Not Ordo
Just under the upper hand.
"Father, what weapon is most effective on the battlefield?" Decimus asked his father.
"The mind, there is nothing more deadly than a sharp mind, Decimus, and nothing more valuable."
The old general removed his great coat and peaked officers cover and placed them on the wall hook as he walked into the bare room. His old eyes settled on the small chair that occupied the room's center. He had tried this before of course but in recent times he had decided it was more and more vital to his command.
His black imperial boots tapped loudly in the silence as he walked closer and took the seat. Battle meditation was something he had heard spoken of, studied and now it was time to put into practice. He focused as he closed his eyes and reached out in the force as the galaxy at large called it and began his exercises. It would be a long day.
"The mind, there is nothing more deadly than a sharp mind, Decimus, and nothing more valuable."
The old general removed his great coat and peaked officers cover and placed them on the wall hook as he walked into the bare room. His old eyes settled on the small chair that occupied the room's center. He had tried this before of course but in recent times he had decided it was more and more vital to his command.
His black imperial boots tapped loudly in the silence as he walked closer and took the seat. Battle meditation was something he had heard spoken of, studied and now it was time to put into practice. He focused as he closed his eyes and reached out in the force as the galaxy at large called it and began his exercises. It would be a long day.