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The Azari Theory

The Azari Theory
The Azari Device
"A paper on the theory of hyperspace."
There exists four forms of space in the galaxy. There is realspace, which connects all of the different sectors, star systems, worlds and stars, of which all known life exists in; there is hyperspace, an alternate state from space that allowed starships to travel faster-than-light; then there is otherspace, a pocket dimension beyond the realm of realspace or hyperspace that has yet to be explored, at least according to the author of this paper; and then there is subspace, where long range communications occur between points in realspace and/or hyperspace.

It is hyperspace that has been the pocket in which Empires have been formed; Republics have been christened; and where explorers from across the galaxy were able to discover new worlds, where cultures and civilisations were waiting to be found. Even now, in the years following the Four-Hundred Year Darkness, explorers are discovering these new worlds from the confinement of their star ships. Without the discovery of hyperspace the connections, subtle or not, that are made between people would not exist. I would have never met the woman known as Circe Savan if not for her hyperdrive that had been installed into her ship, and consequentially, she never would have trained me into the Sith Lord that I am today. It is then with this in mind that the invention of hyperdrive technology was the second most profound discovery in all known history, and second only to the discovery of the Force.

There are tales that once upon a time there was a grand gathering on a world called Tython, where different races and cultures were brought together to live in harmony with one another. It was here that the precursors, who would later become the Jedi, begun studying the ways of the Force. Calling themselves Je'daii, these entrepreneurs protected the Tython system from outside and internal threats, whilst studying the mysteries of the Force. It is known by historians that in these times, the invention of hyperdrives, capable of slipping a star ship into a dimension where it was possible to reach a destination that they otherwise could not, had not yet been invented. I can only guess that the star ships of the time took days, weeks, months or even years to reach one star system to another, which in comparison to the modern era, it only takes a person several hours, possibly a day or two if it is an extremely long distance away, for them to reach their destination.

Thus, the invention of hyperdrive technology changed the galaxy. Through their studies into the Force, the Je'daii discovered that there were two sides: the light and the dark. Through this discovery the first split between ideology and philosophy was made, resulting in a Force Wars that ended with the founding of the Jedi Order. Without the Jedi there would not have been the Exiles, the band of Dark Jedi who were exiled from known space by their former comrades and who consequentially found the red skinned aliens on Korriban where the Sith were also found. It was the discoveries that were first made on Tython that, through a series of extraordinary events, led to the creation of two differing ideologies that have fought each other for eons, but it was also the invention of hyperdrive technology that also allowed this to happen. Would Ajunta Pall, the first Dark Lord of the Sith, ever set foot on Korriban if not for the hyperdrive- albeit primitive for it's time- installed in his ship?

People are driven to discover more, and it is this fundamental concept that is the basis for science. To discover more about the galaxy and by extension the universe. If applied to the Jedi and the Sith, there exists two parallels in the Force that have both been studied over the last dozen millennia since the inception of both the Jedi and Sith ideologies. I am no Jedi, but I am Sith, and it has been known for thousands of years that the galaxy can be bent and broken into my image, to manipulated and controlled as I see fit. It was known even before the Exiles arrived on Korriban too. There was once a race of beings called the Rakata, who conquered and enslaved many of the known worlds in our galaxy. As the Sith have done in the past, and as I will do in the future, the galaxy was reshaped and changed many times by this now instinct race; and before them, there was said to be another race called the Celestials, who are believed by some (but not by this author) to have created the Force itself. It is with these facts that it is known to any who study the ways of the dark side that anything and everything can be changed, or altered by those with the power to do so, even if what we desire to be changed exists in a completely separate dimension.

It is then a known fact that hyperspace has been the tool that the Sith, as it has been to many other civilisations who have affected change on the galaxy, including those who have stood with and against us, which has been used to see the culmination of many Star Wars. Perhaps if this dimension and the way to access it had not been discovered, then worlds like Alderaan, destroyed by the Death Star (a construct made by one of my predecessors), or even Corellia, which was destroyed a few years by a Celestial called Akala, might have not suffered such catastrophes if the realm of hyperspace had become inaccessible to their destroyers. For eons the galaxy and it's inhabitants had existed in perpetual darkness, blinded by the very power of the dark side, until it became possible for it's people to reach each other. If not for the invention of hyperdrive technology, then those scholars who studied the Force on Tython would not have gone out to teach others about it's mysteries and I would not be writing this paper. Perhaps this is the reason that peace is a lie.

With this philosophy in mind, I propose a theory that was born out of the discovery of the Rule of Two. What if there was a way to affect hyperspace in a way where it became impossible to use it as a means of travel? Eliminate the ability of worlds to travel between one another and the result is the end of exploration. The idea of intergalactic communities becomes null and mute. Entire Empires, Republics, Confederacies and Coalitions become worthless in the grand scheme of things. What use is a Star Destroyer, for all it's destructive power, if it cannot get to it's intended destination? What use is a gun if it cannot be aimed at the intended target? How would worlds like Coruscant, who rely on the supply and demands of other worlds, be able to survive if there were no ships able to bring in foodstuffs, water or other resources such as fuel? What catastrophes would follow if it became impossible to use hyperspace technology?

If I cannot be targeted, then I cannot be attacked. People have invented armour, shields, guns and ways to pacify the galaxy through brute force, but have they been really effective? I would argue no. Thus I put forward the idea of removing the realm of hyperspace and putting it out of reach of the galaxy. If factions cannot transport their legions to attack one another, then there will be no battles or wars. If there are no means of travel then worlds are left alone to survive, or in some case, eat itself.

Without the ability to access and use the dimension of hyperspace, then the galaxy breaks. Through destruction, we will breed creation.
Hyperspace has it's own unique dangers, much like realspace does. For a hyperdrive to work there are various factors that must be considered before a ship can enter the dimension and travel. Anomalies, such as a supernova, the gravity well of a planet, or a black hole are capable of sucking a ship out of hyperspace, and this event normally results in it's destruction. The tidal forces that go with a ship traveling through the realm of hyperspace are so great that a ship forcefully torn out of it by such anomalies will result in great amounts of damage being done to the ship in question, and the results are normally lethal. To compensate for these dangers, civilisations from across the galaxy have spent greats of time and effort chartering routes that are colloquially known as hyperlanes, where such anomalies are rare. Satellites that rest in the known star systems of the galaxy record data, which is spread across the galaxy by interplanetary systems, and as such a pilot can compensate for spacial anomalies by chartering a course with a navigational computer. A course is made, which the pilot follows, and this allows them to avoid the aforementioned dangers that will likely result in their destruction. But even with all these compensations and calculated risks there exists other forms of technology that makes all of them worthless.

There exists technology that not even a navigational computer can compensate for. An interdiction field, which is an artificial gravity well created via a gravity well generator, is capable of plucking a ship out of hyperspace back into real space. The interdiction field is also capable of stopping a ship from forming a hyperspace window, which would then allow it to slip out of realspace into hyperspace. Through this technology the ability to enter hyperspace can be stopped. It is through interdiction technology that star systems can be protected from incursions of enemy and foreign forces, but can also be used in reverse, and can be used to blockade said worlds from receiving supply caravans, reinforcements etc. For worlds that have been converted into complete ecumenopolis' the affects can be quite deadly. Imagine what would happen to Coruscant if it begun to run out of food, or fuel? Do you think their denizens would be as complacent then as they are now?

Of course, over time, counter measures were created against interdiction fields technology. One example of this is the Bakuran HIMs (hyperwave inertial momentum sustainer), which allowed the shut down of a hyperdrive to avoid damage caused by a diversion into realspace, followed by an erection of a hyperspace bubble that would allow the ship to continue moving in hyperspace, propelled by the forward motion it retained from the tidal forces made in the hyperspace dimension. The ship would then pass beyond the radius of the interdiction field, allowing the ship to continue moving forward and as such interdiction field technology becomes futile. Even if an interdiction field was created prior to a ship using HIMs, the resulting gravitational forces would be negated as the ship would still be able to slip into hyperspace and journey unencumbered by those who had attempted to stop it.

Still, the creation of interdiction field and HIMs technology proposed two things: hyperspace can be attacked and defended. Tactically, to pull a ship out of hyperspace so as to ambush it when it isn't expecting an attack is sound, whereas to have HIMs on board that can detect an interdiction field before it affected the ship, negate it and then allow it to pass by is also tactically sound. It is tactically sound to blockade an ecumenopolis such as Coruscant from receiving supplies, for it is world that cannot sustain itself without outside help, but such blockades become virtually useless if a ship is equipped with the ability to create a hyperspace bubble that allows it to pass through gravitational wells unencumbered. Interdiction field technology is then limited, but was the step in the right direction to negate hyperspace technology.

Through an act of sabotage, a hyperdrive can be damaged or destroyed whilst it is in hyperspace. The tidal forces of hyperspace then damage the ship, to a point of catastrophe. But to find someone willing to put themselves in such danger is rare, and the effort to put them in such a scenario can be difficult. Interdiction fields are also expensive, requiring the continuous supply of energy and oversight from life form, mechanical or organic, which can prove costly. There are also elements of betrayal, a break down in systems, or other unforeseen elements that can break down the effects of an interdiction field. It is a temporary solution to what is a long term problem, to which this paper intends to solve.

It is because of all this that the current ways in which to disrupt hyperspace is futile. You cannot place an interdiction field across the entire galaxy- only a world such as Malastare or Naboo, with their vast deposits of energy, would be able to keep a system wide interdiction field open for a long period of time, and such a solution is untenable to my proposal of negating galaxy wide hyperspace use, rather than a single star system. The answer does not rest solely in the hands of technology or consumption of finite resources, such as plasma, but can be brought about through the use of the Force. There exists an intermediary between science and belief in the Force, through the careful study and understanding of a science known to us as Sith Alchemy. It is through this that the Azari can become more than a theory, but a genuine answer to a problem that has plagued the Sith for eons.

There exists nothing more powerful than the Force. Force-sensitives have reduced entire worlds with their powers. Others have attained power enough to rule the stars. But even those who have attained powers enough to make a star detonate, or to create weapons such as the Thoughtbomb, have become undone in the past through a mixture of oversight, arrogance and technology. I know through my studies that towards the end of Darth Bane's lineage of Sith Lords that was a man called Darth Sidious. It was through him that concepts such as the New Order, Imperialism and Galactic Empires were made up to the point that, even today- centuries after his passing- they still live on. He thought that by achieving complete galactic domination, through the use of military might and strength, the masses would be pacified beneath an Imperial fist.

But for all the legendary power of my predecessor, he was wrong, and so a new approach has to be made. The answer has never been through military might or imposition, but through secrecy and manipulation. Was this not what Darth Bane taught us all when he made the Rule of Two?
With the aforementioned points made, I have come up with the Azari theory, in which I propose the creation of a weapon that stops hyperspace travel across entire regions of space, without the constraints or problems that interdiction field technology faces. How can this be achieved? The first problem is the power necessary to power a weapon capable of achieving this feat. Interdiction fields require enormous amount of energy to sustain the field. Star ships can only maintain this for a certain amount of time before it's energy stores are depleted and need to be refilled. The weapon that I will create from the proposals made in this paper shall not face this same constraints. The Azari will have a continuous supply of power that can only come through the Force.

The second problem is the concept in itself. Interdiction field technology focuses on the disruption of hyperspace, by stopping vessels entering the dimension of hyperspace or plucking a ship out of hyperspace and back into realspace when it passes through the gravity well that is created. How will the Azari stop a ship entering hyperspace? How will it bring a ship out of hyperspace? These are the concepts of interdiction field technology, which can be negated and/or bypassed through HIMs or the other issues that an interdiction field faces. Thus, the Azari must create a new concept, one that does not face the constraints of interdiction technology or the technology that exists to negate it. The Azari must be infallible. It must not be bypassed. The idea of the weapon is to stop hyperspace travel completely. It must be beyond interdiction field technology.

The Azari will allow hyperspace windows to be formed, when a star ship activates it's hyperdrive to slip out of realspace and into hyperspace. It will then disrupt the hyperspace window, causing catastrophic damage to the ship, resulting in it's destruction. How is this possible? The answer is the dark side of the Force. Through the power of the dark side, the Azari will create a disruption in the realm of hyperspace. If a ship enters hyperspace whilst the Azari is active, then the hyperspace window it created will collapse. The tidal forces of hyperspace will then tear the ship apart. This will allow control of hyperspace lanes and movement across the galaxy. Whereas an interdiction field can be negated through HIMs there exists countermeasure to my concept other than through the destruction of the Azari itself; and how will anyone be able to destroy my weapon if they cannot reach it? You cannot attack something if you do not know where it is, or how to get too it, can you?

The dark side has always been the solution to the galaxies problems. It is through the study of the galaxy and it's phenomenons that answers are made to questions posed. I proposed the question: how do I stop hyperspace travel anywhere in the galaxy? The answer rested in study of the dark side. The science of Sith Alchemy, which is the study and then the creation of answers in order to solve the complex questions that nobody else dare ask. For eons the Sith have tried to answer the galaxies problems, whereas Jedi pacifism stands idly by, only jumping in when called upon and always when it is too late. We dare to reach and grasp onto things that nobody else dares consider.

Peace is a lie because the galaxy is allowed to enter conflict with each other too economical, political, philosophical and ethical reasons. When people look back onto the Four-Hundred Year Darkness they see a time when the galaxy was in turmoil. But I see it differently. In those four centuries that were no recorded wars, there was no galactic incidents that called upon the mobolisation of great powers to solve them. People were too poor, too sick to move and there were little to no resources or systems of control to bring about the crisis's that we have faced in the intervening decades since the Gulag Plague subsided. At the very least there is a metaphor to be taken from that time: put the galaxy in the dark, and you are nobodies problem but your own.

How will I build the Azari? The answer lays in the creation of a new science. The body of Sith Alchemy encompasses many different forms of study, ranging from the organic to the mechanical. Great leviathans and beasts have been made through the careful alteration, or in some cases, the creation of new species. Jewelry, or weapons, such as swords, have been imbued with the powers of the dark side in order to give them different attributes or abilities that they otherwise would have lacked. Artificial crystals have been used in the Lightsabers of Sith for several millennia, so that they can also be imbued with our own powers, and this is where our iconic crimsons blades hail from. Even the creation of a Sith Holocron requires careful study before the pieces can be assembled and it's internal matrix can be transformed to hold the information you wish to install into it, with the capstone that rests in the center of all our Holocrons stemming from our understanding of creating artificial crystals made from Sith Alchemy.

But the science of Crystalogy, which will increase our understanding of what can be done with the dark side, has never been attempted before until now. It was pioneers like Darth Plagueis the Wise that gave us better understanding of the midi-chlorians and how they could be manipulated. In the modern age it was Rave Merrill who advanced understanding of how weapons, ranging from the organic to the mechanical, could be created through the dark side. My science will test the boundaries of realms and abilities that have never been seen before. The Azari crystal, as I imagine it now, will be one stem of research from Crystalogy, but there are other things to be considered too, like what would happen if a Qixoni and Ligan crystal were merged together to create a brand new crystal? What properties would such a crystal have?

It will take decades, perhaps a lifetime, of research to create such weapons. The end goal is the Azari, for all the reasons that I have stated in this paper. When it is done I will have reached a new level of control that none of my predecessors in the Order of the Sith Lords could have ever dreamed. The Grand Plan that they all contributed too centuries ago culminated in domination of the galaxy through militaristic control. But what good is a military when you can control the very dimensions that govern the galaxy itself?

Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall set me free.
Written by Darth Ayra

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