Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Bastion of Lacia

The Fifth Moon
A soft sigh escaped her lips as she leaned back in the heavy seat, one hand rest upon the table, the other softly rubbing the bridge of her nose as she closed her eyes. There had been much work to do in moving the company, though piece by piece was coming together. With their attempt to spread throughout the neighboring nations, the decision had been made to move Sorenn-Syrush Industries to a more central location between them.
Slowly spinning in her seat, she pushed herself up from the chair, stepping forward to the large viewscreen before her. Slipping her arms behind her back, she kept her eyes closed for a moment before her golden hues opened. She admired the work that had been put into the facility, though the compound was still a long ways from completion; still it was an endeavor that in the end would prove its worth.
Keeping her attention focused upon the movement of the droids below and those workers of her own kind that oversaw the various night shifts, a smirk came upon her lips. Her golden hues focused from the goings on below to the reflection in the glass, the woman that she had come to call her lover.
"Unable to sleep?"
Amelia said simply, keeping her back to her for a moment before she spun around, her hand resting upon the high back of her chair as her golden hues fell upon her.
[member="Natalie LaForte"]
"Sleep? How could I after you ignored me for several months. Also, you realize you could've just 'contracted' me to do this movement for you, I'm sure we could have arranged an alternative form of payment, I know funds are tight as of recent." Smiling to Amelia and then running her hands through her own raven black hair and standing up, embracing her while speaking.

"I suppose being away for so long you wouldn't have heard that I've taken up dress designing. Perhaps we can get you out of these.." lifting a part of Amelia's fabric up and looking away before scowling. "Combat attire, to put it lightly and into something more elegant and befitting of a successful business woman, married to an even more successful business woman." before wrapping her arms around her neck and kissing her softly.

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
Slipping her arms around the woman, a soft smile crossed her lips as she embraced her lover's embrace. Listening to her complaints, she offered a soft nod and a kiss to the forehead before leaning back slightly, her hands resting on the woman's arms. Her golden hues fell upon her, taking in the woman's figure for a moment before a soft sigh escaped her lips.
"I do apologize, things just got... hectic."
She said, in regards to having not shown her lover the attention she deserved over the last couple months. Looking back over her shoulder, she watched as a handful of shuttles broke through the atmosphere, slipping down towards the various landing bays and shuttle ports. A soft smile still upon her lips as she sighed again.
"Yes, though where would the fun be in that?"
She cooed before nodding slightly, a slight frown causing her brows to furrow.
"What is wrong with combat attire? I find it comfortable, or is it that you just want to get your wife into a sultry dress and show her off?"
[member="Natalie LaForte"]
"Well in the most diplomatic way possible, and don't get me wrong, I dong like a woman in uniform, you just look... dead. Pardon the pun, if you took it as one. Also, I'm thinking something a bit more... masculine for you, I simply can't imagine you wearing one of my luxurious dresses" looking up in the air for a moment to admire her own beauty, style and elegance.

"If you want something else then... yes I could do that, but I love playing dress-up, especially with the one I love the most. Also... I'm not too sure if we've tied the metaphoric knot yet, if we have I'm still awaiting a ceremony and a wedding ring on my finger." Showing her hand which as stated, had nothing on it. No ring, no jewelry. "Perhaps I was wrong in assuming that you should be the one to propose, after all, you are wearing the 'combat attire'"

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
With them still embraced, a small smirk crossed her lips as her companion complained about her armor...
"You've only seen me in my armor and nude... you've never seen me in a dress."
Her smirk grew slightly as she stood there, knowing that it was the truth. Her companion hadn't seen her in a dress, even though her wardrobe had a handful of gowns and dresses to her liking, specifically those that were a bit more tight fitting. Slipping from her companions grasp, she placed a soft kiss upon her lips for a moment before stepping back, her hand slowly running along Natalie's arm, her hand slipping from hers.
Moving towards the table, her fingers ran along the edge of it before lightly pressing a button, her golden hues falling upon her companion again. A small whirring noise sounded as the floor in front of the woman opened up, a pedestal slipping up into view, resting upon it a small case.
"I am if nothing dramatic."
She said with a smirk, a soft blue light highlighting the black and gold box...
[member="Natalie LaForte"]
"Well prove me wrong, go put on a dress then. Otherwise I'm expecting you to be wearing a suit the next time we meet" winking to her and moving playfully to walk behind her, before asking her a question.

"And in saying that... I have a business proposition. What would you say if we, per say, "married" our companies, in the sense of a contract. I know you're still establishing Sorenn-Syrush Industries, and IMF could always use the brand reputation. Of course, I'd like to be on top in this situation." Turning to the black and gold box. "So what do you say, partner?" winking again and planting a kiss on her lips.

It only made sense. Married couples were supposed to share their belongings, and Natalie always considered IMF to be apart of her life and blood. Why not share?

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
The kiss was unexpected, though not entirely unwelcomed... For a moment she thought on the proposal, joining the two companies together; though it brought up the thoughts of what did that exactly mean. Slowly breaking the kiss, her mind was still processing that proposal, among another outstanding one that her partner had moments ago complained about.
Slipping away, she returned to her chair, falling into it and leaning back slightly as she thought. Her elbow rest upon the table whilst she held her head up with her chin resting up on her hand. Slowly slender fingers tapped out a small rhythm upon her knee as she crossed one leg over the other. A deep breath was taken, her eyes closing for a moment before they opened once more, golden hues falling upon her companion.
"It is tempting, though as you've said, I am still looking to establish Sorenn-Syrush Industries..."
For a moment she paused, collecting her words.
"Perhaps we can find a more mutual agreement. After all, I invested in your company, perhaps it is only right that my wife were to return such a favor... or is that the contract you were speaking of?"
[member="Natalie LaForte"]
"Well you know I'm nothing if but a woman of my word. Whatever you need in exchange for that loan, and I did promise I'd pay you back in full and then some, you can gladly have from me. After all? Family before finances." Smiling through her obvious resent for saying that. To her, it was and has always been finances before family, but this time she was willing to make an exception given that [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] had actually done her a huge favour in setting aside personal money for the IMF.

Natalie moved her hand to her hip and looked down upon Amelia, continuing.

"On top of that, it would be of great assistance if you would be willing to officially endorse IMF as one of your sponsors, although I won't pressure you." Natalie was clearly speaking in a different tone of voice, more serious and more demanding than before.
A small smile crossed her lips as she looked up at the woman, hearing her more demanding and stern tone as she sat up slightly. Keeping her eyes upon her companion, her smile turned to a smirk as she stood once more. Her fingers trailing along the table before she stopped at the edge, remaining behind the large glass topped table. Her golden hues shifted from her companion for only a moment to look out the large view screen of the vessel.
"I have a way you can repay that..."
She paused before returning her attention towards the woman.
"Sorenn-Syrush Industries is closed to growing in size, all it needs are investors and I see one standing before me."
Stepping forward, her hand lightly came up, touching her companion's cheek softly, stroking it as she leaned in. Her lips parting as they brushed against her ear.
"Do this for me, and take that ring and we'll see what the future holds for our companies..."
[member="Natalie LaForte"]
"Oh you know I'm a sucker for this type of stuff. Fine, you have my official financial and emotional endorsement, my sweet." Smacking her lips and taking the ring and placing it upon her finger. For Natalie, it symbolized the undying and unrelenting love of two vampires, and on another level, the endless amount of gold, wealth and oppurtunitiesthat laid themselves before her for the future ahead. If she didn't know any better, she would've thought that Amelia was tricking her, but she was never a fan of conspiracy theories, and it did feel like true love, something she longed for.

"Oh it's beautiful. You know, we should have a wedding, just to officiate everything"

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
With that a small smile crossed her lips once more. Having the financial (and not to mention emotional) endorsement of her companion in regards to her company was well worth the length drawn out dance they had done between the two of them. Watching as she slipped her ring upon her finger, Amelia stepped forward, placing a soft kiss upon her lover's cheek as she smiled.
"If a ceremony is what you want, though remember, we'd likely not be able to hold it during the day..."
Amelia said with a soft smirk, admiring the ring resting upon her companion's finger now. With a soft sigh she wrapped her arms around the woman, holding her for a moment.
"The question remains though as to where you would desire such an officiating to be held."
[member="Natalie LaForte"]
"Oh very funny!" Pushing Amelia slightly. "But actually that might not even be a worry. I've contracted someone to produce a sunscreen that at the very least lessons the effects of prolonged sun exposure on sanguinius vampirika, although it smells really bad and it'll make us turn green for a short while." Giggling to herself.

"As for where it'll be held, I don't really care. Somewhere private, secure and I'm not likely to be arrested for committing tax fraud sounds about right to me."

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
"Tax Fraud... now what have I gotten myself into with you?"
She would, for the moment, let the comment about a foul smelling sunscreen that turned the user green go, only to revisit it at a later point. After all, something like tax fraud was not a mere little mention. A small smirk crossed her lips as she looked at her companion, watching her as she slipped away from the woman before taking her seat once more. Her hand came up and lightly rest her chin upon it while her golden hues moved over her soon to be wife.
"I suppose then that means much of the known galaxy is off the list of potential marriage and honeymoon spots?"
Amelia would tease her slightly, keeping her attention upon her though as she leaned back in her seat, closing her eyes for a moment. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she thought on where they could go. Rather, where they could go with the minimal amount of individuals involved. Amelia herself wasn't one for big galas or events and would rather prefer a marriage consisting of the two of them, the officiator and a droid or two.
[member="Natalie LaForte"]
"Oh please you know I'm joking. I'm perfectly legal, in all aspects." Grinning going back to her playful tone of voice. "But on that note, just because we're married doesn't mean you get access to my credit history." Laughing to herself.

"I hope you wouldn't find me rude, but could we go to dinner or something? This place isn't really getting me excited while getting proposed to. This isn't really putting me in the 'mood' for potential baby m-.. oh right, we're women. I suppose we could always look into adopting?"

On the comment about the venue. "We can rent somewhere... for a day or two. Money is no object for people like us."

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
"Well then, it appears I know Sorenn-Syrush Industries' next expansion... Introducing SSI Credit Monitoring."
Amelia offered a small smirk as she stood up again, stretching slightly and finding the constant up and down motion to becoming tiresome. With the smirk still upon her lips she moved towards her soon to be wife. Her hand touching her cheek for a moment, as dinner did sound tantalizing, though the kind still depending on how she was feeling; or rather what she felt like crossing her lips.
"Dinner does sound good, though I hope you'll give me a moment to change into something more comfortable and appealing to your eyes?"
Slipping pass the woman, she stopped at the door for a moment, her hand resting on the bulwark as she looked over her shoulder. Her mind thinking of a few venues where it would be possible to hold them for a couple days.
"I'll leave the location to you, after all, I'd likely pick some ancient battlefield."
She said with a smirk before slipping through the door.
[member="Natalie LaForte"]

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