Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Avidon Oligarchy: Netherworld

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
// The Avidon Oligarchy \\
"For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack"
The Avidon Oligarchy: Netherworld
With March just around the corner and the site wide event about to shake things up, the Avidon Oligarchy is looking towards its future. Soon it will be free of the constricting grasp of the Mandalorians and the Republic. It will for the first time have an area in which it can expand. The Baroness is looking to the oncoming conflict as a call for the Avidon Oligarchy to rise.​
All they need is YOU.
The Avidon Oligarchy has a chance to grow, to bring new stories and tales to Chaos, all that it is lacking is you and your characters. It is true, I have attempted this faction in the past on multiple occasions and each time for one reason or another I have abandoned it, choices that I deeply regret. I have thrown myself into the Avidon Oligarchy, dedicating my time to seeing it grow, yet I can not do it alone.​
For the Avidon Oligarchy to survive the coming Galactic Conflict and to come out on top, it needs you.​
You may be asking yourself what kind of faction is the Oligarchy? Is it the right one for me? Why should I join? All of these questions and more can be asked and will be answered in our Q&A.​
What if I want more information, or what if I want to get a feel and a more in-depth look into the faction?​
Now you may be asking yourself the most important of questions. How do I join?​
I have seen that this faction can be one that can stand tall and proud, it can bring new stories, threads, ideas and thoughts to the Chaos board. I regret that it took me this long to realize its potential, and now I am putting myself fully into the faction. The map is coming to a point when the Avidon Oligarchy can finally rise up, and I intend to see the Avidon Oligarchy on the big map. I can not do this alone, I need your help.​

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
March is upon us. In just one day the Netherworld event will begin. The Avidon Oligarchy is still open, and accepting members. Join today and be part of a faction with the potential of growth. I plan on having the Baroness and the Oligarchy very much active for the duration of the March Event, with the potential planning of submitting it for major faction status by the end, all we need is you.​

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
With the map cleared, the threat that the Republic and Mandalorians posed to the Oligarchy has been lessened though it still remains. Join the Oligarchy today and help it grow so it can be put up on the big map.​

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