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Approved NPC The Apparitions

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  • Crew Name: The Apparitions
  • Crew Type: Ship's Crew and Mission Accomplices
  • Base of Operations: The Wraith
  • Crew Size: 11 (4 described)
  • Loyalties: Phantrx
  • Description: A band of assassin droids brought together by Phantrx to run his ship, and also help him on missions.
  • Name: AP-01 (Known as Spectre)
  • Age: N/A
  • Species: 0-0-0
  • Role: Translation droid and counterpart to Ghost (another droid). He also specialises in torture, etiquette and customs, and acts the droid that Phantrx will use to purchase things from markets and so on.
  • Description: Although Phantrx had become very powerful in his abilities with the force, one thing he was completely unable to do, was translate. He also had no time to purchase upgrades, parts and so on all the time, so he got himself a droid to do it for him. Spectre was the first droid to join Phantrx after he purchased from a black market. There were many droids available there, but the black paint of the droid was what appealed to Phantrx. There was also one other thing that Phantrx enjoyed about this droid, it's programming in torture methods. If he ever needed to attain some information from a suspect, that is how it was done. Of course, Phantrx had to do some reprogramming to the droid in order to make it fit his ideals, but it wasn't hard. Now Spectre is a loyal servant to Phantrx, but also, sometimes, a buddy as well.
  • Name: AP-02 (Known as Ghost)
  • Age: N/A
  • Species: BT-1 Assassin Droid
  • Role: Ghost acts as the astromech for the group, specialising in hacking and using computer systems for the good of the group, he can help to control the ship when Phantrx is not available but also packs a punch when he needs to.
  • Description: Ghost can be a bit too confident in himself sometimes, but there is a good reason behind it. He plays two roles, being an astromech, and an assassin droid. Phantrx had heard stories of a certain droid, called C3PO and his perfect counterpart R2D2 and he decided he needed someone that could fit the role of the astromech, with a bit of a punch. So he let Spectre choose from a few droids in a black market, and out came Ghost! After some reprogramming, Ghost is a slightly over-confident but funny droid.
  • Name: AP-03 (Known as Revenant)
  • Age: N/A
  • Species: GH-7 Medical Analysis Unit
  • Role: A medical droid for the crew of The Wraith.
  • Description: After retrieving Ghost and Spectre there were only two roles missing, the medic, and the muscle. Phantrx and Pez were so far providing the muscle, so a medic was the next important role to be filled. So far, Phantrx had had some luck with purchasing and reprogramming droids at black markets, so that's where he headed again. He found an old, surviving GH-7 medical unit at a black market, and spent some recently earned credits on the droid, and then proceeded to reprogram it to make it better and suit his needs upon his ship.
  • Name: AP-04 (Known as AP-A or Spook)
  • Age: N/A
  • Species: IG-Series Assassin Droid
  • Role: Spook is the Alpha/Leader of a group of rogue IG assassin droids, they are all identical, but Spook has been assigned the leader, as her programming was completed wrongly and she appears as a female instead of a male (most IG droids take on a male personality). There are another 7 IG assassin droids in the group, that Spook leads, all going from AP-05 to AP-11. They act as the brawn of the group, being sharpshooters and general backup for the ship and Phantrx when they are needed. Spook also acts as the commander of the ship below Phantrx and Pez.
  • Description: Phantrx's ship had been attacked when he was away on a mission with Pez, and no one was there to protect the ship, and so he started his search for a strong group of assassin droids that could help him. One day, on his new home planet of Lothal, he met a group of IG droids that were being chased down by a small group of pirates. Phantrx recognised the droids as IG droids, and they needed help. They were outnumbered and running low on charge, but Phantrx fought off the pirates to save the droids. When they had eventually run out of charge, he took them back to the ship and reprogrammed them to relieve them of their personality restrictions, so now they were forever in debt to Phantrx, and stayed with him on his ship.
Phantrx had made the crew slowly over time, as described by each individual stated above. He had reprogrammed them all to have their own feelings, so they could create bonds with one another and fit the crew exactly how Phantrx needed. Over time, they completed missions together, with everyone doing their own part exactly how Phantrx needed, they were all perfect for one another and for the crew.
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