Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Baron Of Tatooine

Location: The Dune Sea, a few kilometers from Mos Espa, Tatooine

Objective: Meet up with Reinhold Katzbalger (and possibly others) to discuss removing Baron Olex Rushkatov from power.

Tags: Reinhold Katzbalger , anyone else who wants to join.

The twin suns of Tatooine were at their daily zenith in the faded blue sky. As usual, they were also heating up the sandy surface of the planet to temperatures that almost no sentient life form would enjoy. Fortunately for Glar Ulchtar, he was standing in the shade under a large cliff, which made the heat tolerable for him. Not enjoyable by any means, but certainly tolerable.

Next to Glar was a speeder bike which was in fairly good condition. He had found it three kilometers outside the city limits of Mos Espa next to the dead body of an unfortunate Quarren who had evidently neglected to bring enough water with him to finish his journey. Fortunately, Glar was carrying plenty of food and water with him, and finding the speeder bike (with a mostly full battery, no less) had made getting to this meetup point much easier than it would have been on foot.

Now, all Glar needed to do was to wait for his contact to arrive. This meeting would be the first step in Glar’s plan to usurp and replace Baron Olex Rushkatov. The Baron was the leader of a splinter branch of the Pyke Syndicate which was based on Tatooine, which was a rival to the main organization. As Glar was an exile from the Syndicate, taking over this splinter branch would be an excellent and quick way to gain enough power to challenge the Syndicate. Having a large power base and group of followers would also eliminate Glar’s need to be constantly on the run from bounty hunters.

Of course, deposing Baron Olex Rushkatov would be no easy task. Glar knew that he was protected by not only regular soldiers and corrupt Mandalorian enforcers, but also the Tusken Elite Guardsmen. Additionally, the casualties would have to be kept relatively low if Glar wanted to be accepted as the new Baron. So naturally, Glar would be needing some outside help. This was why he had arranged this meeting in the first place. He had arranged a meeting with Viscount Reinhold Katzbalger of Onderon to discuss how best to remove the Baron from power. Glar had also heard that the Viscount may or may not have been bringing others with him to this meeting. Well, the more the better. The Baron was not exactly short on manpower. Now all Glar had to do was wait.

This thread can be joined in on by anyone who wants to. Whether your character is helping Glar or the Baron, go ahead and join. All I ask is that if you do join, you do not suddenly abandon this thread with no forewarning.
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A silver RA-7 Protocol Droid slowly made its way doom the near by city if Mos Espa to the cliff meeting place, it's actuators giving a soft wir with each movement. It's chassis had seen better days, the chromed plating seeming dull in some places as the sand battered at it. What all but the droid didn't know was underneath the quite convincing hologram shell was a TC-SC droid, who had chosen this disguise to seem as meek and powerless as possible but still useful to the situation.
It's alien head turned a few clicks in each direction, seemingly absorbing all of the information it could about the landscape before moving towards the cliff. It approached the Pyke besides its brand new speeder, one arm raising from its forty-five degree angle to give a soft wave before returning to its neutral position.
"I presume you are the one who wishes to deal with the Baron. I am here as translator, which I am doing for free... but I am here to also assist you in your takedown. That will not be free." The harsh, synthetic voice spoke perfect Pyke, though atleast it seemed the droid could, or just chose not to, put much emotion into its words than matter-of-factness.

Reinhold Katzbalger


Objective: Remove the Baron from Power
Location: The Dune Sea, Few Kilometers from Mos Espa ; Tatooine
Tags: Glar Ulchtar Glar Ulchtar TC-CS-4820 TC-CS-4820

The Viscount of Onderon loathed this hot and dry atmosphere that was tatooine. Although he considered the practical side of thing considering that removing this pyke baron from power was beneficial to not only his house but to himself personally. To fulfill his goal required him to meet up with a pyke named Glar Ulchtar on Tatooine which had brought him here now.

Reinhold sat comfortably within his Old Imperial LAVr QH-7 Chariot as it sped across the landscape of the dune sea. Passing by sand dune and tusken tribes without much difficulty. Coming around the corner until coming face to face with Glar Ulchtar Glar Ulchtar who was currently hiding beneath a cliffside to avoid the suffocating heat. The Viscount couldn't blame him but fortunately he had air conditioning within the chariot to counteract the heat.

The Chariot pulled up nearest to his location, as the door opened up and allowed the viscount to exit. Carrying an umbrella within his right hand instead of his ornamental cane which wouldn't serve any use at this time. Although it rarely rained on the planet, the umbrella provided him with some semblance of shade to protect his noble skin. Making his approach now, as several Gank Killers followed behind him to serve as his protection detail.

"I presume that you are Glar Ulchtar, am I correct."

He asked now, fully entering into the shade of the cliff now.

"Viscount of Onderon, Reinhardt Katzbalger. It seems you are indeed well connected Ulchtar..." The protocol droid turned to the new figure and tilted his head for a moment, before his hologram shimmered and began to fade. The RA-7 began to melt away, leaving behind a skeletal form. It was TC-CS-4820'S true form, the 8D like head in the same tilt as the other droid before turning back to neutral. His skeletal arms moved in front of his breast plate, crossing them. He then slowly raised one arm, sliding the heavy Carbine from his back holster and bringing it into a cradle in his arms. The motion was not a show of force, he knew the Ganks would be nervous but wouldn't jump at him unless he was quick, but instead a sign of respect.
The red light from the eyes of the droid reflected somewhat off of the rust colored chassis. It looked like an efficient killer in its stance, which contrasted by its almost metallic wheeze of a laugh. His voice was horse, quiet, and synthetic to a point, yet they was still somewhat human and somewhat personable.
"I believe with his backing, your contacts, and my strategy we can easily make this Baron wish he never left his slimey hole."
Reinhold Katzbalger TC-CS-4820 TC-CS-4820

Out in the distance, Glar saw an RA-7 protocol droid slowly walking towards him. It seemed to have seen better days, but had a certain solidly dependable quality to it that some of the more modern droids lacked. As it approached, the droid waved at Glar. Glar politely waved back.

"I presume you are the one who wishes to deal with the Baron. I am here as translator, which I am doing for free... but I am here to also assist you in your takedown. That will not be free."

Interesting. The droid spoke in perfect Pyke, which certainly proved that it had skills as a translator. The droid’s tone was rather mechanical and emotionless. In a similarly unemotional tone, Glar responded in perfect Galactic Basic. “Yes, you would be correct. But considering that the Baron is also a Pyke however, and my other contact is a human from Onderon, I am afraid I do not need the services of a translator. However, if you have other skills that I might find useful, I may hire you.”

Just after Glar finished talking, he noticed the sound of an approaching landspeeder. He turned around and sure enough, a landspeeder was approaching. The landspeeder seemed to be a historic model from at least the First Order era, if not older. Never the less, the landspeeder had been kept in remarkably good condition, and had a fresh looking coat of paint. Most prominently, a red and gold symbol was painted on the front. Glar recognized the symbol as the royal seal of Onderon. Once the landspeeder had stopped, the door on its side opened up, and Viscount Reinhold Katzbalger of Onderon stepped out. He was followed by several Gank Killers who were presumably his guards.

"I presume that you are Glar Ulchtar, am I correct."

In response, Glar said “Yes, Viscount. I am Glar Ulchtar.” and respectfully bowed in the manner used in the presence of Onderonian nobility. As Glar was bowing, he noticed the RA-7 protocol droid undergo an unusual change. Its entire exterior seemed to disintegrate in a manner consistent with a hologram being turned off. After the exterior was finished disappearing, a completely different droid was left. This new droid had red eyes, a dark crimson paint job, and a gaunt and elongated face. This appearance changing was certainly something to take note of.

Now it was time to discuss removing Baron Olex Rushkatov from power. The droid started by saying that it was confident that they could successfully defeat the Baron. Interestingly enough, the droid appeared to be using a different voice than it had in its RA-7 disguise. Glar said
“Yes, I am sure as well. Anyways, I believe our best approach to removing the Baron from power would be to erode his popularity among his supporters before evicting him by force.”

Reinhold Katzbalger


Objective: Remove the Baron from Power
Location: The Dune Sea, Few Kilometers from Mos Espa ; Tatooine
Tags: Glar Ulchtar Glar Ulchtar TC-CS-4820 TC-CS-4820

"Very good then"

Reinhold said in response to having confirmed that this pyke was the person he was going to meet. His mind wandered a little bit as they stood underneath the shade. Coming up with some semblance of a plan to depose the baron was vital to securing their victory. His focus was returned when the droid within their company began to take a different form entirely. Something was off about this particular model and he would be careful around it.

"Your strategy has its merits, destroying the foundation of a building is the most easiest way to destroy one as the saying goes. However there is a small factor of fear present as well. If I am working for a person that can and will kill me without a second thought, then I am much more hesitant to betray them. "

He said with some semblance of logic to both of them. The Baron's men would not revolt against him unless they proved they were the superior force in every way. Mentally and Physically exhaust their opponents without them even knowing.

"What I propose is that we take a micro approach. Crumble the small fry that make up the gang which in turn will crumble the foundation of the baron's officers. All in all, taking piece by piece until Rushkatov has nothing left to rely on."

He proposed instead of the pyke's suggestion.

Reinhold Katzbalger TC-CS-4820 TC-CS-4820

Glar considered Viscount Katzbalger‘s alternate suggestion. It seemed to make sense to Glar. A well placed show of power could both lower morale and cause concrete damage to the Baron’s power base. Perhaps the key to success would be combining both his and the Viscount’s strategies? If this shapeshifting droid agreed to help them, that would be easy. After thinking about all of this, Glar decided to voice his opinions on this approach.

“I think both strategies combined could work excellently together. If this droid agrees to infiltrate the Baron’s forces, he could plant the metaphorical seeds of doubt in the minds of the lower echelons. After that, a show of force from the Viscount and myself specifically designed to degrade confidence in the Baron would cause many of the Baron’s followers to ally with us instead.”
The droid waited a beat before nodding, sliding the rifle back into its holster before transforming into the RA-7 he was before. His arms were still crossed, his nod slowing down before stopping a few heart beats later. He turned to look between the two of them, calculating the odds of victory before moving on to what was important.
"What about payment? I do not work for free."
TC-CS-4820 TC-CS-4820 Reinhold Katzbalger

In response to Glar’s suggestion, the droid asked about payment. Glar said
“Once you have helped me, you can help yourself to one fifth of any credits in Baron Olex Rushkatov’s Citadel. Alternatively, I can give you a down payment of 3500 credits right now, but your portion of the Baron’s treasure would be reduced to one eighth.”

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