Only A Shadow
The Aoki Family.
- Intent: To flesh out a previously established family.
- Image Credit: Here.
- Permissions: tba.
- Links: tba.
- Family Name: Aoki.
- Family Type: Extended.
- Place of Origin: Atrisia.
- Family Size: Nearly extinct.
- Loyalties: Themselves; The Silver Jedi Order (Formally); the Atrisian Military (Formally); The Empire.
- Description: [ Describe briefly the current climate for this family unit. Are they a street gang? A pirate crew? Band of assassins? Nobility? What brings them all together? What do they do when they are together? Do they have a sigil or other details you would like to note? Do they all have different interests? You can include as much information as you want or as little.]
- Name: [ Feel free to include nicknames and aliases. ]
- Age: [ Please keep this reasonable. ]
- Species: [ If the species is uncommon or custom it should be linked to the correct Wookie Article or the Codex Species Sub. Droid or Artificial Intelligence NPC's submitted to the Codex must have an Approved Factory Submission, canon model or class, without significant technical changes. That can be listed here in lieu of an actual Species Name and it should be linked. ]
- Role: [ Who are they? Mother? Sister? Half-Brother twice removed? ]
- Languages: [ What languages do they know? For example, it's very common to know Basic and Huttese, and many droids know binary droidspeak. Please provide links for any unusual languages. ]
- Skills: [ What are they good at? Business? Fighting? Please include any notable Force-Powers or areas they may specialize in.]
- Notable Possessions: [ Do they have a favorite soup spoon? A gadget, gizmo, speeder, or gun?]
- Holdings: [ Are there any notable assets? A company, perhaps, a family home?]
- Appearance [ What do they look like? You may include images, of course. ]
- Description: [ Briefly describe this family member's personality, history, how they interact with others, and any other things that you may wish to note. ]
- Name: [ Feel free to include nicknames and aliases. ]
- Age: [ Please keep this reasonable. ]
- Species: [ If the species is uncommon or custom it should be linked to the correct Wookie Article or the Codex Species Sub. Droid or Artificial Intelligence NPC's submitted to the Codex must have an Approved Factory Submission, canon model or class, without significant technical changes. That can be listed here in lieu of an actual Species Name and it should be linked. ]
- Role: [ Who are they? Mother? Sister? Half-Brother twice removed? ]
- Languages: [ What languages do they know? For example, it's very common to know Basic and Huttese, and many droids know binary droidspeak. Please provide links for any unusual languages. ]
- Skills: [ What are they good at? Business? Fighting? Please include any notable Force-Powers or areas they may specialize in.]
- Notable Possessions: [ Do they have a favorite soup spoon? A gadget, gizmo, speeder, or gun?]
- Holdings: [ Are there any notable assets? A company, perhaps, a family home?]
- Appearance [ What do they look like? You may include images, of course. ]
- Description: [ Briefly describe this family member's personality, history, how they interact with others, and any other things that you may wish to note. ]
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