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Approved Species The Ashmaarians

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  • Name: The Ashmaarians
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Lujo
  • Average Lifespan: 45-55 years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary (A Large Concentration on a single world or system, rarely found off-world)
  • Description: Native to Lujo, the unassuming Ashmaarians are a humble, down-to-earth, simple species that live in modest communities along water sources that lead to the oceans of Lujo. Phenomenal swimmers, they can hold their breath for as long as 10 minutes while underwater and can swim at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour. Just as comfortable in the water as on land, they find their food source exclusively from the ocean. The Ashmaarians carry strong values for family, loyalty, and nature. They do not use modern technologies, and are content to live simple lives in the midst of their loved ones and the epic beauty of Lujo.
  • Breathes: Type 1 atmospheres
  • Average Height of Adults: 2 Meters
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Shades of pale browns and greens.
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: Large eyes, with extended noses and pronounced chins. No hair, moist fish-like skin. Males have larger protruding chins than females, who have smaller chins and ear lobes. Young are smaller and have a more greenish tint to their skin, while fully mature members begin to develop a brownish skin color.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Low (Some members are, but many are not)
  • Deeply Loyal
  • Swimming & Fishing
  • Community-Centric
  • No weapons
  • No technology
  • Diet: Omnivore. Diet is primarily fish and other sea life.
  • Communication: They speak their own native language: Ashmaari. Some have learned the core language spoken by the off-world settlers. the fluttering of the eyelashes are a prominent way of communicating feelings and affection, both positive and negative, with other Ashmaarians.
  • Technology level: No modern technology at all.
  • Religion/Beliefs: They believe in the cycles of life, and in stewarding nature in order to keep harmony and balance with all living things.
  • General behavior: They live in modest homes made of natures materials, so as to blend in with nature. The males are responsible for gathering food for the village, and the females are responsible for raising the young and for cooking meals, as well as protecting the village when the males are gone. Words are very important to them, and their word is their bond. They carry a strong value for family and community, as well as for being in balance with nature. The single female will invite a male that she is attracted to into a special dance of harmony. if the male accepts, then the two will dance together spontaneously, and if they feel a strong connection to one another during the dance, then they will commit their lives to each-other forever and build a home together. They educate their young through oral stories as well as through practical experience, such as hunting. They also celebrate unique forms of art, dance, music, and singing, especially as the sun sets in the evenings. The village all comes together and eats dinner before the sun sets, telling stories from the day and enjoying each-others company. Each community has a designated Patriarch, who is commonly the most trusted elder of the village. It is their job to maintain the peace within the community and to help settle disputes.
The Ashmaarians have been indigenous inhabitants of Lujo for thousands of years. They were discovered 300 years ago by the two off-world human families who settled in Lujo, and very little is known about their origins besides what has been shared by their elders to the off-worlders. The Ashmaarians became aware of the settlers very quickly. The Ashmaarian Patriarchs gathered together to discuss how they would respond, and although there was some dissension, they decided ultimately to observe them. They didn't reveal their existence to the off-worlders until the colony had begun to grow and it became apparent that they would not be leaving any time soon. By this time, they had concluded that the settlers were peaceful and appeared to share many of their own values, and so the Ashmaarians officially welcomed them to their homeworld, throwing a large celebration in their honor with much dancing, feasting, and music. Although communication was difficult at first, they were able to express concepts and terms through the use of hand gestures.

After many years, the city of Beshnia Alpha, which was the original off-worlder settlement, developed the first spaceport for the planet of Lujo, and the population began to steadily increase. During this time, there were some Ashmaarians who were now inhabiting the city as well. There arose a great tension throughout the city, as many people were migrating now who did not align with the original settler families beliefs or values. These troublemakers grew more and more lawless, and they began to persecute and harass the Ashmaarians who lived there. During this time, it was discovered through their mistreatment that the Ashmaarians produced a highly-valuable oil from their skin. As curiosity grew, some went further and started to kidnap and torture them in order to learn more about their skin. They further discovered that the Ashmaarians skin was filled with thousands of tiny, highly refined pearls, which were incredibly lucrative when "harvested" from the skin. What would happen is their skin would absorb a unique particle that existed within the oceans of Lujo. This particle would be rubbed and pressed for decades in the oil of their skin, which would add layers to the particle that would harden and crystalize. This process would repeat over and over again for decades, the particles slowly growing into pearls, which would produce a naturally protective armor within their skin.

The torture and mistreatment of the species was completely unacceptable to the original families, as well as for the Ashmaarian Patriarchs. After meeting together, they agreed that there needed to be an official government of Lujo that would protect the planet and the people, and uphold the laws of the land. The House of Lesterian agreed to govern the settlements, the House of Alverez agreed to represent the planet on behalf of the Galactic Alliance and develop interplanetary relations, and the Ashmaarian Patriarchs came together to appoint the first ever Grand Patriarch of the Ashmaarians, who essentially functioned as the king of Lujo, protector of the planet and of their species. These three governmental branches brought a swift end to the atrocities that were being done to the Ashmaarians, and brought Lujo into a time of order and peace once again.
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Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez

Cool species! The only thing I would like to see is a bit more in the Historical Information section. Even if their origins are largely unknown, 300 years since their discovery is still quite a few years. What happened since they were discovered? Did they accept the off-worlders as their own? Was there conflict? Has their planet ever been touched by war? What about the Gulag Plague? Fleshing this section out a bit more will really round out this sub, and provide others with more material to RP with.
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