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The Awoken - Light Side Spell Ideas

Ok, so this thread is dedicated to the 'ideas' of new Light Side spells that can actually be called somewhat unique in their own right. I know you technically cannot 'create' new force abilites because they cannot be 'approved'. But i feel as if it is much better to have the spells fleshed out and documented in a degree of detail and balance instead of being like 'Oh the force is infinite'.

Now i will be the first to admin, i did not really like The Witches of Dathomir because they seemed very limited and narrowed in what could be done with the force. They are virtually 'harder' to use since they utilize incantations and other factors that regular force users just dont have to deal with. Which is why this faction was created. To innovate and advance magic. Only reason we describe our spells is for OOC purposes because ppl like to complain and moan because something is not canon and thus they don't understand it. Making the other person a 'Cheater' or 'Powerplayer'. The 'Spellbook' categorizes everything we learn & create and explains it in detail so not only new members of the faction can figure out how to learn it and how it basically works. But so those on the outside looking in can see that a spell is not some OP thing but actually makes sense and...looks pretty cool. Saying someone can do something because they can has always been kind of frowned upon in RP's in my experience. Even if the force is infinite. Ppl will always dislike what they don't understand.

If someone walked up to my character and said they made the floor beneath me melt and i fell in. I'd have a fit...BUT if he had it listed as something he worked hard on to make that is special to him and it is well explained and developed. I'd still be mad...but i'd give props for working hard to make something cool and unique instead of saying 'Oh he just did it.'.

Light Side Spell Ideas

Hex of Entropy: A passive spell that allows a witch or wizard to place the desired target in a temporary state of paralysis. While the body becomes stiff and incapable of moving as the subjects accuracy is disturbed and their mind becomes heavy with the sins of their past. A spell designed to show the victim the error of their ways without engaging hostility. (Basically putting someone in temporary stasis)

Essence of Sleep: Another passive spell that allows the caster to create an aura that puts ones mind into an almost perpetual state of ease and peacefulness. Taking mere moments to take effect, this spell makes the desired target slowly lose consciousness and fall into a deep state of sleep. Very few are able to resist the effect of the spell, those who can normally have superior control of their mind or some kind of force resistance.

Lost Luck: A spell that is utilized in area of effect. This spell can make those around the caster suffer a sudden streak of unluckiness. Sharpshooters can no longer find their aim, force users struggle to control their power. Swordsman perhaps misstep and fall over themselves. An annoying spell that can make the most patient of individuals crack under frustration.

Shield of Repulsion: For as long as this spell is active, waves of repulsive energy emanate from the mage. This field is capable of blocking blaster bolts, lightsabers, and other forms of hostility but like glass can shatter under to much pressure. This spell required an enormous amount of concentration and more often than not the field of aura only appears in front of them. Only master spellcasters would be able to create a sphere around themselves.

Weight of Darkness: A rather morbid spell that takes the form of regret and truth. A caster who uses this would most likely be directing it towards someone aligned with the dark side of the force. Designed to show them the error of their ways. When the spell is casted, the one it is directed at will suffer from a slow blindness. Darkness will soon consume their vision until they can barely see anything aside from what is directly in front of them. While in this state, every sin they had ever committed weighs their body down, making them heavy and sluggish. Stalling their movement until either the spell is dispersed or the victim breaks out of it.


Wrath of the Void: An rather more aggressive and extremely versatile and advanced spell which most witches hesitate go even go near in their lessons in the magical arts. A Light Side Spell that required enormous amounts of concentration, focus, and extensive knowledge of the force. When this spell is cast, the user draws in from the void of the force. Turning the raw power of the force and molding it into a metaphysical voidbow of pure energy. When summoned, the caster can use the voidbow as a near-traditional version of the Nightsisters energy bow. The spellcaster can then choose from a veriety of effects the metaphysical arrow will take mostly consisting of the primal elements such as Fire, Ice, Lightning, and ect. Should the caster choose to use the original form (Void), the arrow will create a large area of effect blast similar to that of a grenade if focused. Throwing victims into the air and if concentrated can be channeled into a blast similar to a plasma bolt where it merely cuts through almost any material like butter. This spell is extremely advanced and should only be taught to knights and above for it requires not only knowledge of the force, but the complete balance between Light & Darkness.

Spirit of Guidance: A unique spell that is slightly advanced as it utilizes astral projection over extremely long distances. This spell requires its caster to be in a stationary position, normally meditating. While in this state, the said witch can project his/her spiritual form beyond that of their physical body. Potentially vanishing from one planet only to appear at another almost instantly, though that requires a master to achieve. This ability is useful for espionage, helping comrades when in battle, and communicating over long distances. A witch or wizard must learn to speak to others through telepathy in order for someone to know they are there, unless the one thy are trying to reach can see spirits. This spell is extremely draining and long amounts of time using it is relatively dangerous.

Blessing of Revival: This spell is designed to be a supportive spell meant for the quick healing of an injured being. By focusing large amounts of the force into a soothing aura the witch is able to heal wounds such as deep cuts, trauma, broken bones and even stabilize someone who is dying by keeping their life force in tact. Some masters of this spell would be capable of perhaps bringing back someone who had recently been deceased so long as the body remains completely in tact. Rejuvenation must normally take place at least an 30 minutes after death for the Spell to bring the spirit back to its body. (Idea by Darth Erebos)

Circle of Truth: A rather odd spell given its premise, the Circle of Truth is a special incantation that, when casted. Summons a large aura-like circle around a certain area. When someone steps into the circle they are bound by the spell and whatever words they speak that are lies forces the circle to cause them discomfort, pain, and other effects. This spell is normally used for trials, interrogations, and ect. (Idea by Darth Erebos)


Charm of Unlocking: A special Spell that allows the user to bypass most security systems by casting a charm on any kind of door, forcing it to automatically open regardless of what systems may be put in place to prevent intrusion.

Charm of Revealing: Another charm that is meant to reverse the effect of concealment force abilities such as Force Cloak, and Art of Concealment. Revealing a person for who he or she truly is, this spell also dispels illusions within a small area of effect around the caster.

Hex of Momentum: An effective spell used to decrease the velocity of a moving target; it should be noted that it can be used on multiple targets, as well as on the caster himself. Blaster bolts, incoming vehicles, ect.

Shape of the Beast: A very advanced spell that is suggested for knights and masters. This spell allows the caster to change themselves into any creature. However, to do this spell correctly the caster must first absorb the spiritual essence of said creature which is a dark side spell that also requires a master to learn. However, should the spell be done correctly the caster can turn into the animal, but can still be harmed and injuries sustained in either form transfer.

Charm of Disarming: A spell that uses the force and focuses it onto a target and what he or she is holding, forcing it from their grip and away from them. This can be used on one or multiple targets at once and is a relatively simple spell and useful for young initiates. However, those using the gripping spell or something similar can possibly resist this spell.

Voidbomb: A powerful destruction spell that is similar to Wrath of the Void. However, in this version the user summons the raw power of both sides of the force within the palm of their hand and when thrown in a certain direction it can cause massive splash damage and take out a small group of hostiles.

These are just a few ideas i came up with for possible spells. Yey? Nay? They good or bad? i tried to stay as far away as i cold from common force abilities but i did draw some inspiration like mind trick and such. Using other resources from a lot of classic video games, movies, and ect to draw inspiration from as well. In my mind, a 'Light Side Spell' would be designed not to harm or even disfigure, but to temporarily disable and possibly enlighten. This list will be updated as you all come up with possible ideas as well. Remember, these are just IDEAS. You don't have to help make them if you dont want, this is just a place to be like 'Oh hey i had this idea for a nifty little spell'. And then share it.

Keep in mind, these spells must be fair and balanced. Summoning rancors or doing something OP will be frowned upon. So just try to keep things calm and fair ^^. Cheers lads, hope you enjoy the read.

[member="Darth Erebos"]
[member="Henry Chinko"]
[member="Jack Raxis"]
[member="Kaeda Vevut"]
[member="Særa Ayña Savan"]
[member="Vithar Seth"]
[member="Rose Blade"]
These sound really cool, and I agree with the need to develop the spells rather than just use force powers already extant.

That said, I think it would be cool if we somehow ranked our ability in each spell we are learning/mastering.

Just a general outline of the idea, but say Kaeda was learning Hex of Entropy. When she is beginning to learn the spell she needs to use somatic components and incantations to get herself in the right mindset for the spell. When she is adept at the spell, she needs fewer gestures and words in her incantation, as the mindset comes easier to her. When she has mastered the spell, a simple gesture or word is all she would need to aid her in the spells completion.

Maybe have each person specialize in a spell or three that could get to the point of simply think it and it happens.

This way, it shows the development of our powers, gives everyone a way to flesh out posts for a more enjoyable story, and provides a real sense of accomplishment. Just off the top of my head, I would say that "Learning the spell" could be a stage of using it actively in ten posts, then being "Adept at the spell" would be another ten or more posts using the spell actively, and "Mastering the spell" would be another increment on top of all of that.

If we also want to use the specialization, we could add either another set number of development posts in the spell, or make a special rule that they have to instruct a set number of pupils in the spells workings.


[member="Darth Erebos"]
[member="Henry Chinko"]
[member="Jack Raxis"]
[member="winter sovereign"]
[member="Særa Ayña Savan"]
[member="Vithar Seth"]
[member="Rose Blade"]
Kaeda Vevut said:
These sound really cool, and I agree with the need to develop the spells rather than just use force powers already extant.

That said, I think it would be cool if we somehow ranked our ability in each spell we are learning/mastering.

Just a general outline of the idea, but say Kaeda was learning Hex of Entropy. When she is beginning to learn the spell she needs to use somatic components and incantations to get herself in the right mindset for the spell. When she is adept at the spell, she needs fewer gestures and words in her incantation, as the mindset comes easier to her. When she has mastered the spell, a simple gesture or word is all she would need to aid her in the spells completion.

Maybe have each person specialize in a spell or three that could get to the point of simply think it and it happens.

This way, it shows the development of our powers, gives everyone a way to flesh out posts for a more enjoyable story, and provides a real sense of accomplishment. Just off the top of my head, I would say that "Learning the spell" could be a stage of using it actively in ten posts, then being "Adept at the spell" would be another ten or more posts using the spell actively, and "Mastering the spell" would be another increment on top of all of that.

If we also want to use the specialization, we could add either another set number of development posts in the spell, or make a special rule that they have to instruct a set number of pupils in the spells workings.


[member="Darth Erebos"]
[member="Henry Chinko"]
[member="Jack Raxis"]
[member="winter sovereign"]
[member="Særa Ayña Savan"]
[member="Vithar Seth"]
[member="Rose Blade"]

My thoughts exactly. I was actually planning on making a thread about this very same point xD
Initiate -> Adept -> Proficient -> Expert -> Master -> Apex

Initiate: Prone to failure, requires somatic components, high concentration, hand gestures and an incantation. (Possibly an item to focus the spell with?)
Adept: requires somatic components, high concentration and an incantation.
Proficient: Still requires the concentration but a little less of it, Somatic components and a shorter incantation.
Expert: Same effort as with other force abilities, less hand gestures and incantation a sentence or so long
Master: No longer requires the somatic components and the incantation is a word or three
Apex: Capable of casting the spell with a flick of the writs or a mere thought so to speak only 1-3 maximum of these.

[member="Kaeda Vevut"] [member="Winter Sovereign"] What do you think of this type of progression in spells?

Spell Ideas:
Blessing of revival
Capable of bringing someone that just died back from the dead as long as the body is intact by using small electrical currents to infuse force energy into the body to pull the spirit back into it and accelerate healing as well as detoxifying the body of any poisons, diseases and/or maladies. Can also be used on subjects that normal force healing techniques can't seem to help such as sith poisons and alchemical poisons or diseases.

Shield of truth
Brings forth a shield of pure force energy that appears on the casters off hand to be used to protect themselves against threats. The caster can also drop the shield onto the ground or cast it on the ground to create an are were truths can only be spoken by those inside it, if a lie is spoke the liar will experience something akin to a headache to the extent they have to visibly show their discomfort.
Four more spells have been added to the list.

And thats a good idea Darth =D I'll be sure to incorporate that into the rules when we get up and running more!

[member="Darth Erebos"]
[member="Henry Chinko"]
[member="Jack Raxis"]
[member="Kaeda Vevut"]
[member="Særa Ayña Savan"]
[member="Vithar Seth"]
[member="Rose Blade"]
[member="Eirlys Verd"]
[member="Gray Watcher"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]
[member="Rustag Bovruta"]
[member="Summer Sovereign"]
An interesting idea and I like them, though I'd suggest as I did in pm to not try and reinvent the abilities. Magic in star wars is the force and how you use it differs. THe nightsisters and the sith have spells for resurrections that are already there. Controlling elements is shapers, controlling luck or the outcome of something there is a couple of groups that sought to do that to.

also I would recommend to not make so many spells it is along complicated list with dozens of ranks. Chaos has a three rank structure for a reason. it is easier to remember and keep track of then is someone is a master or an apex of a skill. Really both would be the same thing.

*goes back to riding dragon rancor with staffs of fire, frost, poison and lightning in her magical spider arms.*
List Updated Again
[member="Darth Erebos"]
[member="Henry Chinko"]
[member="Jack Raxis"]
[member="Kaeda Vevut"]
[member="Særa Ayña Savan"]
[member="Vithar Seth"]
[member="Rose Blade"]
[member="Eirlys Verd"]
[member="Gray Watcher"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]
[member="Rustag Bovruta"]
Some of those spells seem to belong to the grey side If you ask me, particularly the void spells. You could try a Light variant on the bow and perhaps make the grenade stun an area or even become a stasis field when detonating?
[member="Winter Sovereign"]

Side note though if all the spells for all the different sides will turn out as interesting and handy as these I'll have to learn ALL THE SPELLS!
These are looking pretty good, and some of them like the unlocking one have already been seen being used before in the Clone Wars series, even though it was never named. Gives it credit if anyone tries to say anything.
I would like to add two spells to the list, both of which are following a similar theme.

Rapid Regeneration- One channels the force to accelerate the natural healing properties in their own body to an unnatural level. Requires high levels of concentration to pull off and can not be used consecutively.
  • Apprentice level users can only use it outside of combat and must remain in a kneeling or seated position while maintaining complete focus for several minutes. Once the ability is ended if can not be used for another 24 hours.
  • Knight level users can perform it inside of combat, but must remain still for several seconds to allow the ability to start. Once started the ability can be maintained while moving so long as focus is kept on the use of the ability. Once any other force using power is performed, the ability is stopped and can not be reactivated for several hours.
  • Master level users can start the ability while moving and maintain it while in motion (including physical combat). Weaker force abilities will not break the channel as long as focus is maintained on the ability, but any moderate or strong force abilities will. The delay between uses is shortened, but still takes an extended period of time.

Redemption- A powerful force ability that brings the user back from the verge of death. The force repairs any fatal damage that would kill the user. The ability can only be used by light force attuned users who have had a strong experience with the dark side. The ability can not completely save the user from death, only give them a chance at survival when otherwise would be dead. The user can still bleed out if they do not receive medical care within time. It leaves the user unable to tap into the force for several hours afterwards.

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