Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Back Door War: The Great Siege

[SIZE=medium]There was a large report handed to all of the mercenaries that would be going into the large estate. It dictated everything that could be found out about the guard duty. It stated:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]There are fifteen men on each side of the wall guarding estate. One of each in the company had a heavy blaster repeater in order to suppress any unwanted visitors, the rest of the company then had average standard blasters from their. Next in the courtyard from spy cam's it can be shown that there are five broken ten man teams in the courtyard around the mansion that could potentially act as reinforcements, men in the towers of the fortifaction's are unknown, along with how many could possibly be within the mansion itself . Be prepared ,and armed for anything . Your primary objectives will be to destroy as much of the infrastructure as possible , if possible there will be a bonus to anyone who kill's the crime lord . Wreak Havoc! Earn your pay! [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium](OCC: alright boys let the siege begin remember the attackers have 78 npc's while the defenders have 180 happy hunting) [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Group A: Ragnar Ordo (my side) ,Dha Verd[/SIZE] (on my side) , @Kung Seilois (Opposing)

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
Seilois paced back and forth across the rooftop of the large mansion dominating the nearby landscape, at this height, even the tall fifteen foot walls seemed tiny and unimportant. The rooftop had been his favorite place to spend his time on this forsaken world during his employment to a fairly powerful crime boss. Seilois had almost not taken the job, three hundred thousand credits just for protection? It smelled wrong, but that was enough credits to make him fight down his paranoia and take the position.

He had made a point of talking to slaves and servants to get the rundown of what was really going on. It seemed the Crime Boss had made an enemy of an up an coming Crime Boss named Finis, and it was likely they would be attacked soon. Hearing this, Seilois had forced the servants to leave the mansion for the month as they would get in the way if such an assault happened and locked down the base. One of the mansion squads taking over the duties of servants for the Boss, something they were... less then thrilled about doing.

Taking a knee, Seilois looked through the scope of his slugthrowing sniper rifle scanning the nearby lands before setting the rifle down again having found nothing. Tapping the comlink on the side of his helmet, "Status Update," he barked to the men under his command. It didn't take long for him to get the All Clear signal from each wall, tower, squad in the court yard, and the men in the Mansion, "Keep an eye out," Seilois said sitting down next to his rifle.

[member="Ragnar Ordo"] [member="Dha Verd"]
@Kung Seilois

The large monster stood over his men with an intimidating voice scorching through out his command of ten men " Alright men! Im taking you ten to assault the left front tower of the fortification! We will be zip lining our way into the tower! From there we will cause havoc, and dismay for the rest of our reinforcements to move in. Remember, we have no idea how many men are in the tower be prepared! " From their each of the men prepared their hooks for the far throw. Ragnar gave the signal for the rocket to be fired so a hole would be open for an entrance in the tower. Soon after the projectile propelled into the middle of the tower creating a large explosion, someone would be hit inside . Without hesitation the bulky, muscular being said " now!" Immediately the team Zip lined into the tower over hearing incoming retaliating fire. As soon as the team had landed within the tower the mercenaries began opening fire within unison to kill the remaining survivors. The big tank with his repeater fired within the ceiling hoping to hit the top level, and rack some kills up .

Squad A: 10 mercs, and ragnar: engaging left tower


Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
An explosion snapped Seilois' attention, it was a very large and obvious explosion, apparently subterfuge wasn't the main goal. Snapping up his rifle up and viewed through the scope examining the damage, "Status Report," it took a few seconds, but he could hear blaster fire in the background, "Sir. Two of the men are down; they were resting inside the tower. Me and three others are on the top; we are watching the stairs,"

Seilois' nodded still wondering why they would chose to attack the tower in such a manor. He would never do something like that as now they were stuck in a small room, surrounded by choke-points in the form of the small doors, tapping his comlink he sent out his orders, "Do not go inside the tower. There is no need to waste your efforts. Watch the surroundings as more are going to come. West Tower look down and ensure no more reinforcements are climbing up towards the new kill zone. The other two are to drop some grenades down to the lower levels as a... welcome. Men on the left wall, throw in some gas grenades, I want them confused and isolated after the explosion. I repeat: do not enter the Tower. Men on the west and east wall, watch the doors and fill them with bolts when they try to leave, they have trapped themselves into a kill-zone. Let them reap what they sow."

It wasn't long before two explosions rocked the inside of the tower where the invaders had conveniently entered, green smoke started to seep out of the doors as the poisonous gas started to fill the lower level of the tower. Seilois smiled, he doubted the men in the tower would survive long as when they tried to flee up or out of the tower, they would have to climb over their own bodies. Thinking once more, he tapped the com, "Courtyard squad one, watch the back of the West Tower. They may try to use their explosives to escape and grapple down. Give them a welcome in the form of blaster fire should they try this."
Listing the scope to his eye again, he scanned the nearby area waiting for the next wave of attack.

(178 remaining)

[member="Ragnar Ordo"]
GM: Unfortunately what selious did not realize was the tower from the rocket's explosion was not stable. The grenades explosion had collapsed the entire tower. Everyone in the tower was killed except for Ragnar, the mandalorian's armor had saved the monsters life but at a cost . He was now out in the open alone , the debris flew in several direction's injuring several members from the east, and west wall teams.

Total Npcs for attackers : 68 alive , 10 dead
Total Npc's for defenders: 158 alive , 20 wounded, 2 dead
Attackers turn

@Kung Seilois
[member="Ragnar Ordo"]
@Kung Seilois

The explosion had collapsed the building, the impact had forced the giant to fall straight onto the ground with the front of his massive body hugging the floor. The mandalorian leaped into the rubble using it as the only suitable cover for the hulking target. Ragnar immediately fired at the first courtyard squad visible in the dust of the explosion, using his x-ray vision on his helmet to guide his rapid rate of fire. Several casualties would defiantly pile up for the ten man team. Meanwhile, twenty more men had zip lined to the back wall tackling and shooting the subjects on that wall, ragnar knew casualties would be high there,perhaps a blood bath even . Meanwhile , eight more men had reinforced ragnars position firing wherever possible to support the mercenaries risky scheme of combat.
Squad A : Ragnar : Holding position
Squad B: 8 mercs: Reinforcing ragnars position
Squad C: 20 mercs: Attacking the back wall

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
Seilois shielded his eyes as the tower crumpled and fell to the ground sending debris flying everywhere. This assault seemed to lack unity and cohesion. A sudden voice cut through his thoughts, "Sir! Men attacking the southern wall. Anywhere between 15 and 20," the voice said over the sound of blaster fire.

Turning around, Seilois brought the scope up and, aiming for only a second, sent a round through a zip-lining merc's head exploding the back of his helmet out as his limp body bumped against the stone. Other blaster fired joined from the wall and the two nearby towers picked off men with their sniper rifles. Such an attack was foolhardy, although he questioned why the Boss would build the walls lower then the surroundings as that was a serious design flaw, "Courtyard squad three, go to the southern wall and act as reinforcements. I want those men killed and routed. No survivors."

"Sir. A survivor in the court-yard. I see reinforcements coming in," Seilois turned his attention to the large red figure pushing himself out of the debris before being joined by more men. It was likely the leader of these mercs, a Mandalorian by the looks of it, "Mansion squad one and two, go to the windows and power fire down into the courtyard. Courtyard squad two, reinforce Courtyard squad one. Turn that ruined tower into a kill-zone," with the orders out, Seilois returned to firing at the mercs accompanying the red mandalorian targeting those carrying heavy weapons.

[member="Ragnar Ordo"]

NPC Pool Remaining: 158 Alive, 20 wounded, 2 dead.

((I assume you, Finis, are going to tell how all this works out?))
@Kung Seilois [member="Ragnar Ordo"]

GM: The battle grew more gruesome, the red mandalorian had killed six of squad one, and wounded four others. The reinforcements sent to ragnar had a similar outcome . Six of the eight reinforcements were brutally killed outright from the returning blaster fire. With amazement the Courtyard two squad had received only two wounded, and one dead within the fire fight . Ragnar's strategy was obviously failing , these random strikes were becoming killing fields within. This was evident when seven men where killed before even arriving to the wall, one kill being credited to Seilos, five more mercenaries were wounded when arriving to the wall ! Casualties were high on the other side as well, the able bodied elite mercenaries were able to kill eleven of the men on the wall within the firefight before both parties could seek cover. Indeed , a blood bath this battle was becoming.

Attackers: 50 alive , 23 dead , 5 wounded
Defenders: 138 alive, 20 dead, 22 wounded

Defender won the turn , go first

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
"Get to cover!" Seilois shouted over the comlink to Courtyard Squad Two, "You only need to pin them down, don't stand there like fools! Let the men on the towers and the gunners from the Mansion take the time to aim. Your job is suppression! Keep them in the Kill-Zone."

Looking back at the southern wall, he decided to leave it as it was. Seems the reinforcements he requested from Courtyard Squad Three wouldn't be needed. Their numbers were flattering, and despite them trying to find what cover they could, they were flanked by two towers with snipers that would be picking them off as they tried to engage the survivors on the wall. Still... they could follow up with a second attack on the weakened wall, "Courtyard Squad Three, double time it. I want the Southern Wall cleared."

Seilois glared at the large red Mandalorian spraying down many of his men with his repeating blaster; in fact, it seemed many of his losses were because of that one Mandalorian. Snapping a fresh clip into his rifle, he lifted the scope to his eye and fired three times, two at the chest and one at the visor. If he wouldn't kill the Mando, he would at least draw his attention so that his men could mop up the rest of the attacking force.
@Kung Seilois

The courtyard had seemed to be vacated for the moment , this was an opportune moment for the commander to order his next phase into the plan. Ragnar spoke in his comm "Alright boys I want team B to zip line right into the mansion while the gap is open. Good hunting men! And rocket boy waste those karking sons of blasters that have me and my boys pinned down!" . Soon after the order was given the muscular freak was karking shot by a sniveling sniper, twice in the chest, and once right at his helmet ! The shots on the chest were almost nothing , but the shot in the head gave ragnar a headache. One that pissed the giant off, immediately he refocused his fire at the highest room where he assumed the pest was. Soon after another rocket projectile landed , hopefully hitting the squad suppressing him. While rapidly shooting at the building he also saw his reinforcements arrive regardless of the intense blaster fire. Hopefully some internal damage would be brought upon his foes.
Squad A: 2 mercs engaging suppressing courtyard squad , ragnar is attempting to pin down his sniper foe
Squad B: 7 functional mercs holding there ground at the wall with, 5 wounded sitting their useless
Squad C: 20 mercs Zip lining into the mansion to engage squads inside
Squad D: 1 merc is engaging courtyard squad suppressing squad A via rocket
NPC POOL: 29 remaining that can be sent
[member="Ragnar Ordo"] @Kung Seilois

Back wall : The entire wall has been cleared out by the mercenaries but unfortunately with the reinforcements and sniper fire the wounded have been killed along with the others except for two survivor's. the sniper to the left of the back wall has been shot , and killed in the process as well.

GM:Rubble / courtyard: Surprisingly the rubble has worked as decent cover for the attackers for the moment in this Fire fight . The cover though has virtually been destroyed with the exception of Ragnar being the only one slightly protected. The rocket managed to almost compltley wipe out the supressors in the courtyard leaving one alive, and one wounded left in the skirmish. The men zip lining into the mansion were almost completely wiped out leaving only six to enter alive, causing two more casualties in the intense fire fight inside . Seven men on the other side were killed in the mansion as well.

Attackers: 29 alive, 49 dead
Defenders: 125 alive , 33 dead, 23 wounded

Your move defender

Finis had been watching the battle horrifically go against his favor it seemed that even with the most dangerous men on Nal Hutta the battle may be doomed. How karking strong his rivals estate was, but the villain always had a back-up plan. A few weeks earlier, finis had decided to bribe the slaver of his enemy to give him the codes to set free the slaves. This master criminal knew what he had to do in order to slowly get the power he wanted, it seemed that enough were dead on both sides to satisfy the crime lord. With a grin Finis said " Here's a present for you ragnar " the order was given to have the slaves set free and assist his investment. Within minutes the slaves would bring havoc and chaos within the lower levels of the mansion. Hopefully, this would be a boost ragnar could work with. If not, their death's would mean nothing the crime lord would have no proof that finis was involved in this matter. With the estate in horrible condition, and many of his rivals employees already dead. His enemies power would be to focused in rebuilding, this would allow finis to grab the undefended territories and assets. Finis always came on top, even in a possible defeat.

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
The sudden barrage of blaster fire sent Seilois ducking in cover, but it worked. With the Mandalorian targetting him, he wasn't targetting the rest of the men which lessened the enemies effectiveness... or so he thought until an explosion shook the mansion. Damn, more rocket launchers. Peaking over the ledge, he quickly took note that the Second Courtyard Squad had been, effectively, wiped out, but their enemies were almost killed to a man besides the large Mandalorian. Popping over the cover, he snapped a shot at the rocket launcher carrying soldier not liking the damage that would have been done should he fire at the room. The bullet smashed through his visor and spread gray matter behind him.

"Courtyard Squad Three Reporting, we have control of the back wall. Suffered casualties. Awaiting Orders," The voice sounded almost tired, but they had ran across the Mansion on his orders, "Good. Hold position. Secure that wall, keep me updated."

"This is Mansion Squad Two, we have engaged enemies. Inflicted large casualties on them, but I only have two men left with me, I need reinforcements!" The frightened squad leader shouted in his ear. It seems he was slowly starting to panic as time went on, tapping his comlink ignoring the blaster rounds hitting the walls around him as he stayed in cover, "Mansion Squad Three and Four, reinforce Squad Two. Squad Five stay by the windows and keep pouring down fire in the courtyard. Keep that Mandalorian pinned."

"Sir! Mansion Squad One reporting! The slaves... they got out, they are attacking. We need reinforcements there are too many!" Seilois eyes narrowed as he reached into his pocket for the slave collar controller and pushed it... then nothing. It wasn't working. Seilois growled as his mind whirled trying to find a way to salvage it. His men were still needed on the other walls and towers encase they were going to launch another assault. The Mandalorian put enough pressure so that he couldn't pull those forces back, and he needed the other Mansion Squads to destroy the intruders.

"Mansion Squad One. Hold your position. Lure them into the hallways and try to gun down as many as you can," He said with confidence, but inside he already wrote them off as dead. They would kill some and buy him some much needed time as the slaves weren't yet armed, "Courtyard Squad Five..." He paused as he had wanted to leave them in reserve, but his hand had been forced, "You are to enter the Mansion and guard the Armory. Slaves are on the loose, and they will be going there to arm themselves. You must hold them off! Do you hear me! Hold them off!"

With the orders given, Seilois popped out of cover to snap another shot at the Mandalorian before coming down to slap a new clip, his last rifle clip, into his slugthrower. Three shots left, he reminded himself before he was down to his heavy blaster pistol.

[member="Finis the villian"] [member="Ragnar Ordo"]
@Kung Seilois

Ragnar had been shot again by the pesky sniper, the bulky , muscular zabrack was extremely frustrated. The two survivors with him had no more cover left, it would not be long before they would get picked off. " You two Regroup behind the wall on our right! Ill meet you two there once I finish coordinating the assault .I have plans for us to waste these punks!" . Soon after, the mercenaries retreated to the location specified, after giving the two mercenaries covering fire the red hulk went to work. The mandalorian sighed and took complete cover underneath the rubble left, he could not be interrupted by another shot from the enemy sniper. His com link was filled with chatter, some from the two survivors at the back wall that were hidden after taking a hell of a beating, some from the men inside of the mansion watching the slave revolt take place. Chatter also came from the two mercenaries that recently retreated away from ragnars position, but the loudest where the men awaiting orders. This chaos could not be accepted, soon a loud militant voice silenced the chatter "Shut the frack up! Survivors in the mansion report your situation! Anyone else who speaks will personally have there throats ripped out by me!". The chatter had then evaporated to the men inside the mansion watching the event " Ragnar we are seeing a slave revolt inside the mansion there are to many of them ! If we get in the way they might turn on us! We are asking to hold position until you arrive. There has to at least be sixty of them ! " .

This was a relief something was going right after all the failed results, another question was posed " How many of you are there left?" . The answer was quick with the frantic leader in charge " Four!" , this was horrific news , " I want you men to make your way to the main entrance and hold there . Be careful not to be spotted by the bastards firing from the windows , next I want eight men to link up with to mercenaries at the front wall . The area should be secure we have not taken any fire from the high ground. The debris must have wounded most of them. Once this happens, I want you boys to silently take the tower that is completely to my positions right, once this has been achieved wait for my instruction. Next , I want two more groups of eight to separately do the same thing the remaining five men will wait for my command now move out boys! ". The huge tank would be taking a horrific risk most of his men would be sent to take out the towers if the slaves were to be put down quickly then only five mercenaries would be in reserve . The plan was to reinforce the survivors at the back wall but to also take the high ground silently before diverting all forces to the mansion.
(OCC: I was told by finis how many slaves there were if your wondering . )
GM:[member="Ragnar Ordo"] @Kung Seilois
Back wall: the two survivors were not discovered, meanwhile the tower directly behind the destroyed tower was completely taken silently as ordered by ragnar. The eight man team had suffered no casualties. The other tower was not so successful a firefight immediately broke out after the window was shattered two men of ragnar were shot before a move could be made. After this had happened the two enemy combatants were shot by the remaining six . Those six moved upstairs immediately taking two more deaths before ending the sniper team up stairs this would alert the reinforcements that took the wall .

Third Tower: The eight men had linked up perfectly with what was left of ragnars reinforcements that were forced to fall back . This had quickly went to crap because immediately on there way to the tower they were shot down with five deaths and one wounded before making it underneath the tower were they could not get shot.
Rubble: Ragnar successfully covered his huge, massive,muscular body for two posts before losing cover. Killing four more men in the process before his comrades vacated the area.
Mansion: The squad attempting to hold the dastardly slaves off had managed to kill twenty slaves before being engulfed by the horde of slaves. Unfortunately, for Ragnar, his four men were not able to get past two squads suppressing them neither side lost any men due to entrenched positions.
Defender go first

Npc's (Ragnar): 60 alive,77 dead,1 wounded ( 20 of them being mercenaries)
Npc's (Kung) : 94 alive, 63 dead , 23 wounded

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
"Sir! They are taking the..." The line was cut short by blaster fire, and Seilois looked over the room balcony at the tower where the fire fight broke out one of the Towers, it had been taken. But why would they waste their remaining soldiers on it? Were they trying to... "Sir, men trying to attack the tower. We took down some of them, and the rest are beneath the tower pinned."

Seilois turned to the only tower that hadn't called in, odds were they had taken it or were going to. They were trying to take the towers, but why? Try to contain them? But why? Reinforcements maybe? Were they counting on the Slaves to do the work? Seilois tapped his comlink, connecting to the only wall that had not seen any fighting and still had all fifteen men, "I need you to send ten men to clear out the tower..." He said mentioning the one that he heard blaster fire from as the wall was right next to it, "Kill all of them and take back that tower. I don't care what you have to do."

He would have to leave the tower then went dark alone for now... he didn't have the men to divert to it.

Seilois rubbed the bottom of his helmet, the slaves were still on the loose below him, and he had sent his last courtyard squad to hold the armory... Mansion squad Three and Four were engaging the survivors of the assualt, but form their reports there weren't many left, "Mansion Squad Three, fall back and wait for the slaves to attack the armory where Courtyard Squad five is holding position. Try to ambush them. I want those slaves dead to the last man, woman, and child."

With that, Seilois settled in, checking the area with his scope now and then. He would see what plan the Mercenaries were trying to hatch one way or another.

[member="Finis the villian"] [member="Ragnar Ordo"]
@Kung Seilois
Immediately Ragnar had heard his men in the tower report that men where on there way along with the current squad being there. After Hearing this an order was given " Alright, Waste the stationary squad with all you got I want both towers on it . Once this is done I want you to concentrate your fire on their reinforcements its time to cherry pick these punks! " . Soon after the giant had started hearing his cover crumbling overhead, it would not be long before the mercenary would have to fall back as well. Next, reports had come in that the assault on the last tower had failed , " All remaining units reinforce our boys pinned down at the right front tower I will be on my way at this position as well.". Within a moment the brute had broke off from his cover and slugged his way to the men pinned down , this would give an option for the sniper to possibly spot his weakness in his armor. While, his five men reinforcements would walk there Ragnar still had his zip line,he would immediately use it to get to the tower. He immediately crashed threw a window falling on one of the unlucky guards, most likely killing his foe from all of his muscle weight. Ragnar had then shot the next man beside him with his repeater. This would give an opening for the rest of his men to move into the tower maybe then could they use the fortification against the crime lord.
Back wall: Suddenly within a blink of an eye the stationary squad was completely wacked from the blaster fire, the tracers had completely covered the squad before they could react. After the quick recovery , the two towers had then focused their fire on the incoming team , but it was too late only three were killed when they reached the tower . The two survivors' on the wall with their own will, went inside of the tower to cover the infighting men inside trying to surprise the survivors in the tower. Those two would die taking five more men with them , two of Kung's men made it threw alive . They would be able to clear the four survivors at the top if the order was given.

Third tower: The large mountain of muscle would effectively kill the two men at the lower level with minimal sound from his blaster. It had seemed the tower was now focused on taking out the five charging mercenaries. Three would be killed in this onslaught allowing the other two to pile up with the four survivors awaiting reinforcement. Once this happened the upper team was unable to engage them this would allow them to prepare for Ragnar and his men who were now all inside the tower. This had made them bunch up , giving easy targets for Kung Seilois, who could easily spot them inside the tower. The decision would now be whether he would risk using explosives to potentially destroy the whole entire frontal defense ,or would he send in the remaining five men on the wall to kill them?

Mansion: The four survivors had killed six men within the firefight only losing one of their own. This had caused chatter within the defenders channels as all could hear there frustration of obviously losing to the more trained men. The forty remaining slaves were then ambushed by the defending squad on their way to reinforce the armory, this time some of the slaves were armed from their previous engagement. Within moments of opening fire upon the large horde three had died within that unit and only five slaves had died on the other side. The defending squad had made a mistake, they focused on repositioning there formation ,this had given the slaves enough time to overwhelm them with numbers in hand to hand combat, allowing for two more slaves to die before engulfing the squad. The slaves were moving closer toward the armory this would not end well soon if something was not done, and fast.

Defenders: 58 alive , 99 dead, 23 wounded
Attackers : 50 alive , 87 dead , 1 wounded

defender go @Kung Seilois [member="Ragnar Ordo"]

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
Seilois rubbed the top of his helmet where his forehead would have been. Did the Crime Lord he was working for go out of his way in hiring the most worthless and brain dead guards this side of the planet? The reports had stunned him at these men's obviously lacking in the brains department. They were too busy 're-organizing' themselves to fire their fething blasters? Twenty armed men... fighting slaves when most of them didn't even have blasters. Seilois couldn't believe it. How... Were they being paid to let the enemy win? He hadn't even ordered the squad guarding the armory to move! It was a very simple command! The other unit just had to move behind the slaves and fire on them! It seemed, for all intents and purpose, that his men were letting them win!

It was time to end this, "Destroy the tower they are hold up in. Men, move into the tower you are going to take, and take it," He paused thinking about those two bone-headed squads tangling with the slaves, he could save them, but he wouldn't. They deserved to die from their shocking incompetence. Not to mention the squad he left to kill four men... there was twelve of them! Were they... No, his client was a fool. Seilois had done his end of the deal. He protected him. If the man had paid half as much for decent guards as he offered Seilois, then this fight would have ended a long time ago. It was only thanks to his tactics and mind that they hadn't lost during the initial assault.

Seilois slid his rifle onto it's holster on his back, it was time to make a withdrawal. Turning on his heel, he left the room and took the hallway where he went down a few flights of stairs before kicking open a door that opened to a large bedroom, the room of the Crime Boss who had hired him. Moving along the walls, he knocked over a picture that hid a small safe. Cracking his knuckles, Seilois place a thermo-charge on the front of it and walked out of the room, clicking the detonator. An explosion rocked the mansion, but it did it's job. The safe door hung open, a slightly charred case, shattered pottery that looked like artifacts from some long dead culture, and various burning or destroyed paper, but the case is what interested him.

Pulling the case out, he tossed it on the bed and opened it to the sit of neatly stacked credit chips. It wasn't large enough to be holding all of his payment, but there was a good amount in it, "Contract terminated," Seilois said to himself, closing the case and grabbing the handle.

This client, out of all the clients he had ever had, had it coming to him. Maybe his successor won't surround himself with utter incompetence, how this man made it to the position he did amazed and astounded Seilois. Case in hand, he drew his pistol in his right hand and walked out of the room. It was time to leave.

[member="Finis the villian"] [member="Ragnar Ordo"]

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