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Approved Lore The Aniseyans

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  • Religion Name: The Aniseyans / Witches of Brendok (archaic)
  • Religion Type: Force-Worshipping Witches
  • Influence: Minor* (nomadic congregation of around 300 individuals)
  • Influence Area: Typically around the borders of Wild Space and the Outer Rim, again their coven is nomadic.
  • Symbol: A white, clockwise spiral pattern made up of dots.
  • Description: A community of occulists who have taken what fragments of Aniseya's philosophy survived and tried reviving her coven's practices, combining the missing pieces with elements of the Potentium movement and writings on the Force dyad phenomenon. Many of the members are Force-sensitive women from various species, with some being born into the religion but more often are converts who feel kinship with the Aniseyan ways. It should be noted, the occasional male member has not been unheard of, and males are given the same opportunities as their female counterparts.
  • Founder: The Aniseyans generally consider the ancient Mother Aniseya as their original founder. The current coven was founded by a woman only known as Pahrino (Old Corellian for "mother"), an alleged Corellian Force-sensitive who lived circa 400 ABY that compiled what little remained of the Brendok coven's history and filled in the gaps with writings on compatible philosophies of the Force.
  • Sacred:
    • ”The Thread”, a colloquial term referring to the same phenomena Jedi call “The Force.” The Aniseyans view it, like other groups, as an energy that binds all of existence together.
    • The planet Brendok, which they consider a holy pilgrimage site.
    • Bunta trees, as the witches use the poison derived from the leaves to enhance their weapons or dilute it for milder effects such as inducing hallucinations or analgesics.
    • The Rite of Ascension, in which a novice of their coven is recognized as having shown enough progress to be a full-fledged witch.
    • Olys Corellisi, or “Old Corellian”, is an ancient language that this coven uses a liturgical language for rituals and as a secret code to speak among themselves.
  • Dogma:
    • Intention: Similar to the Potentium philosophy, Aniseyans do not view the Thread as inherently light or dark. Rather, adherents are taught that is the intentions of a witch (or any other Force-sensitive) that makes them light or dark. In that same notion, they do not view drawing on the Thread as necessarily “wielding” it, but rather as simply manipulating connections between living things with a desired result.
    • Bonds: Aniseyans teach the connections between all things are sacred, as they recognize how one life influences another. They are highly respectful of the natural world, only taking what is necessary for survival, and never resorting to making Sithspawn. They also do not eschew attachment like Jedi, seeing the bond between people as more strengthening than cutting it off. This has mystical application, as they attempt great feats through what is called “the power of many,” where multiple witches use their shared bonds to increase the strength of a Force effect in pale imitation of a Force Dyad.
    • Defend the Coven: Due to the original Brendok coven having been destroyed by a rogue Jedi, the modern Aniseyans make themselves nomadic as to not have a single spot where their enemies can strike at them again. They also teach initiates how to fight with both physical weapons and Thread manipulation. Namely, offensive use of the Thread takes the form of illusions and mental assaults to hide and demoralize the will of an opponent. But classic techniques like telekinesis are also taught.
  • Reputation: For those who are aware of them, the Aniseyans have a mixed reputation to outsiders. To some, they are merely a community seeking their own lot in life. Others are wary due to their secretive, occultic nature. But to most, they are simply too small or irrelevant when compared to larger Force religions like Sith and Jedi.


Around the year 150 BBY, it is said that a team of Jedi came to the world of Brendok, searching for signs of a vergence in the Force. There, these Jedi unexpectedly encountered the coven of Force-sensitive witches lead by a figure named Mother Aniseya. The public report made by the Jedi council of time notes that hostilities broke out and one of the Jedi exploration team went rogue. The original coven was destroyed as a result, and only fragments of Aniseya's knowledge survived the destruction.

Centuries later, in circa 400 ABY, a scholar of the Force came across a copy of these fragments and became fascinated. This unknown Corellian woman, whom the Aniseyans refer to as "Pahrino", dedicated her life to rebuilding the philosophies of the Brendok coven. She managed to weave Aniseya's remnants with her own familiarity with the writings of the Potentium and that of Force dyads. With this, "Pahrino" founded a new iteration of the old order.

And since that day, the Aniseyans have remained meager in the annals of history. They kept to themselves throughout the Gulag Plague. They kept their nomadic ways to avoid being totally wiped out like their forebears. They steeled themselves as the Underworld opened and spirited their sisters away. Through it all, the Aniseyans have kept move forward, despite the challenges. They are small in number, having a coven of roughly 300. Yet, their ways thrive and continue forward into this new era of galactic history.
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