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The Avidon Oligarchy: Rise of the Baroness

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
Avidon Oligarchy
Avidon System
Estate of the Baroness Magrath
Golden-Yellow hues cast their gaze towards the heavens, her focus set upon the shuttles that cut through the atmosphere as a wicked grin grew upon her lips. Her hand touching, slowly stroking the fur of the nexu that remained at her side. She watched as those above came down towards the world, her home the focal point. In the recent months it had become something more, a center point of government, for a people whom were tired of remaining beneath the yok of such as the Republic and Mandalorians. The Baroness stood as the Autarch of an emerging nation, one that was eager and yearning to breath free. Her free hand ran along the railing of the balcony that she stood upon, a small smirk crossing her lips as she looked down upon the large lawn that faced her.

"It is time. Our time is upon us and the Baroness rises."

Her words were spoken to the air, those few that could hear her remained silent and at the ready. The armor clad Fenrir Guardsmen that stood at attention as they watched their charge closely. She was to be the leader of a new Galactic Government, and there was no shortage of dangers that such a position could bring. Her mind pulled towards the grizzle death of an old friends wife, and her anger began to boil at the thought of whose hands she had been fallen.

The Republic and their Jedi had reigned enough, and for all their talk of bringing peace they had an unbelievable record and talent for bringing war to those that desired nothing to do with them or their Jedi. The Baroness balled her first, still holding in her anger and hatred, allowing it to fuel something deeper within before her eyes shot open once more. A strange and serine calmness upon her face as she smirked slightly.

"Let us greet our new guest."

[member="Darth Arcis"]
[member="Teto Gravos"]
[member="Zerrene Torran"]


Noble Goals but Foul Deeds
"Relax, you will be fine" , Orana smiled at Durbileel across the shuttle. Durbileel felt the dark skinned, black haired human was being genuine and for a moment felt the knots in his stomach ease. But then the reality of what he was about to do dawned upon him again, and he became nervous again.

"You're not the one about to impersonate royalty" he said back, smiling to hide his nervousness.

"Tarak'Gor isnt a royal, he is a minor landowner, a knight you might say, but even then just barely. Besides I don't think he has ever met the Baroness", Orana explained.

"... you think?", Durbileel replied the knot in his stomach tightening.

"Allrite Durbileel, look at me," The human squared off with the larger Twi'lek as she spoke "You are not Durbileel the mild mannered shop keep, You are Sir Tarek'Gor, master of the fortress at Gor heights, owner of Gor Shipyards, don't try to act, just think you are those things and everything else will come naturally".

Durbileel nodded feeling more confident as the shuttle swerved slightly and slowly began its decent to the planet below. The Twi'lek silently brooded over the series of coincidental events that had brought him under Tarek'Gor's employment.

"Tarek... Tarek........ Tarek!" Orana exclaimed the last with some annoyance.

"Oh. Sorry. Yes?" Durbileel responded.

"Dont forget, the fact that Tarek is a Sith is a secret. Dont give it away.", Orana paused, "and don't say Sorry, Tarek never apologizes".

"Right. Sorry" he replied smiling slightly.

Orana sighed, then laughed aloud. The shuttle landed gracefully in the Estate of the Baroness Magrath. The would be Tarek'Gor stood up, straightened his non-distinct but formal robes and stepped off the shuttle. The beauty of the state was immediately apparent, as was the hint of danger that permeated through its luscious trees and well kept yard. Something about it put the Twi'lek at ease and he smiled as his fear melted away.

"Good luck!" Orana called after him as he made his way down the courtyard to the Baroness' home.

[member="Baroness Magrath"]
[member="Darth Arcis"]
[member="Teto Gravos"]
[member="Zerrene Torran"]
| [member="Tarek'Gor"] | [member="Baroness Magrath"] |

The Avidon system and the oligarchy that had begun it's formation in 835 ABY was not unfamiliar to the Sith Lord. Darth Ayra had been there at the destruction of the Sith Empire, during the waning days of Kaine Zambrano's administration. Of course, that particular Dark Lord of the Sith alongside a dozen others who had risen to the mantle had joined the One Sith and she was no different. Sith were drawn to power and to those who held potential.

Darth Ayra saw the Avidon Oligarchy had the latter.

She would not be meeting attending the gathering that Baroness Magrath would host as herself. Alicia Drey was a persona that the Sith Lord acted with in the public day of light. Only in the heart of the One Sith, on Coruscant, did she move and act freely as herself. This was due to the fact that her life as Alicia Drey furthered the schemes that Darth Ayra had in motion; and to meet with people such as the Baroness as herself would jeopardize those plans in these early stages of the work.

No, the Baroness would be meeting with Alicia Drey, the CEO of a Tier Three corporation on Chandrila known as Chandrila DataTech. The Avidon Oligarchy would require business to boost it's economy, if it were to become the government it could become. She could further her goals, by executing the age old saying: two birds, but with one stone. Alicia would arrive to meet with the Baroness, proposing business of which Magrath would be a fool to ignore; and in the mean time, Darth Ayra could get to know of the promising Sith, her government and her goals in a clandestine manner.

She arrived in the Avidon system via a Niathal-class transport and emerged from the confines of it's canopy in a dark, hooded robe of which it's cowl had been lowered. Dirty, blonde hair whirling in a gust of wind as the transports engines died, Alicia Drey made her way towards Baroness Magrath.
[member="Baroness Magrath"], [member="Tarek'Gor"], [member="Alicia Drey"]

The mentally unstable Sith from Dagobah stood with her legs slightly apart, her head hung low and her hands clasped behind her back. The Vahala's eyes were closed giving the appearance she was in a meditation trance, but the recently appointed second-in-command of the Fenrir Guard was in fact stretching out through the Force to seek out any enemy foolishness to make an attempt on the Baroness' life. She had learned that even the most beloved leaders could birth rebellion and disdain in certain circles, and Darth Venefica was here to assure that if they chose to strike now on this glorious day for the Baroness, they would meet a punishment that horror stories were made of.

One of the guards assigned for today's activity walked passed her and mumbled everything was checking out without stopping. This was good. Darth Venefica had trouble understanding the concept of loyalty, but the Baroness, whom she had dealings with before, had earned the foundation of such a relationship. Friendship would be a stretch for she didn't believe that was a concept she could embrace, but stranger things in her life has happened. So she would let fate make the decision on that.

With the landing of the first shuttle, Darth Venefica took up a position on the left side and slightly a few feet behind the Baroness. "Good luck Baroness Magrath."

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
"Luck is what we make it. Remember, my strength comes from the pack, and the pack's strength comes from myself."
The Baroness stood silently for a moment after her little quip, one which shown true for so many times. The strength of the wolf was always the pack, and the strength of the pack was always the wolf. It was a lifestyle that the Baroness had learned from her late father and one that she carried with her. There were so many new faces, and she desired to speak with each of them, yet she knew that would be difficult in its own as a task. There were those familiar ones as well that always remained. Standing behind her and to the opposite side stood the Colonel, the older man nodding to the new second in command, whom he had dictated much of the operation of the Fenrir Guard to so that he would be able to keep a closer eye on the Baroness. As always though there was that large Nexu, the beast at its mistress side as it purred against her hand.​
Nodding to herself she thought that this was merely nothing more than a simple speech, though it was more than that. It was the creation of an entire government with the words that she was about to impart upon those that had gathered. It would ring out that the system would be protected and it would still stand and be difficult should others attempt to press them beneath their thumbs. Brushing out the wrinkles in her gown, she stepped forward towards the balcony, her hands running along the old railings as she smiled.​
Her golden-yellow hues snapped open as she looked out towards those that had gathered, watching as more shuttles came each moment. A soft nod coming from her as she bowed her head and thought of everything that brought her to this moment. Her hands gripped the railings before she felt a hand upon her shoulder. Looking back to the Colonel whom nodded before stepping back, the Baroness nodded and smiled softly before turning back towards the crowd.​
"Our galaxy is changing and with it we must change. The Barony much change, and thus it shall rise as the Avidon Oligarchy."
[member="Alena Beswin"]​
[member="Alicia Drey"]​
[member="Danger Arceneau"]​
[member="Darth Arcanix"]​
[member="Darth Arcis"]​
[member="Darth Venefica"]​
[member="Darth Vornskr"]​
[member="Teto Gravos"]​
[member="Zerrene Torran"]​
[member="Baroness Magrath"] [member="Alicia Drey"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Tarek'Gor"]

Taeli stood off in the shadows, watching the Baroness begin her address. It was certainly interesting to watch the evolution of such a thing, and it just fit with her definition of the galaxy. Change had to happen, no matter how large or small, as change meant something was alive, something wanted to grow.

The Baroness certainly was embracing events that were shaping the galaxy, recognizing that one world needed . . . more to stand amongst giants. So, for now, she would merely watch from the shadows, observing the fascinating woman.

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