To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
After this chain of combat sorties, one of which caused her to re-think her involvement on Dagobah, it was good to be back at the Castle, where she met with Ageha for the first time since the Saijo sortie. She wasted no time in advertising private and semi-private lessons touting accelerated learning in the local parenting magazines, so it was of no surprise that nights at the Castle would feature desperate parents and their respective children by now. But thus far she has had no Force-using clients willing to go to the Magic Circle for that accelerated learning. Even though Memory Rub is a dark-sided technique, and is the fastest known method for learning, for some reason dark-siders tended to shy away from infusion, despite the biggest disadvantage being precisely its reliance on the dark side. There may be other counter-indications that I never encountered for what I know. I get that Force-users come in highly variable intellectual ability levels, but most attempts at cold-calling Force-users don't seem to end well. I'm not expecting a whole lot out of this, but here goes nothing, she thought, while visions of one of those potential Force-users came to her as she was writing an umpteenth holomessage to a potential Force-using client. But, as far as she knew it, commercial operations of Memory Rub-powered tutoring were next to nonexistent, so she may as well have a first-mover advantage in that market. And yet, the biggest bottleneck in growing that business is finding Force-using people who are willing to learn Memory Rub (and also Drain Knowledge).
ATTN: [member="Ashara Evanaris"]
The Utai Magic Circle is, for the first time, offering to the public of Wild Space a method of accelerated learning that was previously reserved to a closed circle of dark-sided Force-users. With the witches at the Utai Magic Circle, you can learn a year's worth of material in a matter of minutes!
P.S.: If you are a dark-sided Force-user yourself, you can also download the knowledge of the witches of the coven and also learn a year's worth of material in a matter of minutes. Please let us know what knowledge you wish to either have infused or download and we shall get back to you to see if the request can be accommodated.
Janick Beauchamp
Utai Magic Circle
ATTN: [member="Ashara Evanaris"]
The Utai Magic Circle is, for the first time, offering to the public of Wild Space a method of accelerated learning that was previously reserved to a closed circle of dark-sided Force-users. With the witches at the Utai Magic Circle, you can learn a year's worth of material in a matter of minutes!
P.S.: If you are a dark-sided Force-user yourself, you can also download the knowledge of the witches of the coven and also learn a year's worth of material in a matter of minutes. Please let us know what knowledge you wish to either have infused or download and we shall get back to you to see if the request can be accommodated.
Janick Beauchamp
Utai Magic Circle