Yoru Shakou
Well-Known Member
Avidon Oligarchy
Avidon System
Estate of the Baroness Magrath
Golden-Yellow hues cast their gaze towards the heavens, her focus set upon the shuttles that cut through the atmosphere as a wicked grin grew upon her lips. Her hand touching, slowly stroking the fur of the nexu that remained at her side. She watched as those above came down towards the world, her home the focal point. In the recent months it had become something more, a center point of government, for a people whom were tired of remaining beneath the yok of such as the Republic and Mandalorians. The Baroness stood as the Autarch of an emerging nation, one that was eager and yearning to breath free. Her free hand ran along the railing of the balcony that she stood upon, a small smirk crossing her lips as she looked down upon the large lawn that faced her. "It is time. Our time is upon us and the Baroness rises."
Her words were spoken to the air, those few that could hear her remained silent and at the ready. The armor clad Fenrir Guardsmen that stood at attention as they watched their charge closely. She was to be the leader of a new Galactic Government, and there was no shortage of dangers that such a position could bring. Her mind pulled towards the grizzle death of an old friends wife, and her anger began to boil at the thought of whose hands she had been fallen.
The Republic and their Jedi had reigned enough, and for all their talk of bringing peace they had an unbelievable record and talent for bringing war to those that desired nothing to do with them or their Jedi. The Baroness balled her first, still holding in her anger and hatred, allowing it to fuel something deeper within before her eyes shot open once more. A strange and serine calmness upon her face as she smirked slightly.
"Let us greet our new guest."
[member="Darth Arcis"]
[member="Teto Gravos"]
[member="Zerrene Torran"]