Finis the villian
Finis had slowly creeped up in power over Nal Hutta . Over the years his sinister strategies started working, he had his own spy network on Nal Hutta, local hit men, spice dealers, Death-stick sales. Finis even has his own small black market on the karking planet. This villain needed a rival crime lord to be killed if he were to ever expand his control. He had called upon any mercenary able bodied in Nal Hutta to come to his estate for a job that would pay 50,000 credits per mercenary who joined in on the operation. Finis had his guards stationed at every entrance and hall as a "welcoming party" to his guest's. Finis was on his throne in the main hall of his estate waiting for his guest's to have a seat. The sly man had an evil grin when multiple elite mercenaries came for their decent salary, Finis was drinking some huttese wine. As guests came peeking they would see the two Akk dogs guarding him , one on the left , and one on the right. They were intimidating beasts you did not want to get into a fight with. The job was about to be given to each of the mercenaries their tonight. Most of them knew what the mission was , it was to kill a powerful small arm's dealer in Nal Hutta named Pisak Dane, a deveronian who was almost as powerful as finis. Finis knew this threat had to be dealt with, as he continued to sip his whine waiting for the last bunch to come in.
@Ásbjörn Olafsson
[member="Ragnar Ordo"]
(OCC: All mercenaries are welcome, or if you wish to oppose my side go ahead it will be more interesting just pm me first)
@Ásbjörn Olafsson
[member="Ragnar Ordo"]
(OCC: All mercenaries are welcome, or if you wish to oppose my side go ahead it will be more interesting just pm me first)