriots have taken up arms with the remnants of the fallen republic out on the edge of the galaxy, and they're having a bit of trouble. The lot of them are soldiers, the kind that can turn the tide of a war if you use them right.
The problem is that most of these good young men and women died protecting the republic before its fall. The few that remained thereafter met similar fates, but the survivors have been called upon once again nonetheless.
We're fighting for a crippled nation against just about everything that breathes right now. A starling republic of sorts seeking to return things to proper democratic form, but it's been a rough ride. We're fighting on all fronts, and the senate has directed all our resources into keeping the borders protected.
Thus, my companions were commissioned to reform their ranks. They are creating a brotherhood of soldiers ascended far beyond any mortal ken. Normal men and women reform to fight as an equal with the likes of the Jedi Knights and the Sith Lords. It is a higher calling, one that only individuals of great character and a strong sense of altruism could ever hope to meet.
And that is why I have contacted you.
Your body matches the requirements for augmentation. In other words, you're special. Our people need heroes, and you have what it takes to become one of them. If this is a calling you wish to answer, click the blue key. If not, then press the green key. Please don't waste our time.
Pressing the green key leads to the deletion of the message all together. The blue key, however...
Well, I'm glad to see that I've garnered your interest! There aren't many that would press the blue button, truth be told. When I said that this was a higher calling, I meant it. There's no going back once you take that first step. This soldier we intend to make you into shall be a member of the Angeli Mortis, a brotherhood of warriors that can trace its roots back to the clone wars of old. Our people are a highly moral group dedicated to preserving democracy and freedom wherever we go. We place great value on honesty, duty, altruism, trust, and sacrifice. Our brothers and sisters fight where no other man can. They do not death, but rather greet it as an old friend.
As a member of the Angeli Mortis, you shall be equipped with the best weapons and armor available. You mortal body will be reforged via the combined strengths of physical augmentation and cybernetics. You will undergo intense training designed to make you the greatest operator possible. When all is done, you will be seen as a paragon; a living embodiment of what all soldiers should strive to become.
Our current headquarters are located on the world of Lorrd, where we prepare the next generation of the Angeli for the wars that await them. The coordinates can be found at the end of this message. If you have what it takes to stand with us, then we look forward to fighting by your side in the wars to come.
OOC Section
- The Angeli Mortis are an NFU military arm of the Dominion formed with the intent of switching the faction's focus to more internal affairs and moving toward a broader NFU appeal rather than that of the Jedi or the Sith.
- The Angeli Mortis are mostly PCs and emphasize bonds of brotherhood and trust between comrades. It is meant to provide an authentic military backdrop where the threat of death and defeat are very real. There are no heroes within the Angeli, only the combined efforts of the company at large.
- As stated above, death is a real risk within the Angeli. While it is not required of any member to kill off a character, the general agreement is that death is a logical thing. Important NPCs and PCs are at risk. If your comrade is about to drown in a locked off chamber and you do not work to get him out, he isn't going be tearing the door off with his miraculous mind powers. The man is likely going to die due to your character's negligence.
- All men and women, no matter their previous experience, join the Angeli as initiates. These character must go through rigorous training and survive live operations in order to ready themselves both physically and mentally for their augmentations. Once they reach this point, they ascend to the ranks of their fellow battle brothers and sisters.
- If you are interested, PM either myself or Marcus Itera
Current Roster
- Alexander Ontonas
- Marcus Itera
- Lucien Galtier
- Xandari Eriss
- Kazuyuki Furusawa
- Trajan Golovkin
- Tyris Hayes
- Ororo Zeshrul
- Norin Terrek
- Miles Varden
- Darson Ontanos