Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Anomaly

Klai had just arrived on Kashyyyk, he had recently escaped from the First Order and had been able to hop between different ships until he arrived on Kashyyk. There he was able to get a job as an engineer that worked on damaged ships hyper drives. He was very good at what he did and he knew that, although because he was a child the work that he did didn't pay very well.

He always had dreams of owning a ship of his own and exploring the galaxy. Or if he couldn't do that he wanted to be a navigator of a battle ship. However there was one dream he had above all, he wanted to be a Jedi. Many had convinced him that this was impossible including his boss as he wanted Klai to work permanently at this shipping dock as it was getting a brilliant reputation for the quality of service around Kashyyyk. Even the wookies were impressed by Klai's handiwork, and they were known for being particularly picky when it came to ship maintenance, and technology.

Klai was suddenly snapped out of his daydreaming state as his boss yelled at him to get back to work. He simply nodded his head and got back to work on repairing the ship's engine and hyper drive.

Seo Linn
Her ship was an older model and prone to malfunctioning. This would not be the first time it had been repaired at this shop. Maybe Seo Linn was becoming a familiar face to the owner as he greeted her with a smile and handshake.

She explained what was wrong with her ship as one of his employees piloted it into the hanger. He assured her they would look at it soon and invited her to wait in an area where his employees took their breaks.

So she took one of the seats and sat down. Facing the door, even though this was Kaskyyyk her native personality showed. Her home was under the rule of the Sith Empire. Luckily she had left there long before they had taken over, but had been home a few times since then. Her family lived there and most important her son was there. He was being raised by her parents for just a few years more. Then Seo would be more comfortable having the teen with her.

Looking around at various details in the room while she waited, one of his employees came in to get a drink. Not one to show much outward emotion or expression, her naturally gold eyes fell on him and narrowed slightly. She would have to talk to his boss about taking him away. This boy could use the Force.

Klai gulped down the water as he prepared to get to work on the woman's ship, he noticed the age of it and wondered why she hadn't switched it out for a new one. He only assumed it must have had sentimental value to her. As he was drinking his water he studied her out of the corner of his eye. His fourteen year old eyes and brain were slightly stunned by the striking looks of the woman standing in front of him. Her long blonde hair and gold eyes making her especially striking.

He finished his drink and set it down, just as he set it down he spied what he thought to be a lightsaber on her belt. He then realized she had caught him looking at her, he quickly put his head down and hurried off to work on her YT-1300 freighter. Studying the engines he noticed that it would be a rather slow ship due to the lack of power. Therefore as a gesture of kindness, rather than simply repairing and doing maintenance on the engines, he decided to improve them.

Without his boss' knowledge Klai began work on modding the engine's giving them an extra bit of boost making it more agile and able to get out of tight situations in a hurry. He smiled at his handiwork proud of himself, hoping the woman would appreciate it.

Seo Linn
There were a few reasons she hadn't picked up a different ship. The main one was because she was a wanderer, she needed her ship to fit in pretty much anywhere. As a personal ship and not one that flew the banner of the Silvers, the freighter did the job she needed it to. Watching him out of the corner of her eye as he walked off to complete the work on her ship, she got up to speak to his boss.

"As you know this world is the home of the Silver Jedi. Are you aware that boy you have working for you can use the Force? He is untrained though. I would feel it wise to release him from your employment so he can at least get some control over what he naturally possesses. The choice is yours, of course."

With the idea implanted into his mind, she returned to the break room to wait out while the work was done on her ship. It really would be up to the man if he mentioned it to the boy or not.

Klai had finished his improvements on the engine and had fully repaired the hyper drive, he walked over to the commons area where the majority of the workers got there meals. He got his food and water from the server at the space dock and sat down at a table by himself. All the other workers were older than him, so he didn't really fit in, and many were jealous of his ability with machinery and technology. As his craftsmanship far surpassed all of his coworkers, some who had spent years and years honing there craft.

As he was digging into his food and drinking his water, he noticed his boss walking towards him. Klai visibly stiffened wondering if he had done something wrong, or if he had figured out about the improvements that he had made to the woman's engines.

"Hello there Klai." He said as he sat down in front of Klai at his table. Klai just nodded his head in acknowledgement towards his boss politely.

"Look son... you saw the woman that was here earlier didn't you?" His boss asked in a calm but slightly nervous voice.

"Yes of course sir." Klai responded cocking an eyebrow wondering what this was about.

"Well you see she is a jedi knight of the silver jedi, and she asked me to release you from your employment here so you could go and train with them." His boss said softly waiting to see the young boy's reaction.

Klai inhaled deeply in shock, he had always idolized the jedi and thought they were greatest warriors in the galaxy. Also the few encounters he had had with said jedi had always been positive.

"When can I leave?" Klai asked, wanting to leave as soon as possible.

"As soon as you have packed all your stuff from your quarters, she will most likely be waiting for you by her ship." His boss said with finality.

Klai left the commons room feeling incredibly nervous, but also excited at the same time. He had butterflies in his stomach as he was packing his bag in his quarters.

Seo Linn
Word was given to her that the work was finished on her ship and left the break room just as Klai entered it again. He had been the one working on her ship she had noticed and when that work was done, he was headed back in there to take a break. It made sense to her that it worked this way. Depending on the job that needed to be done that is. Something like a simple check-up and repair and then a break was reasonable.

Also noticing his boss followed him into the break room made her slow her steps down. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the boy rush out of the room and turn in another direction. His face indicated he was nervous about something, but also excited. That showed in his step, but his face was nervous. She assumed his boss had delivered the message she had given him and now waited near her ship.

Even if it had been here for repairs, Seo still wanted to check and make sure everything had been completed. It was all in order, but she still waited. Walking on board, she assumed she would be able to check the connections of everything before needing to move. This would give the boy enough time to gather up anything he needed and come find her.

That is if he even wanted to...

Klai burst into his room and grabbed a bag, he looked around his room scanning it as to what he needed. He removed all of the tools from his tool belt and quickly put them into his bag, he then stripped his bed of their sheets and grabbed a sleeping bag. Along with this he grabbed some scrap metal that he had made into small casings, he didn't know why he felt like he needed them. He then also brought a pair of boots, T shirt, some overalls and his belt.They would also be fun to fiddle with when he was bored. With his bag packed he looked around his empty room for one last time.

He wasn't going to miss this place, while the people here were nice to him, the work was brutal and he wasn't paid much as a mechanic. He left his room walking out towards the ship that was still waiting in the dock. He noticed that the entrance was open, he assumed that he was welcome aboard the ship, so he walked up the ramp and into the ship.

He looked around trying to get familiar with his surroundings, he walked down the hallway the ship felt remarkably empty.

"Hello?" He asked, his voice cracking slightly, 'the perks of being a teenager,' he thought to himself.

[member="Seo Linn"]
A loud slamming of a panel greeted Klai when he called out and a few moments later, the blond came out from the room she had been in. Dusting off her hands, she held one out to him to shake if he wanted and nodded slightly.

"I am Seo Linn. I assume your boss listened to my words and took my advice then?"

She looked exactly the same as she had before. Her hands weren't even dirty even though she had dusted them off. Naturally golden eyes observed a few things about him that might not be noticed by others.

He was young but had great potential. She also thought he looked alone and lonely. Maybe even a little lost. Hopefully, she could provide some stability to him and lend a hand in helping him. Her son was about his age, so maybe a trip to Lorrd would be good. Just different things she thought about.

Klai looked at Seo up and down, he couldn't describe it but he felt a feeling of warmth around this woman. He had a feeling that he could trust her, however being the suspicious cynic he was Klai decided that he shouldn't completely trust her outright. Even though she was a jedi, one of the greatest warriors in the universe. Klai's ears piqued as she spoke to him,

"Yes he did, although he didn't want to let me go. I am Klai by the way." Klai responded softly, feeling a bit shy meeting her.

He had never been the greatest in social situations much preferring to keep to himself, as the people that came into his life often left it incredibly quickly. As a result he had become very self reliant, and never expected anyone to help him. However he thought that he could trust Seo for some reason, his gut told him that he could trust her with anything and that she would be there for him.

[member="Seo Linn"]
The Knight stood open to the gaze and observation of Klai and gave him the time he needed to look her over. Maybe the two of them were alike in a few ways. Even though Seo was older than he was, she too was not the greatest in social settings. Probably why she travelled so much and lived on her ship. Her only home on a planet was her home on Lorrd that belonged to her family.

"Nice to meet you, Klai. I am pleased your boss did let you go."

He was shy, but that would change in time. As they got to know each other, she was sure he would open to her more.

"Are you in need of anything?"

"Why did you tell him to let me go? Nobody has ever taken that much interest me before, I always thought I was a nobody." He said, as he looked down at his feet, as he fiddled with his fingers.

Before she could even answer Klai further asked, "Do you have a laser sword, like those other jedi? What colour is it?" His curiousity getting the better of him, his shyness disappearing as he wanted to know as much as possible.

He realized he was bombarding her with questions, and then again crept back into his shell. He looked up at her as he waited for what he thought was his new mentor to respond.

[member="Seo Linn"]
Such was the way of life.

"People think they are nobody, but then history remembers them as heroes. I am not going to stand here and tell you that you will one of those heroes, but you, me and anybody else have that potential."

It might not have been much of an inspiring speech but it was all she had time for before Klai asked his next couple of questions. Pointing to the lightsaber hilt on her hip, she gave him a smile and nodded.

"It is blue. Would you like to see it?"

Unclipping it, Seo held it out for him to take a look at if he wanted. Knowing how dangerous it could be, she did not allow him to take it from her fully.

"Yes of course!" He said excitedly, he had always been curious as to what they looked like up close, he heard stories from many of the fighter pilots about the beams of light that these sabers would emit and had always wondered if the light was as intense and hot as many of the pilots had suggested.

He ran his hands over the grip, as she held it with him. He saw a button the he thought must have been the power button and pressed it, Kwishuuuuuuu! The blue blade hummed to life, it vibrating in his hand as he held it with Seo's help. He was entranced by the white hot centre, and the blue colour that it emitted.

"Do I get one?" He asked, hoping he would be able to make one as soon as possible. He looked up at Seo with those big electric blue eyes hopefully.
When she was his age, her life was far different. Her world had just been liberated from being a planet that had slavery and she helped with its recovery. Not long after, she had learned she could use the Force and started her own training. Now she was taking him on a similar journey and she hoped she had what it would take.

Once Seo was confident he wasn't going to hurt himself with her lightsaber, she let go of the hilt and allowed him to hold it. If he wanted to take a few practice swings, she would allow that as well.

"You will get one, but not right away. It is something earned and not given. When the time is right, I think it will be obvious when you're ready."

Her answer might not be what he wanted to hear, but gaining enough skill to use a lightsaber wasn't learned overnight.

"Aww okay," he said, looking slightly disappointed. "What about your special jedi powers? I have seen jedi stop blaster bolts in mid air with just their bare hands." He exclaimed excitedly wondering what he might be able to do, or more interestingly what his new master might be able to do.

He idly twirled the blade feeling the balance of the blade, as the blue blade hummed and swished with each twirl. Before he hit the power button turning the powerful blade off and handing it back over to Seo.

He was hoping that he wouldn't have to wait too long for her to show him how to make a lightsaber, or how to use the force. He was anxious to learn everything he could about the jedi arts. It was the key to him no longer being a helpless boy anymore, for the majority of his life he had been taken advantage of and he had to rely on others for his safety. With the power of the force behind him, he would no longer have to do this, and more importantly he would be able to help others that are helpless against the evils of the galaxy.
If there was one thing Seo could understand about Klai that was his desire to KNOW. He was disappointed he wouldn't get to make his lightsaber right away, but took her answer in stride. Watching him as he twirled her blade around a few times, she accepted it back when he held the hilt out to her.

"Everything come at its own pace. Depends on how quickly you pick up on skills. Right now, I highly doubt you can touch the Force and know you're doing it by choice. At the moment your touch is natural, unrefined and without control. These are some of the first things you need to learn. How to touch the Force by choice and then control it when you do."

Heading to the cockpit of the ship, she motioned for him to follow with a small gesture. If there were other means to communicate, she went with those. Maybe she could even teach him some of the language of her people. When they were out on missions they could then communicate without alerting their targets of their presence.

"Have you been off world before?"


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