Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Battle can be won. (self training)

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
"Father, what weapon is most effective on the battlefield?" Decimus asked his father.

"The mind, there is nothing more deadly than a sharp mind, Decimus, and nothing more valuable."

The old general removed his great coat and peaked officers cover and placed them on the wall hook as he walked into the bare room. His old eyes settled on the small chair that occupied the room's center. He had tried this before of course but in recent times he had decided it was more and more vital to his command.

His black imperial boots tapped loudly in the silence as he walked closer and took the seat. Battle meditation was something he had heard spoken of, studied and now it was time to put into practice. He focused as he closed his eyes and reached out in the force as the galaxy at large called it and began his exercises. It would be a long day.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
He held his focus on himself alone at first finding his own thread in the tapestry of existance before expanding his thoughts outward toward his men. It was just war games, a seties of exercises designed to prepare his men for war but he too had to be ready. His one good eye moved behind the lid as he slowly drifted along the threads of the force and began to tug here, push there, feel the ebbs and tides of emotions of his troops. He could feel many, not all, of course, that would come in time but many just the same. His body slowly relaxed further and he began trying to bolster the mood of his men anf give them the uncommon valor that he would have be a common virtue in his corps.

The sensations of his troops being influenced was exhilarating. They began to move quickly, think more clearly and anticipate the enemy as if at the very peak of their abilities. Oh yes this would be an excellent skill to keep learning.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
His command walker was not a full crew but the twelve men he could now sense reacting to his meditations were doing better than he could have hoped. His good eye moved behind the lid and even the photoreceptor eye reacted by focusing and refocusing as he tried to bolster his men's morale.

The camp began to move as the engagement began. His troops had specific orders, operating procedures and a history of conduct he knew he could trust, after all, he had trained them, had not he? His gunner questioned himself for a split second and Decimus reacted by pushing his confidence higher and encouraging his thoughts. The gunner fired a training bolt and struck the target within reasonable tolerances of his prefered spot. Decimus was well pleased.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
The battle began in earnest and he could feel the tension around his own eyes increase as he struggled to focus. The sounds of heavy blaster fire and artillery pounded hia mind until he realized that the sounds were not reaching his ears. He was sensing what his men were experiencing and his determination to bolster them grew.

He pressed on them with the crinan magic, using it to refresh and focus their thoughts. They began to rally from their brief lapse of determination and soon his walker began to be a decisive force on the battle ground. A smile quirked his old lips as he felt the confidence in him grow in his crew's minds. The sensation of commamding with nought but his mental powers was amazing to him and he knew he would continue doing this into the future.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
Power flowed through him as he focused on the people in his command. The swirling mix of emotions brought up by battle surged through his troops minds and he fought to not be overwhelmed. The ever present battle for control was a draining thing but he was getting more used to it as he continued to meditate.

The troops continued to fight and his small contingent began to win the war games. With a pleased grin he focused harder and press the troops with confidence and spirit. The shots fired were on target the formation moved in perfect precision and he couldn't help but be pleased. They had trained well that was what made them so excellent, he was merely helping them be at their best. The fact that they were nearly finished with the battle already was a pride bolstering event. He had trained them and now he could guide them by Will power alone. It was a commander's dream

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