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The attack on region 24 (Chaeronea)

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Sabrina found out the mandalorians had stole a march on her, as she marching her legion into the region. She decide that this was just minor set back, she would just have to take them on instead. As she her troops made their way silently through the woods, it was night they planned to sneak up and take the mandalorains by surprise.


Forward Operating Infantry
Aigi Outskirts
On Routine Patrol

The Mandalorian forces, with the help of Lady Ashelotte, had recently laid conquest on Aigi and secured Sector 24 under Mandalorian control. The land was a moderate-value territory with high strategic value concerning being the only buffer between Sith and Mandalorian headquarters. In the days before, Ashe had already organized her troops without flaw and already had one stunning victory over a nearby territory to the west. Her strategy was slow and subtle, but direct and adaptive. She had very much calculated the defense of Aigi upon securing it, and even that of the Mandalorian heartland and the ocean which they would soon secure in the days to come. If the girl could be known for one thing other than her mystic fire, it was her natural cunning.
Ashe had been checking her Akk Slugthrowers and Czerka ammo clips as Sentinel company Beta escorted her and Commando companies Gamma and Delta ran regular patrols around the forested Aigi outskirts. A full squadron of RRDI-loaned Aurum II Light Bombers, still fresh from sortie, was parked at a nearby improvised roadway-airfield along with some non-combat personnel and the walkers and artillery pieces of the Mandalorian forces under her control. Her own personal AT-LTA had been flown in from Crystalsong and was fully operational, her body leaning against one of the heavily-shielded leg plates, arms crossed. The MMSHMD-Sierra helmet was still latched firmly on her head, though her silver hair fell freely from it and its air seal was released. She could do without the target identification and enhanced nigh vision, as she already had the latter trait as a vampire, but with the dim and desolate low-light atmosphere of the forests under the waning moon made wearing the helmet give a feeling of comfort and ease.
It was a beautiful night for a skirmish, or a bonfire.

Sabrina men finally made it to the edge of woods, to look on the mandalorian forces. She had set her men up in formation, and was receiving the final positioning reading from all nine company of troops. She liked imperial troops , they where a disciplined and professional soldiers. She had arranged them to have five companies at the front of woods, and the other four further back towards both flanks. Her men would use the forest for cover, and the darkness to help hide their movements. Sabrina was nervous she was about lead her men, into zero hour which was time to attack.

Her front line placed some mines down, as they reached the wooded perimeter, to disrupt any charge at them if they had to fall back. As the final call came in, her men where lined in up in a skirmish formation, to help reduce casualties from any area effect weapon. Also not having ridged formation, would help move around without trying maintain a formation. All her men had been briefed on her plan of attack, it was time start the attack. Then without warning, Sabrina issued the words OPEN FIRE, at the that point all five companies of troops opened fire in a volley at the mandalorians. As soon as volley was fired smoke grenades where launched, to mask their numbers and positions. Then maintained volley firing at the enemy, as they could not see them, though their was enough gap smoke cloud to see if they where advancing.

The other four companies where, hiding in the woods towards the flanks waiting for their orders to attack. Though they where keeping an ear on folding battle through the com links, they kept them selves hidden as they did not want to be found.

Ashe the Reaper


(((Sorry, I don't know why but I don't get tags from you/this thread maybe. Site glitch.)))​

Blastershots suddenly rung out in the distance, Ashe's vulpine ears twitching into their direction as they expertly picked out the sounds. Her head rose in attention for a brief moment, still listening... waiting. There was no mistaking it. Her hand rose to the side of her helmet, initiating the crystal-liquid display and patching into her encrypted A/O comm channel as she hastily swept up the leg on all fours and down the open hatch atop the quad walker's body.
"Feth - This is commander Ashelotte Malfrost to all Mandalorian-allied forces; it's as I suspected, they're trying to move on Aigi again. I want everything but Beta mobile, yesterday! Do not fire until the order is given from me. Gamma leader, what's your situation?"
"You know already? An unknown enemy force is firing volley at us, weapons look like them but I can't be sure without an ID. They're dropping smoke, I can't get a good bead on them. Judging by the amount of fire, I'm guessing three - maybe four regiments? We're holding position and returning fire. Awaiting orders, ma'am."
A large grin painted Ashe's face underneath that non-transparent visor. The enemy commander was good - they knew the opportune time and place to strike; but they had overlooked key details, ones they likely never expected... Ashe's favorite one.
"Lay down suppressive fire, pull back half a kilometer and await further instructions. Delta is on hold by your left flank, approximately six hundred meters out. All offensive units are mobilizing and Beta is holding the town. Malfrost, out." Her comm abruptly closed.
Ashe's AT-LTA quickly skidded off down the road until it was by an uncleared portion of forest, no dirt road or beaten path. Her walker stanced itself again and began walking through, its pilot ever so careful not to snap trees or make noise in the brush. Ah, useless... she thought as the hatch opened above her and the foxtress quickly leapt forth from it. She sprinted on all fours, tails about behind her like fluffy streamers, until she reached the point she was hoping for. Ashe regained herself for a moment, taking a few deep breaths... in... and out... in... and out.... Her golden eyes opened, a surreal shine under the moonlight, a hunter of the night. Her arm was raised up to her eyes. In the palm of her hand, a strange blue glow rapidly built up. It swirled and danced through her fingers, a flame of surreal liquid properties.
"We're almost in position, ma'am!"
With one final smirk, she crushed it in her fist, creating a great blue ball of fire that exploded out from around her silently and coaxed all in its path in an eerie blue flame. She'd set the forest around them on fire, and it was quickly building up.
"I am Ruferalahuin....." Ashe yelled among herself. "The forests are my terrain and fire is my creation...!"
The wildfire was quickly spreading. She felt another weight in the Force in the distance. She focused on it... familiarized herself with it... looked on as the flames slowly surrounded it, and the smoke slowly suffocated everything in its sight.
You, there. Turn back now while you still draw breath. (@Sabrina)
"Lady Malfrost. Bombers will be in the air in ten. Running pre-flight checks and loading on the runway now. The Mandalorian tank squadron and walker regiment have already deployed, and artillery is fixing trajectory on the enemy occupied area. They're awaiting orders to fire shells."
"Yes, order them to fire on the enemy's reported location now. The only company nearby should be clear enough by now. I'll be out of here in a moment, don't worry about me! Make sure those tanks don't go in the woods. I need them defending the border between the base of operations and the edge of the forest around it; they're no good if they get stuck by a detpack from behind!"
Now satisfied with the rate at which the wildfire was expanding, Ashe ran back into the distance with a speed only dwellers of the forest could match. She had made certain to only burn the forests forward and out, using the power of her enhanced abilities to scorch a thin line of forestry across to charcoal so that the fire would not proceed back towards her. Behind her, artillery blasts began raining down into the now-burning woods, and beyond. The enemy's advance would no doubt be universally halted by the viciously growing inferno pushing towards them, the thick smoke, and the artillery fire would slowly but certainly cut down their numbers. By the time the bombers get in the air, death will certainly find them and the forest would be nothing but rubble and ash.
Sabrina men pulled back from the fire, and shot at explosives from safe distance to fell the trees. This would stop the wild fire from spreading to quickly. Sabrina then meditated and focused on single point, the pain became intense as the pressure increased around her. She then let the pressure rip, it knocked over her own men, as she the force let ripped into burning part of the forest. It sent most of the burning trees towards the mandalorian camp, her men took up their secondary positions.

The smoke was so thick know that, heat signatures where useless which was a relief as the bomber would know be less effective. Though it would still be problematic, as could just hit random areas. She then lifted one the burning trees, and sent it flying into middle of mandalorian camp. This would start to use her enemy fire against her, as their encampment would know burn as well. With that and the smoke being driven towards, the mandalorians by Sabrina. As well her men starting regroup and volley fire through, the think smoke, things must be unpleasant for them to say the least. Sabrina started to use her force vision powers, so she could see through the smoke and give orders, if the mandalorians began their advance.
Ashe the Reaper


A man looked up slowly, wincing, as a flying... tree came hurdling forth from the sky like a cruise missile. Such a wonder the girl could throw a tree so far, hundreds or thousands of meters away. It hit the ground and nigh exploded into a fiery ball of tinder, charring the sandbagged permacrete ground that made up most of the town and by extension the FOB.
"They're launching... trees at us now?" the man cautiously exclaimed among himself. "Lady Malfrost, be advised, unless they're using some kind of ancient catapult or stuffing trees in a mass accelerator, they've got a damned Forcer." The officer then watched as the bombers began screaming off into the pitch black midnight sky above.
The walkers were already well on their way and the tanks remained stationary all throughout the town to defend the base at all angles. Ashe had taken the fight to them, and even though they had clearly tried to turn the tables, the range between the town, the FOB and the current enemy location made counter-tactics virtually useless as the fire nor the smoke would reach so far back. However, it did keep the enemy force driven back in one general location long enough to prevent their advances and allow artillery to gain a bead on them, which now continued to rain down from above, devastating the forestry further out where enemy troops lie. Now that the bombers were on the way, things would only get worse. More still, the clearing that [member="Darth Banshee"] had just made between the Mandalorian infantry companies and her own created a sort of No Man's Land, a difficult-terrain clearing where volley fire would prevent anything from traversing across it on either side. Range would become a huge factor, causing most shots to miss. Smoke now blowing back into this No Man's Land made sniping nearly impossible to perform efficiently. Walkers finally arrived behind the line to lay cannon fire down across, somewhat blindly but powerfully striking at the enemy's own held ground. It was exactly the kind of scenario Ashe and the forces in her charge needed to keep the enemy caught in limbo and simply decimate them with hell from above through bombers and artillery tanks until there was simply nothing left standing in all the woods but stumps and craters. The enemy unwittingly had superior numbers and ease of cover... but they did not have the ability fly over trees or drive through the wastes; all they could do was stay idle and be blasted away or return to whence they came where the chaos did not reign.
The bombers soared overhead and across the NML zone, inspecting the field as they passed - roughly seven or eight hundred meters out from the edge of the town now - and reporting detailed information to the maintenance personnel back at the runway and the rally masters on the ground. From the dark of night, each one gave calculated passes over the forest, using their nose-mounted FLIR swivels to pick out heat signatures through the smoke and drop precision-guided warheads on the larger clusters. They flew at a ceiling not consistent with the maximum altitude and trajectory of the artillery blasts that ceaselessly rained down over the clearing, ensuring they were not struck down by friendly fire. Everything was coordinated and well-organized.
Ashe's forces were tearing down the outer forest and everything with it. The collaborative firepower on them now was certain to have killed or wounded scores of men while Mandalorian casualties were still in the single digits and unlikely to rise at any rapid rate. Even if they would not be blasted away by a seemingly unending rain of death, they'd eventually run out of forest to hide in and had already been all but completely locked out of any kind of advance, which would ensure death if they tried.
You cannot win. Surrender now, turn around and leave, and I will order the air strikes and artillery off. Your men will live to return to their families and homes, Ashe mentally relayed to [member="Darth Banshee"].
The banshee-wailing sound of missiles, flying warheads and artillery blasts racked the outer woods. Blaster and laser fire pierced through the bare, smoke-filled No Man's Land. The fire did not burn into them, but burned around them. Even the best soldiers in the world and all but mindless drones would be demoralized in such a situation, not performing to their fullest under the doubt and unease of looming death that could strike randomly at any moment, unseen.
Darth Banshee heard Ashe the Reaper talk to her through the force, Not a chance, you hemmed us in, and did not even think of talking to us first. Their will be no surrender, though I will admit, I was surprised to see a fellow force user leading this band of mandalorians. She then order her to fall back deeper in to forest, so she be out range of artillery they have bring them up to use them. The bombers would still be a pain, though they have refuel and reload some point, and could not win the fight alone. Though the falling back did mean leaving the no man zone, her troops hidden though, would not be detected until they where used. Thank god for scout armour she thought to her self, as her men fell back.
As they moved back Darth banshee was keeping her eye out for the bombers, she may have chance to crush bits, send bombs off course, or even throw things at them. Though the chances would be far and few in between, though in the end if they wanted to take them out area they would have to drive them out.


Not a chance, you hemmed us in, and did not even think of talking to us first. There will be no surrender, though I will admit, I was surprised to see a fellow Force user leading this band of Mandalorians.
Ashe frowned for a moment. The loss of life would be substantial and even wasteful, though she had already offered a peaceful choice. In truth, when the foxtress had planned on taking Region 24, she had no prior idea that there were other forces preparing to mobilize on it. In fact, until one of her fellow commanders had pointed it out, she had no idea their faction even held presence on the planet at all for it was so small and easy to overlook. Several days ahead had she planned the taking of it, and it was only initiative and superior strength that won them the land. Now she would be smashing them out in similar fashion, albeit longer and more of a pain, like leeches in thick fur.
The volleys of return fire across the charred and smoke-filled No Man's Land slowly began to cease, even after the Mandalorian soldiers' and walkers' own fire continued. A few moments continued on with their cover fire dying down until the strip was suddenly silent and free of colorful light. Using an infra-red military grade binocular device, one of the company's commanders had taken a look through the lingering white fog of war, only to see the cooling ashes of the ground and the glassed round craters of cannon blasts. There were bodies, far too cool to be living, but no sign of the enemy.
Brief cheers filled the front line.
"Oya! Lady Malfrost, they've pulled back. We've stopped their advances! What are your orders now?"
The enemy had begun to withdraw further into the forest, almost to the northernmost reaches of the region, where the artillery fire and bombing runs gradually subsided until they were all but out of range of any lethal fire. This, of course, would take a bit of time for footsoldiers in crowded terrain, and cost them a few more losses as they progressed back, but now they were out of the front lines and seemingly unable to return.
"What do you think their losses are, two-maybe three regiments? That puts them at or near our size in manpower, and less in firepower. We should chase after then and snuff them out.... But that's not what we're going to do. Stay there and hold your ground. Take this opportunity to have the bombers load up on warheads and swap out fuel cells if needed. Have the walkers slowly advance through the ashen No Man's Land now that the other side is unoccupied, but make sure it stays unoccupied.... I'll take care of the enemy." Ashe ordered over a Mandalorian-open comm for all her forces to hear.
As she waited for the walkers to cross the glassed, charred and ashen debris of No Man's Land, the clearing she and [member="Darth Banshee"] has made down the woods through their Force powers consequentially, she herself quickly paced deeper into the forest towards the other side. It wasn't worth potentially giving up their tactical advantage and superior strength just to chase an enemy into a possible trap or figurative pitfall. The enemy could in no way advance on them and they knew it. All the Mandalorian units had to do was hold the line and remain that way until reinforcements arrived to properly secure the region; there was no way the enemy could move on the capitol of Aigi now. Ashe, however, was made to traverse the land and was best-equipped to assassinate their leaders one by one.
With a superior inhuman speed, twice vulpine and thrice vampiric, Ashe finally reared up on the first stragglers from the shadows of the crowded woods. Her golden eyes covertly scanned them to find the most statured individual, the ones with the finest armor or the most "colors" who were undoubtedly the leaders and commanders of their companies and battalions. With blade in hand, she waited for one to wander off just far enough away from the others to leap up and drive the blade through their neck, where their armor was weak or inexistent. Without a noticeable sound, the blade withdrew and the body fell limp to the ground. Ashe picked it up and tied it to a tree with some spare wire, quickly sprinting off on all fours to her next destination unseen. If need be, she would just continue the killings of straggling VIPs and commanding officers until the enemy was even further demoralized and the enemy Force adept was in sight. If [member="Darth Banshee"]'s own men wouldn't turn on her or abandon the fight, Ashe would just take the lesser experienced girl on herself and end the fight for once and for all.
Darth Banshee decide she had underestimated her opponent, and decide to call a retreat her men would fall back, in formation. If the enemy gained to much ground on her, she could still flank them on both sides. She wished she met pyromancer before, as she would adopted different tactics.

[member="Ashe the Reaper"]
Preliat's eyes scanned. Weapons were beginning to jam. Smoke would remove the possibility of air assets. Preliat threw his hands to the side, and ordered his men to throw their incendiary grenades to the right and left of the fire. No need for the fire. His men complied with savage efficiency, and the fire began to consume what oxygen it had left, snuffing each other out by taking up their respective fuel sources. Whoever started the fire obviously didn't count on a lot of things - including the limitations on the suits of the Mandalorians. Now, they only had 20 minutes before the ash began to clog up their air filters and start to choke them.

So they had to work quickly. The heat from the ground didn't bother his men as they pushed through the black charred landscape and the gray ash, marched forward. The men began to grow restless, itching for blood and for war.


Preliat turned his head, but didn't speak. The man had his attention.

"Should we engage in Shriek Hawk?"

The Mandalorians stopped, waiting for Preliat's answer. He nodded. All it took was that. Men prepared for a moment, spacing themselves out. The Rally Master took the helm of the triangle, rolling his shoulders forward. He could hear the walkers trudging forward, and Preliat looked upwards. Ori'ramikad around him waited for his mark. A single hand went up, and his fingers grew straight, ushering them forward. Jetpacks began to screech, as his men flew into the smoke, and disappeared for the time being. They became to fly towards the enemy, silent, full of rage and bloodlust. It was a scary sight, to those who could see or at least make it out. The hordes of troopers, wave after wave of jetpacks coming through the air, waiting to pounce on the remaining enemy like hungry wolves.

"No prisoners. No mercy."

[member="Darth Banshee"]


[member="Preliat Mantis"] - No one's going to blame me for not PMing you, so I'll post this here. You need to read the posts more clearly. The fire is not natural, one (unless blue fire on trees is normal where you come from, lol). The Mandalorian forces are far from the fire and ash (other side of the front line, mate) so it would be of little effect to them, two. Lastly, you're potentially sending men to death to do a job I was perfectly capable of doing without them there. In doing so, you're also compromising Ashe's position, which is a huge no-no.
The other issues I am having is that I told you in front of everyone else that this was only going to be 1v1, that it was only fair. On top of that, I was clearly from the above doing just fine and didn't need any backup.​
You wanna help? Go invade another territory for us, where you're actually needed, and not a hinderance to the characters.​
Please and thank you.​
If you absolutely feel the need to say something, PM me first but don't send silly little pictures or crude remarks, please.
[ didn't read anything magical fire, just that it was blue, which means it was hot, and didn't say that it was force fire or anything like, and there's nothing in canon about magical fire, so, I'm gonna assume you just meant blue fire, which burns at 1670k , which means that there would be a lot of oxygen taking up, and probably burn itself out with a counter fire. unless you have some other form of fire you wanna pull outta ya butt and some form of physics you wanna defy again, with your KNIGHT LEVEL POWERS that Krag didn't even learn till he was a Master.

Also it was one post that made the forest fire that spread like wildfire. Because, you know, a Knight having all this kinda stuff doesn't really make sense. So anyway, I'm gonna post, we're gonna fight them, and we're gonna win. Because that's what we do. We win. ]

There was a war cry, followed by the ceasing of jetpacks. Mandalorians descended downwards, smashing into the ground. Then, they opened fire. They landed amongst the Sith troopers, creating a storm of confusion and brutality. Preliat turned and pivoted, blasting Sith this way and that way with his Gladiator rifle and Westar-34s. Sith troopers began to fall in droves, confused and unable to get a good sight picture on the rapid-moving Mandalorians. Preliat turned and slammed the action of his rifle against a trooper's face, feeling his bones crunch inward. Preliat dropped the weapon to the ground by the stock, and then used his foot to stomp on the trigger, firing the rifle through the man's chest. He withdrew his other Westar-34, firing them both with lethal efficiency.

"No mercy."


Sabrina already pulled out of the fight, and according to the rules, she has that right. Thread's done, mate. It was discussed via PM.​
[member="Tamara"] [member="Preliat Mantis"]​
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