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Approved Species The Ashen

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  • Name: Ashen
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: The Ruins of Cradyn the Stricken
  • Average Lifespan: Average lifespan of the base organism (so infected human to around 90-100) if they are within their city in the Behelion Canyon or somewhere with incredibly cold temperatures/environmental controls. Outside of the city disease usually overtakes them from anywhere from a year to five years while cold climates might extend their life by 30-40 years.
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: The Ashen are the remnants of any sentient species infected with the Fire-Fever, a plague designed by Cradyn the Stricken. The disease slowly turns their skin black and eyes and blood a glowing orange as it continues to make their body produce more and more heat.

  • Breathes: What ever base organism was
  • Average Height of Adults: What ever base organism was
  • Average Length of Adults: What ever base organism was
  • Skin color: Black or Dark Gray
  • Hair color: Black, Dark Gray, White
  • Distinctions: Incredibly high body temperatures, tendency to have weaker force sensitivity.
  • Force Sensitivity: Low

  • Boiling Blood: Their internal temperature means that any sort of physical touch can be harmful, and their blood can literally burn anything it is spilled on.
  • Intimidation: As the disease progresses, the Ashen become more dilapidated and their eyes/blood begins to glow. This makes them quite intimidating.

  • Weaker: The Ashen, after all, are stricken with a disease. The toll that the Fire-Fever takes on the body is immense and it makes The Ashen rather weak and frail.
  • Hard to Hide: They glow. Plus their body heat is easy to detect with thermal making it difficult for them to hide.
  • Weakness to the Light: The plague is aligned with the dark side of the force, and thus makes those infected weaker to the effects of the light side.
  • Diet: What ever base organism was
  • Communication: However the base organism did it.
  • Technology level: What ever base organism was
  • Religion/Beliefs: What ever base organism was
  • General behavior: What ever base organism acted like.

The Fire-Fever was a sickening concoction designed by Cradyn the Stricken as he slowly devolved into madness within his ruin in the Netherworld. The Sith Lord spent decades perfecting his alchemy to produce this Sith-Plague, imbuing it with dark forces and ancient magics to increase its virility. He infected his apprentices without their knowledge when he sensed they were about to betray him, and when they fled Cradyn's prison they took the plague with them, spreading it far and wide within the galaxy. From Coruscant to Csilla to Tatooine, the disease spread far infecting all and turning them into the Ashen. The Apprentices were the first to fall ill, returning to the tomb of their master so that they may survive, and their stories and rumors caused others to follow them. For it was here that the Ashen formed Misery, the city within the Netherworld, so that the strange physics there would prevent their disease from spreading further. It is there that all Ashen ultimately end up, living alongside the tomb of the man that cursed them all.
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