Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply The Archer's Shadow

Taji Nelson

It had been six months since the fall of the Archer on the world Denon. Tonight something was about to happen, however. For you see, Taji Nelson, the individual formerly known as Archer had been working on an invention for himself. The invention had been a car he had purchased from someone else. Now he was ready to put an invention of his own creation to use. Specifically he had made a car for himself with the aid of a company that could withstand a lot of damage.

Hacking into one of the big tvs on the world of Denon, he spoke.

"Greetings people of Denon," He said. He was clad in an owl suit. He also had an owl themed helmet.


"The Archer failed the world of Denon 6 months ago. But he called me as his replacement. "

"Unlike him," He pushed a button on the controls of the car. A missile would hit an empty warehouse belonging to Corpos. "I am not playing nice with Corpos. I am not as kind as the Archer. So prepare yourselves for a world of hurt, Corpos."

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