Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Art Of The Deal



The Coruscanti Port Authority Representative casually went down the list of goods indicated on his datapad. A few feet away, the trundling mechanized droid shifted its weight, hefting another large crate from its resting place on the deck of the ship, rotated at the waist, and proceeded to stomp - stomp - stomp down the ramp and into the private storage facility. A light breeze wound through the large open ramp, gently brushing the flaps of the man's safety vest - bringing with it the familiar smell of fuel, ship exhaust, metal warmed by the afternoon sun, and the sounds of spaceport traffic in the distance.

"Well," He said, glancing up from his inspection, "Everything seems to be in order. Three crates, fifteen units in total, AH-50 Disposable Power Cells. Two crates, two units in total, 1009-JuleX Reserve Batteries. Two crates, six units in total 03-R Cryogenic Power Cells - for a total of 23 Units." He tapped the screen, made a note, then turned the datapad toward the Nautolan woman standing in-front of him.

"Please sign here."

What the CPA-R likely didn't know was that the crates, while marked and tagged with all the necessary indicators they were as-stated in the paperwork, were not actually power cells.

They were, in fact, a number of beautiful and fascinating pieces of art: Two statues, and a number of paintings and art pieces of superb quality. The items had been a total combined shipment picked up from two separate planets in the Outer Rim then delivered directly to Coruscant. The packaging had been expertly crafted to allay any concerns as-to their true contents, but Yu Karloo was as likely as good a smuggler as she was an actress. With a little elbow grease, she'd likely been able to appreciate the priceless works for a short while before boxing them back up as cleanly as they'd been upon receipt of pick-up.

The CPA-R took the returned Datapad, supervised the offloading of the final crate, then made his departure.

Whomever had arranged the paperwork for the shipment was a professional. Now, all there was to do was wait for the credit depost to hit.

Less than thirty minutes later, rather than an electronic receipt of payment, the Captain of the Pharoah III received an invitation:

"Moonveil Communications & Holdings, Inc. would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for completion of the agreed-upon delivery of our goods. However, there has been a small complication with the completion of your Funds Transfer. Please visit us as the location listed below to speak with a Company Representative regarding completion of delivery. We apologize for any inconvenience, and thank you for your service. Moonveil: Defining the Galaxy."

Then, an address.

A quick holo-search would immediately bring up an intriguing location associated with the address - identifying it as a restaurant known as The Star Lounge in the Uscru Entertainment District, about thirty minutes shuttle ride from the current port.

All the more strange, as the restaurant didn't seem to be associated with whatever company "Moonveil Communications & Holdings, Inc." purported to be.

If Captain Karloo wanted her credits, it sounded like a night on the town was in order.
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Yu Karloo



Yu had held herself with practiced poise as the Port Authority rep verified the manifest. Posture relaxed, one long leg slightly bent, one hand resting lightly on a svelte hip while the other idly lifted as cuticles were examined. All gave the impression of polite boredom. The delicate sensors along the Nautolan's ornamented head tendrils tasted the man's hormones lingering in the air. There was no smack of hieghtened emotion, no suspicion or concern. The rote recitation of the manifest confirmed that the customs agent was a by-the-book sort of fellow. The labels matched the crates, job done, onto the next ship.

Yu took the offered datapad with a small calculated smile, toned just right to express genuine friendliness. Too big a smile and she might have appeared to have gotten away with something. Which, of course, she did. "Thank you sir." She replied, her delicate fingers dashing her signature across the pad with the stylus.

The clunky droids had finished unloading the shipment, the cargo considered delivered once it hit the dock. Cleared by the Port Authority, all Yu had to do was collect the fee.

The Nautolan captain glided up the ramp of the TIE shuttle, one of two Yu had aboard the Pharaoh III. She gave a nod and smile to the crewman she had chosen to pilot the craft, a Duros named Curo. "Shipment is delivered, now we simply wait for the credit drop." She informed the pilot, reclining in one of the four command chairs in the cockpit. Through the cockpit viewports, deck crew could be seen dragging fueling couplers to the shuttle to refuel before departure.

"Be a darling and fetch me a hot tea?" Yu purred. Curo rose and slipped to the main hold. The Nautolan pirate and installed a small, top shelf replicator on the shuttle, capable of producing a limited variety of her favorite drinks and snacks. An alert on the message comm caught her attention and Yu brought it up toreview the receipt of payment. It was not a receipt. A scowl tugged at Yu's features.


Yu didn't like complications. A small sigh escaped her nostrils. Coru arrived with the hot cup of tea, and his captain took it up and sipped at the hot spiced beverage. The address provided in the missive was also unexpected. A wry smile slipped across feminine lips. The Star Lounge in the upper levels of the Uscru District. She could understand why this Moonveil rep meeting would not take place in any official corporate location. The subject matter was... delicate. But a meeting at the celebrated Star Lounge meant a social event, and this pleased Yu.

"Coru, back to the Pharaoh, I need to prepare for a night out."

Later that evening, Yu returned aboard her yacht craft, along with two burly, well-dressed escorts from her crew. A private shuttle awaited them at the docks to whisk them away to the Star Lounge. The Nautolan corsair had chosen a deep green dress for the occasion, a small clutch in hand. Neither captain nor escort were armed, for certainly the club had security measures were in place to detect weapons. Choosing to enter via the Loroka Overlook skybridge, the Nautolan pirate noblewoman entered the Star lounge

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud



Whistles, catcalls, and the sound of applause greeted Yu Karloo and her companions as they strode through the doors of the bright & beautiful Star Lounge. The atmosphere lay heavy with sweet-smelling Tabac smoke and numerous delightful aromas - the main room was abuzz with numerous shifting shapes, dancing partners, and Staff walking to- & fro. The bar, down a short flight of steps directly in front of where the Corsair and her escort had entered, was busy with sentients of every shape, race and size... but all were well-dressed and appeared fully engaged in the music. There were still a few seats available at the long wooden divider as well as chairs, a few booths, and a table near the center of the room available.

Opposite the bar against the far wall, a gorgeous auburn-haired human woman was fully engaged in a slow Swing tune, and the entire crowd's attention was focused directly on her and the band playing behind her.

"We love you, Neesa!"
"Girl, you're amazing!"

A few couples were dancing on the dance floor in-front of the stage; some doing a peppy two-step and others dancing intimately.

A young woman dressed in a simple black dress greeted the finely-dressed Nautolan woman and her two companions with a bright smile. On her chest lay a small gold badge with the name "Athena".

"Good evening. Welcome to the Star Lounge. Seating for three, or would you like to sit at the bar?"

If Captain Karloo inquired about Moonveil, the woman would give her a strange smile - as if there were a momentary slip of a mask. Her face would appear (for a split second) to be made of porcelain, and her eyelashes flickered too fast for the eye to follow. She would then direct them toward the bar with a rigid hand.

If Captain Karloo chose to play it "Cool" and take her time with pleasure before business, she might choose to have a meal. The woman would direct her companions to seat themselves.
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Yu Karloo



A delicious smile slid across the Nautolan's feminine lips as glistening all-black orbs drank in the scene. The Star Lounge never failed to delight the Lady Pirate. The club was elegant and classic, the patrons beautiful and refined, the music moving and alluring. Neesa Loroka, that gorgeous songbird, captivated the crowd with her silky voice like none other could. Neesa Loroka was renowned, and to hear the sultry singer perform was a boon Yu had looked forward to.

The young woman who greeted the new arrivals was answered with a coy grin. While her purpose there was business, and Yu was anticipating the conversation about her delayed fees, she would allow herself to indulge in the pleasures of the Star Lounge. To do otherwise was simply a sin.

"Athena..." The name rolled off of the Nautolan's lips. "I believe I would like to start with a drink. A seat at the bar would be fine, dear." She replied. An idle wave of her hand dismissed the two crewmen, who took up positions loitering where they could keep an eye on things. They, of course, would be permitted to drink as well. They were pirates, after all.

With a nod of gratitude to Athena, Yu moved towards the bar, slipping onto one of the high chairs. If the Moonveil contact sought her, she would be easy enough to spot at the bar. If the contact did not appear after Yu enjoyed a drink, she would address Athena about the matter.

"Bespin Fizz." She ordered when the bartender arrived.

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

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The bartender, a handsome male Zeltron dressed in the same black uniform as the rest of the Lounge's employees, welcomed the Nautolan woman with an easy smile. On his lapel sat a similar name-tag, except this one read: "Phaelix". The Celtron nodded at her request for a Bespin Fizz and immediately began to craft the drink - pink hands moving with dexterous precision.

"Good evening, ma'am. Welcome to the Star Lounge. How are you this evening?" He asked as he made her drink in-front of her. He seemed completely unhurried, but he moved like he was a master of his craft.

The drink was set down in-front of her with a flourish after only a few moments. A delightful smile spread across his lips as he rested his hands on the bar-top, meeting Yu Karloo's deep black orbs with something akin to amusement & honest interest.

"May I offer you an appetizer?"

Yu Karloo



The bartender was a lovely tall drink himself, and Yu allowed herself a breath to drink him in. He wore a crisp uniform and proved to be just as ready to serve as the beautiful Athena who had greeted Yu. There was no hesitation when she uttered her drink order. He deftly crafted her drink, a task which the Nautolan found delightful to watch. Once it was placed before her, Yu lifted it to her lips, all-black eyes still on the bartender who's work she would judge. With a small sip, her nose wrinkled at the fizz and the Nautolan nodded with a smile in approval.

"Well, Phaelix," Yu replied, leaning forward a bit on the bar top, "...I am doing quite well." Her ebony gaze broke away to swing around the room, as if she could discern the Moonveil agent by simple appearance. She chastised herself for appearing eager. Her attention returned to the handsome Zeltron, meeting his masculine gaze with a small smile.

"An appetizer sounds lovely, what would you suggest?" She replied, lifting her glass again to sip daintily at the cocktail.


Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

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Yu Karloo

Deep, emerald green eyes returned the Nautolan woman's abyssal gaze. A grin began to tug at the corner of his full lips; she was much more than the Lounge's typical visitor. He stared for another moment longer, before making his recommendation: "The House Special, miss; Kinrah Gold Stuffed Mushrooms, and an order of freshly baked bread. The mushrooms are stuffed with a combination of the finest cheeses in the Galaxy and basted in truffle oil. The bread is the freshest on Coruscant, and our honey butter is award-winning."

He winked at her - the motion almost too quick to recognize. Clearly, he was a flirt.

Behind them at the opposite section of the main room, the music continued. The crowd was lively and welcoming.

Yu Karloo


Phaelix was most attentive, and Yu made no complaint. The green-eyed barkeep was delicious company, and the way the Zelton described his recommended dish only served to further whet the Nautolan's appetite. "Mmmm... sounds delightful..." Yu cooed back at the handsome man before sipping again at her drink. If there was an intentional scheme to distract the pirate captain, it was very nearly working. Her hand reached to rest on the pink-skinned bartender's, holding him in place with gentle pressure.

Her head turned to glance across the room as Neesa Laroka's buttery voice lifted again over the murmur of the crowd. Oh, yes, it was quite a wonderful place, and Yu found herself forgiving Moonveil for the delay of their contact. At least for the moment. The glass lifted again an a deeper draught of the fizzy drink slid down her throat. Her obsidian gaze turned again to the gorgeous Zeltron and she leaned in closer to him.

"I am here to see someone from Moonveil...I was invited." She spoke in a husky hush. "And put in an order for the House Special for me, will you, handsome?"

Yu's hand lifted from the bartender's to rest on the knee of her crossed legs, flashing a demure smile at the man.


Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

Just as Phaelix was beginning to turn away to place the woman's order (grinning at her flirtatious nature), a gentle pressure upon his hand caused him to stop. Were it from anyone else, he might have turned away. Instead, he remained for a moment longer - clearly drawn in the moment to see what she further had to say. Her fertive glance from one side of the room to the other made him realize one of two things were about to happen...

The first, was that he was about to be propositioned - which happened often enough that he didn't mind. Sometimes, he even agreed.

The second...
"I am here to see someone from Moonveil...I was invited." She spoke in a husky hush. "And put in an order for the House Special for me, will you, handsome?"
Phaelix grinned, their faces close to one-another; nearly at eye-level. Bright, emerald-green eyes gazed into those great black pools, searching for... Something... and apparently finding it. He nodded after a moment's hesitation, leaving his hand in place a moment longer than one might have expected. He returned the smile with a knowing look, lips curled upward in delight and pleasant surprise.

"Yes, ma'am. Another drink, an order of stuffed mushrooms, and a House Special." His voice matched her tone - husky, as-if his throat had gone somewhat dry. He cleared his throat. "I'll get that started for you."

With that, the Zeltron stepped back from the bar, turned toward the console, and tapped a few buttons on the screen. Then, strangely & without another word, he left the bar altogether; disappearing around the corner into the hallway and leaving the Nautolan woman at the bar with the other patrons.

She wouldn't wait long.

When he returned almost ten minutes later, he had a cloth napkin draped over one arm, and upon it was a large order of golden-brown mushrooms, each about the size of a human child's fist and covered with bubbling white and yellow cheeses. Beside it sat a loaf of steaming bread - fresh from the oven. Also on the tray was a fresh drink, the same she'd ordered previously.

"Miss, if you'd follow me please. The Proprietor would like to speak with you." He paused, smiling professionally with a twinkle in his eye. "Upstairs."

He turned, rounding the corner again in the direction of the staircase which led onto the top floor - The Star Lounge's main dining area, known for its intimate, private setting.
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Yu Karloo



The sensitive skin along her head tendrils discerned the truth, that Phaelix was not putting on an act, but was genuinely flirting. Phaelix's body chemistry betrayed his sensuality, which in itself betrayed the fact that Yu was no real lady. A lady would have blushed. Yu could put on the act of flirting as naturally as batting her big ebony eyes. But she chose carefully with whom she truly flirted and Phaelix was worthy of a little flirting. Zeltrons were so hard to resist.

Clever Phaelix made little apparent response to the mention of Moonveil, but the twinkle in his eye flashed for a nanosecond, while his charming smile curled with the slightest touch of wryness. The pretty pink man was going to take care of it. Yu watched Phaelix walk away with much appreciation, a soft hum of approval bubbling in her throat.

Unhurried, Yu worked towards the end of her drink, enjoying the sultry music. Time passed quickly with such delightful distraction, and Yu turned to see Phaelix with her order, drink, and an invitation that pleased Yu greatly. Finally, she would get some answers.

"Lead the way, my dear." She cooed in response, gliding behind Phaelix to the staircase and upwards. With a glance back at her crewmen across the room, a small smile assured them all was well, a nod encouraging them to indulge themselves properly in her absence.


Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud


(Parlu Piu Piano)


Phaelix led the way up the fine staircase toward the second floor of the Star Lounge, glancing behind him once to make sure Yu Karloo was following in his footsteps. His demeanor had changed - the man seemed more reserved. Quieter. Respectful. The change in tone might have seemed sudden & strange... As-if he were suddenly all about Business.

As they neared the top of the stairs, the volume of the music lessened somewhat. The main dining area was pleasant with dim lighting, red velvet and fine wood furniture, and brass metal decor. A red carpet, as red as spilled blood, covered the floor, and the faint smell of cigarra smoke mingled with the scent of food. The environs were a tad more intimate than below - private booths with high backs, and an open railing along the right side which allowed a clear view of the dance floor & bar area downstairs. Instead of the music filling one's ears like it did downstairs, it was a pleasant drone, allowing for private conversations or an atmospheric meal in peace.

A few of the tables were occupied: A few families, but mainly ones & twos minding their own business. Some were drinking but most had plates of food in-front of them. Phaelix led the way down the left side of the upper floor, following the carpet toward the rear of the building closest to the stage. Ahead of Karloo and Phaelix was a door which separated the dining area from a private seating section by a red velvet curtain. Phaelix approached, still bearing the tray of food, and used his opposite hand to sweep the curtain away - an offer for the finely-dressed Nautolan to enter first. A charming half-smile lay on his lips, and the look in his eye reinforced the idea that he was not quite just a bartender.

The area just inside the curtain consisted of a small number of private booths, but each also bore similar red velvet curtains concealing the occupants within; the same fine furniture and color scheme continued, but this area seemed reserved for private parties... or private meetings.

The very first booth to the right was occupied, and it was this booth the Zeltron indicated; moving the curtain aside to allow Karloo to see the figure within.

The woman was dressed entirely in black. A sleek black dress hugged her lithe & athletic body, and through the lacy shoulders, colored shapes and whorls of ink were barely visible - the woman was heavily tattooed but concealed them well. Between her breasts, hanging from a simple silver chain, rested a tiny purple stone which glittered softly with its own internal fire; a Kyber Crystal, to the discerning eye, and worth a fortune. Atop her head sat a black, wide-brimmed hat which veiled her face in shadow. Her head was turned, looking out over the balcony to the view down below, but as the pair entered, her head swiveled, revealing a beautiful face, violet eyes which matched the stone twinkling at her bosom, and long black hair which fell down her back in a braided pattern which was elegant & conservative.

From the moment Captain Karloo laid eyes upon her, the Nautolan would detect mild curiousity from this individual; she radiated a sense of confidence & control, as-if she were in command over the very air they breathed.

Phaelix indicated with his free hand that Karloo was to sit opposite the woman with the Nautolan's back facing the way they'd entered. He than began setting the plate of steaming mushrooms & fresh bread down on the table, along with her glass of fresh bourbon.

A smile played over the stranger's lips as she regarded the pair quietly... saying nothing as Phaelix gave a small bow, then disappeared the way he'd come.

"Good evening, Captain. I'm pleased you decided to join us, this evening. I do hope Phaelix was polite."
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Yu Karloo



Yu sensed it, a change in the atmosphere as she trailed Phaelix up the staircase. Senses detected it in the Zeltron's chemistry, how his pheromones had faded from sensual to something akin to tempered fear. The Nautolan interpreted it as a reverential awe. Phaelix's demeanor matched the altered hormones. His glances were less sultry, more mysterious. He moved with erect propriety as he climbed the steps with the tray of food.

The physical atmosphere changed as well as they mounted the top of the stairs to the upper level. An elegant dining room, intimately lit, cleverly designed to mute but not silence the music from below. The environment grew more curious, more intimate as they passed through the curtain to the next section, where she was given entrance to one of the private booths. With each new section entered, Yu felt the gravity of the pending meeting. It would be one quite private, with someone she sensed was no mere corporate agent.

Phaelix drew aside the curtain to the booth, revealing the occupant. Yu felt immediately the presence of the figure sitting within. The woman in black was striking, even as the wide-brim hat veiled her features. Yu found her breath momentarily captured in her lungs. A fit, shapely figure was glorified in a stunning dress, the hint of tattoos under lace suggested a paradox between the elegance of the stranger and perhaps a woman of more...eclectic endeavors. Nestled in her cleavage was a small crystal that brought a gleam to the Nautolan's large midnight gaze. She could only guess at the value of such a jewel.

Then the woman's head turned to reveal features that matched the beauty of her figure, and eyes that twinned the violet jewel. No, Yu realized, this was no mere representative of a company. Graceful authority dripped from the gorgeous woman, a control that was effortless in her features, and delicious danger clung to her like the edge of a vibroblade.

Yu settled into the seat across from the woman, as Phaelix indicated, watching the man place her food before her. Food suddenly seemed quite irrelevant. Yu offered the Zeltron a small smile as he bowed and dismissed himself. Then, all attention fell upon the woman in black, who finally spoke.

"I appreciate the invitation." Yu replied with a calm, polite smile. "Phaelix was a perfect gentleman. Well, the sort of gentleman I like." She added, her smile taking on the slightest curl.

While her demeanor remained relaxed but respectful, Yu pondered within the nature of this meeting, and what it had to do with the delay in payment for services rendered by her and her crew.


Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

"I appreciate the invitation." Yu replied with a calm, polite smile. "Phaelix was a perfect gentleman. Well, the sort of gentleman I like." She added, her smile taking on the slightest curl.

From beneath the tenebrous veil, Yu Karloo glimpsed a slight upturn of the woman's lip - a reserved smile at what might have been an inside joke. The woman glanced downward, surveying the spread of refreshments delivered to her table.

After a brief pause, the woman's hand rose and removed the hat from atop her head - revealing a face seemingly carved from porcelain. High cheek bones, full lips curved upward in a pleasant half-snile, and bright & intelligent eyes which seemed to penetrate to the core. The hat was laid gently on the table, and her gloved hands folded before her. Each movement was languid; fluid and patient.

"Please, enjoy your meal." She said, her head tilted to one side in a curious pose and indicating the steaming plates. "No doubt you're wondering, refreshments aside, what you're doing here, Captain. We've never met, but your reputation precedes you. My name is Ivory Stroud, chief executive officer for Moonveil Holdings. And you..." The woman trailed off, reaching below the seat to her left and producing a datapad which was set down between them, "Are Captain Yu Karloo of The Pharaoh III - a lady of distinction. One I've heard to be quite trustworthy."

Upon the datapad, clearly visible, was a copy of the same manifest the beautiful Nautolan woman had delivered mere hours ago.

"Tell me, if you would, Captain... Was there anything unusual about the shipment you delivered this afternoon? Anything you'd consider... Out of the norm?"

The tone of her voice was casual, matching the small smile which rugged at the corners of her luscious lips. Those penetrating violet eyes stared, unblinking, into the smuggler's deep abyssal pools.

Below them, in the Lounge, the music had changed to a softer, more melancholy melody - a tune of lost romance and missed opportunity.
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Yu Karloo


The delicacies on the tray remained ignored for the moment, Yu much more intrigued by her mysterious host. The woman had gracefully removed her hat, revealing herself. The Nautolan had not seen her before. If she had, Yu would never had forgotten her. Stunning in appearance, the woman's features were studied in an instant by the corsair. There was something to the woman's appeal that was more than the statuesque features, plush mouth, and commanding, enigmatic violet gaze. It was the demeanor that moved the subtle muscles of her feminine visage. It was a quick twinkle in a captivating eye, the smallest curl at the corner of her lips that revealed the faintest crease in her perfect skin. This woman was beauty, control and authority, all displayed in the span of a breath. Then her identity was likewise revealed.

Ivory Stroud. Something told Yu she was amiss in not knowing the name. Surely a woman such as Ivory would have enough notoriety that Yu would have heard of her. And she was the CEO of Moonveil. Her curiosity piqued sharply, Yu listened, for the words that Ivory spoke were polite, yet the Nautolan felt a tension the sound of her name and that of her ship. Had it been discovered that she had viewed the cargo? She had been most diligent to repack the artwork exactly as they had been originally. That sort of thing was not new to her.

Yu measured her words before speaking, feeling a subtle sense of danger. The senses along her head tendrils revealed nothing of the woman's chemistry, leaving Yu only the woman's words, tone and body language to discern any double meanings.

Yu's black gaze darted to the manifest on the data pad, then back to the woman, only the subtle tilt of her head indicating where the all-black eyes focused. Then she did something uncharacteristic, Yu told the truth. "The cargo was not batteries."

With a relaxed, unhurried motion, she stabbed one of the stuffed mushrooms with a fork and lifted it to her mouth, popping it between feminine lips.

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

"The cargo was not batteries."

Ivory folded her hands in front of her on top of the table, interlacing her fingers daintily. As Captain Yu Karloo speared a mushroom and brought it to her lips for a bite, her host nodded - showing no change in expression. The woman had an expert Sabaac Face - registering zero emotion. "No. They were not batteries." She repeated succinctly, leaning back against the high backed wooden bench seat. The soft leather cushion creaked quietly at the change in pressure.

After a pause, Ivory reached out for the datapad and picked it up from the table, returning it to its hidden location beneath the table, then directing a steady gaze toward her visitor. She was evaluating the Captain, likely watching the Nautolan's subtle body language. There was a sudden shift in her detectable pheremones; what, at first, had been so easily concealed now became apparent - a sense of arousal, of excitement - but going undetected in her body language. Then, Moonveil's CEO spoke again... but this time, it was to offer a significant amount of trust.

"For especially valuable or sensitive cargo, we utilize highly advanced pressure, light, and atmospheric sensors to detect any form of tampering or damage. I do not expect you would have continued investigating, had you found one..." The small smile returned; an upturn at the corner of her lip. "I appreciate your honesty, Captain. I did not expect such a thing existed among Pirates... even ones as nicely dressed & poised as yourself." Her words came off as equal parts jest & subtle jab - the sudden use of the word "Pirate" clearly indicating this unusual woman with the violet eyes knew far more than she had first let on.

The fact that there were no Alliance Marshals sweeped in to arrest the Nautolan or her associates in the room below indicated that perhaps there was far more to this meeting than Captain Karloo might have guessed.

"If I may ask, though... why would you open a shipment of batteries, in the first place?" Ivory's demeanor suddenly changed, taking on a confused, almost friendly attitude - as-if the pair were simply two friends enjoying a meal together. Her head tilted to one side and she leaned forward curiously, eyebrows raised in a quizzical expression.

"What if it had been, say... Weapons?"

"Or Spice?"

Yu Karloo


Every move Ivory Stroud made seemed both meticulously calculated and organically graceful. And the woman didn't waste words. Yu discerned that every one spoken by Ivory carried a measured significance, even the calm echo of Yu's own words. The Nautolan finished the mushroom, watching as her host stowed the datapad. There was a moment of notable study on the part of Ivory, her violet eyes gauging or... admiring.

The sensors along Yu's smooth head tendrils picked up the faint, tantalizing taste of pheromones. Ivory's body betrayed her, revealing the lick of arousal that almost brought a blush to Yu's face. She herself suffered from the allure of the beautiful CEO, that attraction sharpened by the subtle danger that emanated from the woman in black.

That danger seemed to hum like a crouching nexu in the shadows, biding its time. As Ivory continued, Yu felt like an insect dancing on the edge of a spider's web, all the while the gorgeous spider drew her irresistibly closer, daring her to dance on the sticky strands.

Ivory dropped the word...pirates. This woman knew who...and what Yu was. A chill ran along Yu's spine. It seemed her decision to be honest paid off, so far, for it seemed little could be hidden from the eyes of that woman. The cat and mouse game between the two women was far from over. Yu knew from the moment she laid eyes on the charismatic Ivory that she was the mouse to Ivory's cat.

After the exposure of some truths, the small tells of a shift in Ivory's attitude were noticed by the Nautolan. A measure of the tension eased, but by no means dispersed. The intimacy of the conversation deepened as Ivory leaned forward a bit, as if to ask a confidential question. A question did indeed come.

There was a pause as Yu measured her own words. "I advertise as a specialty courier, at a price that suits that service. I found it curious that I would be hired to ship simple power cells. It is the responsibility of a captain to her ship and crew to know what they carried in their hold, lest it pose a danger." The Nautolan offered in response to Ivory's first question. She took a sip of her fizz, allowing the carbonated alcohol to coat her tongue with its stringent flavor before swallowing. The tip of her tongue darted along her lips to savor the residue of liquor on them.

"If those crates held weapons, or spice... I would have delivered them as contracted, untouched." She spoke, but followed up to assure Ivory that Yu was not just offering answers designed to placate. "Business is business, right?" She added. "As you certainly know already, I dabble in all sorts But I am also highly selective in my undertakings, and discreet with my clients."

Yu offered a small smile that hinted at mischief.

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

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Yu Karloo

Ivory considered Captain Karloo's words carefully, evaluating the Nautolan woman as-if she were studying for some kind of weakness... Some small hint of untruthfulness... Some sign she was not altogether forthright. The Captain's explanation as-to why she tampered with the cargo made sense and further showed Karloo was not the "typical" pirate; not driven by avarice, but by genuine concern for her own family. The typical uncivilized pirate cared little for their people - seeing them as little more than tools to accomplish a given job. Ivory detested those types of Criminals, and considered them to be the lowest form of Underworld Life.

Ivory sat back, watching her companion carefully. Yu's black eyes bored into her own, and Ivory said nothing for a moment, drumming her fingertips on the table. Karloo's mischievous smile was met with a similar look; however, the CEO of Moonveil, Inc. didn't let her mask slip.

"Discretion and reliability are very important." Ivory said, musing over the Captain's explanation. "Tell me, Captain. Have you ever been stopped by peace keepers? An alliance patrol or an Imperial blockade? If questioned, your livelihood threatened, your crew's life at stake... How far would you go to protect them?"

More and more, their conversation was seeming to sound more like an interview and less like a meeting about missing funds.

Yu Karloo


The curious meeting continued, the answer to Ivory's last inquiry was met again with a titillating pause that hung between the two women. The CEO's beautiful, mysterious features remained veiled of intent, adorned with just a shade of mischief. Yu's concern about repercussions of her cargo inspection had waned, allowing her to relax even more behind her own veil. She could only guess that her last answer had satisfied Ivory.

The Nautolan sipped again at her drink while her host's feminine fingers drummed lightly on the table top. The woman in black eased back slightly into her seat. Was it a sign of resolve, or simply an indication that she had decided on the next question? The inquiry continued in that same alluring tone, tempting and still edged with danger.

Yu delicately devoured another mushroom. She too paused, but not nearly as long, before she spoke in accented Basic. "Being boarded by authorities is part and parcel for this kind of work, Ms. Stroud." She reponded to the first part of Ivory's question, the answer to which Ivory would have already have known. Everyone was boarded sooner or later.

"From my earliest memories to the time I was twenty, I lived on the street. I survived on wits, skill, luck and guts, until I scratched my way out. I have wallowed in the gutter, slept in veda-covered beds, entertained senators, and awoke on the sticky floor of a Tortuga Station cantina. I have been up and I have been down, but there has never been a time when I betrayed anyone loyal to me. I return loyalty for loyalty. But I owe loyalty to no government. As you said, I am a pirate, after all. I am not afraid of doing what is necessary to protect my business or my family."

Yu fell silent, another small smile painting her lips before her drink glass again met them.

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

"Being boarded by authorities is part and parcel for this kind of work, Ms. Stroud."
Ivory knew this was the truth. What defined a good smuggler from an average smuggler was how they prepared & dealt with this ever-present danger. Ivory Stroud had personally experienced, in one form or another, nearly every aspect of the Criminal Underworld - the highs, the lows, both failures & successes. Her experiences had given her a finely-tuned intuition, and at that moment, her intuition was telling her the Captain of the Pharaoh III was both adaptable and educated.

"From my earliest memories to the time I was twenty, I lived on the street. I survived on wits, skill, luck and guts, until I scratched my way out. I have wallowed in the gutter, slept in veda-covered beds, entertained senators, and awoke on the sticky floor of a Tortuga Station cantina. I have been up and I have been down, but there has never been a time when I betrayed anyone loyal to me. I return loyalty for loyalty. But I owe loyalty to no government. As you said, I am a pirate, after all. I am not afraid of doing what is necessary to protect my business or my family."

Ivory listened to Captain Karloo's extended explanation without breaking eye contact once. Black, finely-manicured eyebrows raised only once - at the mention of returning loyalty for loyalty. She nodded thoughtfully, reaching out for her glass and lifting it to her lips. The bourbon warmed her insides, setting her tastebuds aflame. She set the glass down, then interlaced her fingers on the table.

"Family. This is a word that means something to me." She said, then took a deep breath - filling her lungs before letting out a gentle sigh. It implied certainty and resignation.

After a brief pause, a gloved hand reached below the table, retrieving again the holo-pad she'd set aside earlier. She lifted it, glancing at the screen and tapping once... twice... then three times... before setting it down on the table. "I've just released your payment, Captain. You should see it available within the next few minutes." Her head tilted to one side, smiling at what was sure to be a sense of relief from her Nautolan companion. However, rather than signal their meeting as concluded, Ivory instead continued...

"But, I do have another job for you & your Crew. That is, provided you have no other outstanding contracts? It's a relatively simple job, with very little risk..."

"Are you at all familiar with the exotic food trade on Kubindi?"

Yu Karloo

Yu Karloo


The mysterious Ivory Stroud had lured Yu into revealing much more of herself than the Nautolan anticipated. She was no closer to understanding why she hadn't been paid, or why she had been given the privilege of the private meeting with the executive. Yet, Yu found that she was far too intrigued and enamored by the elegant woman in black to care. Few could mince words as well with Yu, even fewer could intimidated her. But Ivory Stroud had done both, with a silken glove and a voice like smooth oil.

At the conclusion of her extensive answer, You saw resolution in her host's features, when Ivory retrieved the datapad. Yu felt relief in satisfying whatever obstacle had held her payment. Only then was it apparent what Ms. Stroud had been doing. An interview.

Another job was proposed by the magnificent woman. Yu's charming smile returned, leaning slightly towards Ivory. "Any work I have will be completed immediately. I assure you that myself, the Pharaoh and its crew will be at your disposal." Yu knew nearly nothing about Ivory Stroud or Moonveil, but she knew she wanted to work for her again. The woman was an irresistible cocktail of power, refinement and allure.

"I am familiar with Kubindi, do tell me more..." A delicate hand lifted, the Nautolan's chin resting on it, large, glistening black eyes fixed on Ivory Stroud.


Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud


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