Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Jedi Temple was not an ordinary school teaching all your usual subjects, but they did have a small space set aside that was colloquially known as the “art room”. This was where students of the NJO could sequester themselves to work on projects, especially those of a messy and/or elaborate variety. While the place was cleaned regularly by diligent worker droids, if one looked hard enough you could find stubborn paint splatter or other stains in hard-to-reach spots on the walls, floor, and ceiling.

Starlin intended to catch a person of an artsy inclination, so naturally he chose the art room to house his trap. He set up a big blank canvas, but when that alone failed to draw in his quarry, the clever hunter was forced to come up with something more enticing.

Checking the room for other supplies he might use, he found a box of throwing darts and some party balloons left over from an incident involving bored Padawans. He filled a bunch of the balloons with paint and hung them up over the canvas. Stepping back to check his work one final time, Starlin threw one of the darts as a test. It popped a balloon with a splat, the bright orange paint inside trickling down the canvas. He glanced toward the door, grinning, and threw another dart.



An actual art room.

Who would've thought that was a thing. Iris certainly didn't. Maybe she should've. Or, maybe they added the room because of how often she spent painting in the halls and other likely inappropriate places. Did that mean she was behind this? .. No, no. that was vain as hell. She grimaced at her own inner thoughts. Maybe she should just head ba-


".. What."

She peeked her head through the door, blinking as she saw what exactly happened. Balloons. Filled with paint. And.. A dart. She just about laughed before more fully stepping into the room.

"What are you doing, Starlin?"

Starlin Rand Starlin Rand
With his back to the door, Starlin sensed Iris’ presence before he saw her. A smile curled the corners of his mouth as he picked up another dart and threw it, blue paint dripping down the canvas and onto the plastic sheet he’d spread over the floor. Gottem.

Hello, Iris,” he greeted. “I’m throwing darts at balloons filled with paint.” No kidding.

Turning to face her, he held out another dart. “Would you like to try?



".. Huh." She didn't answer right away, instead stepping over to just inspect the paint. What was spilled so far. Weird. Interesting. Different.

"Sure." She took up the dart offered and kinda just tossed it. A splash of green. Random, unaimed. A brief smile formed after a second.

"Neat. Yeah."

Starlin Rand Starlin Rand
Starlin watched as Iris took her first shot. Green paint dripped from the torn remains of the balloon she popped, the rubber pinned to the canvas by the dart. “Alright! Good!” He laughed at her reaction. “It’s fun, isn’t it?

There was something therapeutic about it, too. Two different means of stress relief—painting and dart-throwing, creation and destruction, together formed an extra relaxing activity. Or something along those lines. He just liked to hear the balloons burst and watch the colors run.

It’s funny that you happened to stop by,” Starlin said, as if he hadn’t set the whole thing up specifically to draw her in. “I’ve been meaning to ask you—are you planning on going to Miri and Kyell’s wedding?

He carefully aimed his next throw, hoping to strike a balloon in the far right corner of the canvas.



"Kyell cheated on one of my best friends with Miri. If my friend has moved on, I will. If not, I won't make things more confusing for her." Iris shrugged indifferently. She actually had yet to talk to Kyell. Or Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan . Another dart was pulled up with a swipe of her hand and a tug of the Force. Then tossed. More colors to join the chaos.

Chaos and art. Like her own, but rather than her trying to make the colors match what she saw like with her tags, she didn't know what the results would be. Fun.

Starlin Rand Starlin Rand
Oh. I—Wait, what?” Starlin blinked, completely thrown off track by her answer. This was the first he’d heard of any relationship drama connected to the couple. “Kyell cheated on somebody?

Forgetting about his own reasons for bringing up the subject, he turned to face Iris fully, still holding the dart in his hand. “What happened?” he asked.

He was having a hard time wrapping his head around the idea. His overall first impression of Kyell had been that he was awkward and a bit of a dork, but likeable enough. And Miri… well, she was still very much a little girl in his eyes, even if she was about to be married. Starlin couldn't envision Miri as a conniving temptress, or Kyell as a ruthless womanizer. There had to be more to the story.



"I didn't ask. It's not my problem, and I don't take issue with either of them. You should ask them about it."

Iris offered a shrug before tossing another dart to the wall. Purple. A soft sort of smile formed on her lips as she again plucked the same dart back with the Force.

"I like this."

Starlin Rand Starlin Rand
Okay.” Clearly Iris wasn’t interested in gossiping. That was kind of nice, actually. “I’ll mention it the next time I see ‘em.” What a conversation that was sure to be.

He observed as Iris continued to throw the darts, using the Force to pluck them from the canvas. She seemed to be enjoying herself. Starlin hesitated, tapping his dart against his thumbnail, before stopping to take aim.

The reason I wanted to know if you were coming to the wedding is because… I was going to ask if you’d like to come with me. As… my date. But if you're not sure if you're going or not, that's fine. Uh...” He knew he was supposed to offer up an alternative, but he was so nervous and distracted, he couldn't even remember what his other plans were, if he had made any at all.



The reason I wanted to know if you were coming to the wedding is because… I was going to ask if you’d like to come with me. As… my date. But if you're not sure if you're going or not, that's fine. Uh...

There was another thwip of a dart as Iris threw, though no pop. The dart hit the wall, a couple inches from the actual art piece. She said nothing as she walked over towards it, plucked it from the wall, returned to where she'd been standing, lift the dart, and threw it again. This time with a splash of red.


Starlin Rand Starlin Rand

Starlin grew even more flustered at her question. “Uh, why was I going to ask you? Well, why not? Going to a wedding alone just seems kind of… weird, I guess.” He floundered a bit, finally launching his dart at the canvas. It hit, but didn’t pop any balloons. “We’d both have someone to talk to and hang out with, at least. You seem… nice.

Sighing, he tried to calm his nerves and speak more frankly, without pretense. “I want to get to know you better. Hell, I want to get to know everyone a bit better. I feel like I’ve been sitting on the sidelines for too long, and now everybody’s a stranger.” Things had been rough, between Eliphas’ coma and Lothaire’s absence. Starlin had been forced to accept the fact that maybe his future wasn’t going to look the way he expected it would.




Iris didn't pull back the dart this time, more watching where Starlin's went. More focused on him. His colors. He was nervous, embarrassed. And the why was actually way more relatable than she expected. She smiled after a second, nodding.

"Yeah. That could be fun. I doubt Corin would want to go anyway."

Starlin Rand Starlin Rand
Starlin glanced at her, his eyes slightly wide. Then he grinned. “Cool beans.

He tossed another dart. Red paint. “Corin?” His brow furrowed. “Uh… Trenor, right? I haven’t seen him around lately.

Though he knew he had since been knighted, Starlin’s only standout memories of Corin were of a young and angry teen Padawan stirring up chit during class and going too far in a training duel with another boy.

Is he… are you two…?” He made a vague gesture. “Together?



There was another thud as a misthrown dart hit the wall. Iris shuffled over quickly, if only to hide the emotion on her face before she had a chance to process it.

"I think so. We talked about it during the kerioki thing. Doesn't always feel like it though."
Oh. Damn.” Starlin stared at Iris’ back as she turned away from him. “That’s fethed. Sorry to hear it.

Probably best not to press the subject. “Well, if everything works out with your friend, the offer stands. I might have a role in the wedding party, but that doesn’t mean you have to be involved in all that.

The thought crossed his mind that Miri might make him a bridesmaid as a joke. That certainly sounded like something she would do.

She didn’t seem too upset about Corin being away, which struck Starlin as odd. He could’ve sworn he’d detected a swell of emotion in her only a second ago, but now she had lapsed into apathy? Was she suppressing those feelings, hiding them?

But he had said he wasn’t going to pry, and it wasn’t any of his business besides. “Alright, nice. It’ll be fun.” Picking up two darts at a time, he said, “Whoever gets that last balloon without the help of the Force wins, baby,” and started flinging them at the canvas rapid fire.


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