The Red of Sinner
Battle Sister
Good evening ladies, and gentlemen of the galaxy. I come before you with a invitation of small stature, and open arms. As the title claims, the Shadow Empire will be hosting a ball. This ball is intended to bring good will, and the best intentions to all there to the best of their abilities.
As I return to my throne to whom some may know of what has happened, and begun within the Shadow Empire, I do this in hopes to produce a better face for the group. This invitation stretches out to all who can come. The ball is free to enter, but this is a Sunday best party, no real suit, and tie required, but your best attire is. Please understand this is a party of civil manner, and thus weapons must be kept holstered, and out of sight at all times. We understand some feelings of insecurity without a blaster on your hip, or a saber on your belt, just keep them out of public view.
If you are interested in such a case, please feel free to join in at anytime.
I hope to see many new faces, and old there.
As I return to my throne to whom some may know of what has happened, and begun within the Shadow Empire, I do this in hopes to produce a better face for the group. This invitation stretches out to all who can come. The ball is free to enter, but this is a Sunday best party, no real suit, and tie required, but your best attire is. Please understand this is a party of civil manner, and thus weapons must be kept holstered, and out of sight at all times. We understand some feelings of insecurity without a blaster on your hip, or a saber on your belt, just keep them out of public view.
If you are interested in such a case, please feel free to join in at anytime.
I hope to see many new faces, and old there.