OOC Writer Account
Origins of the Ariem are shrouded in mystery, mainly due to the passage of time. Alot of their history was passed down orally, but Galactic Alliance anthropologists and historians have been able to piece together a timeline. The Ariem evolved on a tundra like world in the Mid Rim, believed to be from a native sheep or ram like creature that existed on it. The Ariem were a tribal people for centuries, not really advancing to a proper civilization. Instead they were grouped into large tribes that warred with each other for resources, territory and sometimes to absorb other tribes. The planet would be left undisturbed for much of galactic history, that was until the Hutt Cartel would discover the planet and claimed as one of their own. While the planet was also abundant in resources, the most notable resource was the Ariem themselves. The Hutts grew enamored with the women and demanded them as slaves. So they sent their hired guns, thugs, and mercenaries to subjugate the natives. Surprisingly this proved to be difficult.
Ariem males were hulking brutes, standing a couple feet taller than their female counterparts. They said they had the ferocity and strength of an enraged Wookie. Despite the cleer technological disadvantage, the Ariem male warriors fought valiantly causing heavy losses to the Cartel operations and forces. It forced the Cartel to make a special chemical agent to deal with this. In essence, it essentially was a form of gas that would knock out the Ariem so Cartel soldiers can come in without any resistance. The dosage was strong enough to even make the most fierce Ariem male warrior to go down with a thud, though there were plenty of cases of a male Ariem warrior resisting the gas far longer than he should have. However eventually, all Ariem tribes were subjugated, the male warriors all killed in their sleep out of fear of an uprising.
So began the Ariem's time in chains. They were exported across Hutt Space as slaves for various crime lords, and even to other areas outside of the Mid-Rim. To compensate for the loss of males, the Hutt Cartel would introduce vat growing of Ariem to increase numbers. Their homeworld was subjected to heavy strip mining for resources, even deep core drilling as well. Over the years, this would continue as the planet turned into nothing more than a shell of its former self. The Ariem continued to survive despite this harsh treatment. It wouldn't be years later when disaster struck.
Due to the heavy planetary mining, earthquakes became very common. The planet itself was breaking apart and the core was becoming destabilized. The Hutt Cartel began to pack up and leave, forcing the Ariem to remain on the doomed planet. But fortune smiled upon the Ariem, for a couple of Jedi happened upon their planet. After hearing the situation, the Jedi were able to convince independent organizations to come in and help get the Ariem off world. The planet would soon implode on itself, destroying the homeworld of the Ariem.
The refugees would then be permitted to resettlee onto Hosnian Prime, where they have began to rebuild their people and continue on their culture free from chains. Though many Ariem are scattered across the galaxy, still in the bonds of servitude.
- Intent: I had the inspiration to make a pacifist race in the Star Wars, galaxy. I also plan to possibly make a character using this species
- Image Credit: Image 1 Image 2 Image 3
- Canon: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: N/A
- Name: Ariem
- Designation: Sentient
- Origins: An unknown planet that was destroyed
- Average Lifespan: 110 years
- Estimated Population: Planetary/ Scattered
- Description: Being near-humanoids, the Ariem look very similar to humans save for the the pointed or flat curved ears they have. Each Ariem has a horns on their head, which either curl forwards or backwards. Other times their horns will curve outwards rather than forming the trademark crescent shape.
- Breathes: Type 1
- Average Height of Adults: 164cm
- Average Length of Adults: N/A
- Skin color: Skin color is usually ranges from tanned white to a dark chocolate brown, though some can be pale white.
- Hair color: Various hair colors, ranging from browns, to whites and purples.
- Distinctions: The Ariem are on the shorter end of the height spectrum amongst the humanoid races, often being referred as adorable by other races. Their soft features, including their hair which always has a comforting feeling to it, only enhances this. The horns on top of their head are solid but hollow and often come in either a cream white color or dark brown. On occasion their horns may come out in black. The Ariem hair tends to grow and regrow naturally more quickly than other humanoid races. Ariem hair tends to be thick rather than, almost akin to wool. This has allowed the Ariem to make an industry out of using their hair to make warm clothing to sell on the intergalactic market.
- Races: The concept of races don't exist culturally amongst the Ariem.
- Force Sensitivity: Rare
- Enhanced Perception- The Ariem are used to being preyed upon by pirates and other criminal elements. Over the centuries they have developed acute awareness of when danger is coming. This allows them to be able to flee from danger much more easily.
- Quick- Ariem are quick runners, especially if they are in danger.
- Thick Blooded- Due to their original homeworld, the Ariem are used to colder environments and planets. Their hair can also be used for insulation as well.
- Beautiful- Considered by many species to be highly attractive phyiscally.
- Physically weak- Strength is not the Ariem's best trait. If they are caught, they can do little to physically to try and get away from their captor
- Not Heat Friendly- While Ariem can be fine on cold and temperate worlds, when it comes to arid or desert worlds, the Ariem suffer from things such as heat exhaustion much more easily than other humanoids.
- Price for Pretty- Due to the Ariem's beauty, many of them are seen as slaves across various criminal enterprises. They are considered a sign of status and Ariem are constantly hunted to be enslaved.
- Diet: Herbivore
- Communication: They speak Galactic Basic
- Technology level: Galactic Standard
- Religion/Beliefs: The Ariem do not believe in violence and are quite the pacifist race. They only wish to help others and live out their lives as peacefully as they can.
- General behavior:
Family Values: Family life amongst the Ariem are similar to other humanoid species across the galaxy. Though the absence of any many figures, has shifted the family dynamic slightly. One Ariem may be referred to as a Birth Mother, while the other is referred to as the Paternal Mother, filling the role as the "father" of the species. Children of the family unit are often called lambs. Raising their young is no different than other near-human species, other that there is a strong emphasis on community and the history of the Ariem people.
Ariem can still interbreed witth other near-humanoid species if such a union happens. Though many Ariem now reproduce via medical technology. They take the DNA of one partner and the egg of the other. Within a specialized fertility lab, the DNA is "shot" into the egg, fertilizing it, thus combining the DNA of both parents. Then there is the option of the egg being placed into the mother, or for it to be vat grown.
Interactions: Many would describe the Ariem to be very amicable, and always friendly. They are known to be a comforting species, always reassuring and looking on the brighter side of things. This makes them great assets in the healthcare field, hospitality, and service industries. Ariem tailors are known to make high quality clothing, especially winter clothes which have beecome popular on colder Alliance worlds.
The Ariem are pacifist by nature preferring to use their words and diplomacy rather than violence. While this is an admirable trait for the Ariem, it is often exploited to the fullet extent possible by bad actors. Ranging from school bullies purposely picking on Ariem children because they wont fight back, to workplace managers often giving them more to do because the Ariem hardly say no. Ariem have become victims to scams, shark loans, and general unpleasant things. This cycle of predatory hunting has been curbed thank to law enforcment intervention at times, but this has caused many Ariem to become closer knit with each other than with other species. Many believe this pacifist natures stems from their traumatic past.
Yet despite all of this, the Ariem are shown to be loyal to the Galactic Alliance, at least those that reside on Hosnian Prime. They are among the more politically active diaspora on the planet, often spouting altrustic views that benefit as many people as possible. They make excellent orators and statesmen. Despite their pacifist nature, Ariem do volunteer for miltiary service, though they mostly serve as engineers, technicans, or most notably as battlefield medics.
Origins of the Ariem are shrouded in mystery, mainly due to the passage of time. Alot of their history was passed down orally, but Galactic Alliance anthropologists and historians have been able to piece together a timeline. The Ariem evolved on a tundra like world in the Mid Rim, believed to be from a native sheep or ram like creature that existed on it. The Ariem were a tribal people for centuries, not really advancing to a proper civilization. Instead they were grouped into large tribes that warred with each other for resources, territory and sometimes to absorb other tribes. The planet would be left undisturbed for much of galactic history, that was until the Hutt Cartel would discover the planet and claimed as one of their own. While the planet was also abundant in resources, the most notable resource was the Ariem themselves. The Hutts grew enamored with the women and demanded them as slaves. So they sent their hired guns, thugs, and mercenaries to subjugate the natives. Surprisingly this proved to be difficult.
Ariem males were hulking brutes, standing a couple feet taller than their female counterparts. They said they had the ferocity and strength of an enraged Wookie. Despite the cleer technological disadvantage, the Ariem male warriors fought valiantly causing heavy losses to the Cartel operations and forces. It forced the Cartel to make a special chemical agent to deal with this. In essence, it essentially was a form of gas that would knock out the Ariem so Cartel soldiers can come in without any resistance. The dosage was strong enough to even make the most fierce Ariem male warrior to go down with a thud, though there were plenty of cases of a male Ariem warrior resisting the gas far longer than he should have. However eventually, all Ariem tribes were subjugated, the male warriors all killed in their sleep out of fear of an uprising.
So began the Ariem's time in chains. They were exported across Hutt Space as slaves for various crime lords, and even to other areas outside of the Mid-Rim. To compensate for the loss of males, the Hutt Cartel would introduce vat growing of Ariem to increase numbers. Their homeworld was subjected to heavy strip mining for resources, even deep core drilling as well. Over the years, this would continue as the planet turned into nothing more than a shell of its former self. The Ariem continued to survive despite this harsh treatment. It wouldn't be years later when disaster struck.
Due to the heavy planetary mining, earthquakes became very common. The planet itself was breaking apart and the core was becoming destabilized. The Hutt Cartel began to pack up and leave, forcing the Ariem to remain on the doomed planet. But fortune smiled upon the Ariem, for a couple of Jedi happened upon their planet. After hearing the situation, the Jedi were able to convince independent organizations to come in and help get the Ariem off world. The planet would soon implode on itself, destroying the homeworld of the Ariem.
The refugees would then be permitted to resettlee onto Hosnian Prime, where they have began to rebuild their people and continue on their culture free from chains. Though many Ariem are scattered across the galaxy, still in the bonds of servitude.