Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Apollo Nemesis

City of Taleucema

(sorry for low-res picture)

... *BEEP* ... *BEEP* ... *BEEP* ...

The nuisance plagued his ears as the flashing red light on his dashboard indicated some sort of system failure. It was the lateral regulation systems... again. That would be why Myles struggled to fly the ship steady. She was an old sailor, the Marava, but she got the job done. With her sturdy hull and exorbitant cargo space, Myles was able to get through several scrapes carrying his valuable goods. But even with all that durability, wear and tear was-

"Inhibitor's busted!!!"

That was the gruff screech of a half-drunk Toydarian, working in the ship's engine room. Kuzma was Myles' long-time companion. Even though all he normally did was drink, complain, and excrete, he at least kept the ship maintained the best he could.

... *BEEP* ... *BEEP* ... *BEEP* ...

"Busted!? What did you do??"

"Nothing, y' twat! Keep flying!!!"

With the hyperdrive's inhibitor broken, they weren't going anywhere far anytime soon. Myles somehow had a feeling that Kuzma was in some way responsible for this, but right now he was focused on flying the ship. It was another one of those days...

They'd had to find somewhere to land in order to make repairs, although it was getting fairly tiring for these things to occur so often. Myles didn't exact have a stable job- It was enough to make him a good living, sure, but the constant repair costs were sapping him of credits faster than he could earn them.

... *BEEP* ... *BEEP* ... *BEEP* ...

They were in the Suolriep Sector along the outer rim, and the closest system was Saleucami. It was a desert planet- hot, humid, but at least it wasn't like Tatooine. Saleucami at least had water and foliage, but it also had volcanoes. Myles veered the rocky ship slowly into the planet's orbit. The ride was bumpy searching for a place to land, but luckily they found a space near the outskirts of Taleucema, the capital city.

... *BEEP* ... *BEE-*


A single blaster shot silenced the obnoxious, repeating tone. But he may have just busted his dashboard in doing so.

"Blasted thing..."

Myles stepped out of the cockpit as the docking ramp lowered itself. He looked toward Kuzma, who was buzzing around with a drink in hand.

"Kuz, you coming?"

"No, no... Saleucami is too hot! I will stay here, try to fix the ship..."

He was right. Saleucami was a heated planet, and heat was something Myles absolutely hated. It made him all sweaty and fatigued, his skin sticky and uncomfortable in his clothing. But he had no choice. Removing his jacket, he exited the ship setting foot on the hot dirt in search of a place to buy new parts.

[member="Saab f'Czeht'sk"]
Saab was enjoying the hot day in Taleucema City, having just finished up a speeder upgrade. After finishing such a project, Saab and his crew of droids were out soaring through the sky in the Alloy, Saab's personal ship. Today he was on the search for salvageable wrecks among the city outskirts.

Cruising across the open ground, the Alloy cut through the skies on the search. It wasn't long before Saab spied a lone figure walking towards the city, looking obviously fatigued from the heat, even at the distance. Not above helping someone in need, Saab swung the ship around and made a quick landing a hundred or so feet away from the figure. The hunk of the ship eased down as the AT-TE's legs made contact with the ground, taking the ship's weight. He exited the carrier into the hull of the AT-TE, before making his way down the loading ramp of the legged-vehicle.

He called out in a raspy voice, "Hello! Do you need help some?"

[member=Myles Velum]
Exhausted from the heat, he almost didn't notice the large six-legged gunship land behind him. As sweat stained his shirt around his neck and armpits, Myles suddenly heard someone call out to him from behind. Turning around, he noticed before him was a Rodi- no, a Verpine asking if he needed any help. The heat was getting to him. It took him a second to catch his breathe before responding.

"...Yes... Thank god... Phew!"

Myles straightened his back and wiped the sweat from his brow. Saleucami wasn't always this hot- it just happened to be especially high in temperature today. Luckily, though, they weren't in the middle of a heat wave. Other people could probably handle the heat much better, but not Myles.

"My ship-" he raised an arm, pointing to a grey blob in the distance. "Broken down... Can you take me somewhere I can find some parts?"

His breathing heaved slightly, but he still managed to maintain his composure. Behind his Verpine savior, he got a better look at the odd vehicle he'd arrived in. It appeared to be some sort of clone wars-era gunship, but with legs sticking out of it. He couldn't really make it out, but he could tell it wasn't something standard-issue.

[member="Saab f'Czeht'sk"]
Saab's demeanour took on a cheerful appearance upon Myles' inquiry.

He happily replied, "I can fix. What wrong?"

As he waited for Myles to catch his breathe, he shouted at one of his pit droid crew in Verpine to fetch a cup of water for the poor wanderer. Saab waved for Myles to come aboard, as while it was doubtful he had exactly the right part on hand...his workshop in the city was overflowing with starship parts. As long as it wasn't a hyperdrive inhibitor, it would be a piece of cake to find.

Upon boarding the ship, the foolish pit droids had each brought a pitcher, though only one was filled with water.

[member=Myles Velum]

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