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Private The Beaches of Glass & Dead Souls

Location: Woostri
Tags: Darth Fury Darth Fury | Reicher Vax Reicher Vax
Equipment: Lightsaber | Sith Armour | Helmet

The wind howled between the ruins.

Woostri had seen war and devistation unlike anything recently. Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean had brought the Sith to the water world and they had destroyed everything that stood in their way. The Landing Castle of Srina Talon Srina Talon lay off in the distance, having plowed into the sands and turned them into beaches of glass.

Pnumebra had been utilised against a city off in the distance, a city that no longer existed. In the cities that did still exist above the waters surface, flooding was common and the bits that weren't flooded were dealing with raging fires that had burnt the Woostri people alive. Utter chaos reigned upon the technological world.

Then their was the data centre, destroyed at the hands of the Galactic Alliance themselves. Commodore Helix Commodore Helix had successfully retrieved a rough twenty to twenty two percent of the data before he and Darth Strosius Darth Strosius were rudely interrupted by Galactic Alliace forces. Countless nights had been spent reading over that data, ascertaining exactly what was taken.

Most of it was useless of course, unless you wanted to carry out a credits scam. There was some consideration to sell the data off to the Hutt Cartel, at least then they'd get a pretty credit or two for it. There were hopes that the remaining eighty to seventy eight percent could be rebuilt in time, the Force assisting greatly.

In the middle of it all, stood a masked figure.

Darth Latens was still wounded after his battle on Woostri the last time he'd visited. He was bruised and cut but walking. He had gone to war across the beaches and through the city. A warehouse had collapsed on him, a thermal detonator had exploded in his face. Still, he survived. It was a mixture of luck, hatred and the solid engineering of a droid sure, but he'd survived nonetheless.

Drystan Creed Drystan Creed , the Jedi that got away. Somehow. He'd lost an arm, been blown up and absolutely battered yet he'd continued fighting. The Jedi had shown heart unlike anything Zachariah had ever seen before. The Jedi would have made a useful Sith, but it was quite clear he'd never abandon his precious code. It was fine, of course. Just another problem to stamp out.

There had been a vow made that he would never return to Woostri, a vow that had been abandoned very quickly. A discussion had been held with Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr and both had come to an agreement very quickly. Woostri required a governor, and Zachariah had suffered a great defeat upon the planet surface. What a better way to right that wrong than to turn Woostri into something special.

A message had been sent to two of the most loyal Tsis'Kaar members, two who already served on the Sith Assembly requesting that they meet with the Heir of Malum on Woostri. Both were powerful in their own rights, one a Sith to be feared and the other a Non Force User with unwaivering loyalty and a useful set of skills.

Both shuttles descended upon the Sith Knight's position, and he cracked a smile under his helm as he waited for his guests.


Beaches of Glass & Dead Souls

Equipment: Robes, Armor, Lightsaber

Darth Fury sat quietly in the rear of the transport shuttle. It was only a few moments ago he departed the flagship of his fleet, the Stellar Fury, as it hovered ominously far above this world awaiting it's masters return.

He had received word of a proposed meeting and had seen to his own records to find out more information on who requested his presence. A cursory inquiry later and all his curiosity was answered. This was Tsis'kaar business. And that was all he needed to know.

As he felt the rumble of the shuttle touching down, Fury stood and approached the ramp. He wore his Sith robes for this meeting, having already subdued this planet there was little threat for a Sith upon Woostri. That, at least, was the assumption.

As the ramp to the shuttle lowered, Darth Fury took confident steps down to meet his new acquaintance. A armored Sith,a female, stood just aside the ramp and gazed around with carefully trained eyes. She always expected the worse outcomes. But Fury was glad for it. Many a times those same paranoid traits of hers had saved his own life and he would not dissuade her from continuing to do so.

Approaching the masked figure before him Fury studied him carefully as he lowered his own hood to his shoulders. His shoulder length black hair fell upon his shaved face as he took in the destruction around him. The Sith certainly knew how to make a point of things.

"Evening, Darth Latens. A soon to be fellow Lord of the Assembly if my agents were correct in their assumptions." The man smiled as he returned his red eyes to his fellow Sith. "I am eager to hear what you have to offer."


Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway
Darth Fury Darth Fury

The air was thick with the stench of war. Even now, long after the battle had faded into history, Woostri bore the scars of Sith conquest. The wind howled between the shattered ruins, carrying the echoes of suffering, a constant reminder of the destruction wrought upon this once-thriving world. From the viewport of his shuttle, Reicher Vax watched the desolation unfold beneath him—drowned cities, smoldering wreckage, glassed beaches where Sith warships had scarred the very land. It was a grim sight, but one not unfamiliar to him. War was a machine, and Woostri had simply been the latest piece fed into its gears.

The shuttle descended smoothly, its landing thrusters kicking up a storm of dust and debris as it settled upon the cracked surface. Even before the landing ramp fully extended, the rhythmic clang of boots echoed inside the hull. The Old Guard moved with precision, their crimson-trimmed black armor a stark contrast to the pale ruins around them. These were veterans of countless campaigns, soldiers whose loyalty was absolute. Today, they served not as conquerors, but as emissaries of power.

Then came Reicher.

Clad in the full weight of his Sith Legionnaire armor, he stepped onto the war-torn ground with the poise of a man who had seen a thousand battlefields and would see a thousand more. The burnished metal of his pauldrons gleamed faintly under the weak sunlight, the crimson visor of his helmet casting an eerie glow across his path. A long, tattered cape billowed behind him, caught in the chaotic winds that screamed through the ruins. He welcomed it—the taste of real air, the feel of open space. After months spent governing Polis Massa, buried in logistical reports and administrative matters, the devastation of Woostri felt almost refreshing.

His boots crunched against the debris as he strode forward, his men forming a disciplined formation behind him. Every movement was deliberate, his presence a statement. Reicher Vax was not merely another Sith officer—he was the will of the Legion made manifest.

Ahead, the masked figure of Darth Latens stood waiting, along with another that remained an unknown. Reicher's pace never wavered, but he took in the Sith Knight's battered frame, the lingering wounds that even time had not fully healed. He had read the reports, of course. Latens had survived against impossible odds, a relentless survivor of the Sith's bloody campaign here. He had suffered, but he had endured. That alone earned Reicher's respect.

Stopping a few paces away, Reicher inclined his head slightly, a nod of acknowledgement. "Darth Latens, My Lord." he greeted both, his voice a measured baritone that carried over the howling winds. "It seems Woostri has not been kind to you, just as it has not been to my sister-in-law." There was no mockery in his words, only an observation laced with the subtle understanding of one warrior to another.

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Location: Woostri
Tags: Darth Fury Darth Fury | Reicher Vax Reicher Vax
Equipment: Lightsaber | Sith Armour | Helmet

Latens let out a smile under the helm as both shuttles touched down.

First to disembark was Darth Fury Darth Fury , the arrogant, brash and brutal warlord who served the Tsis'Kaar and Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr dutifully. "I see you bring friends Lord Fury" he gestured towards the armour clad female as he spoke. "Do not fear, I have no intention of bringing harm to you here today"

The second shuttle down was that of Reicher Vax Reicher Vax , governor of Polis Masa. The young Legionnaire had no real Force potential that the Sith Knight could detect, however he had his uses in other ways. "Woostri was kind to none who stepped foot here, hence it earned my Grandparents wrath."

Pneumbra had caused untold damage. The Landing Castle had caused moreso. Once perfectly prestine beaches were now nothing but shards of glass, sand converted to the seethrough material following the impact of the Landing Castle. Pneumbra itself had destroyed and entire population centre.

He paused for a moment, looking between the two men for a moment. Both were instrumental to his plans.
"Partly, the reason why I returned and asked you both to attend" he paused for a moment. "Should you have not met before, I will conduct introductions on your behalf. Reicher Vax, Governor of Polis Masa meet Darth Fury, Governor of Saijo"

Casting his head towards Fury, Latens smiled under his helm. "Your agents do not deceive you, Lord Fury. Indeed, it is my intention to sit amongst you both upon the Sith Assembly. One would have thought that the status of family would have prevented the unnecessary voting, however apparently not" he acknowleged briefly.

"I seek to become the governor of Woostri, Lord of the Water World and Controller of the Data which is contained in the data centre." He gestured in the general direction the data centre, which lay ruined and flooded after Darth Strosius Darth Strosius and Commodore Helix Commodore Helix had engaged in a hell of a battle within it.

Governor of the world in which he'd suffered his greatest defeat. It was almost poetic.

"Once the data is rebuilt, of course" he added, his attempt at humour not supported by his tone which remained flat. "To become the Lord of this world, two active members of the Sith Assembly must support my claim" he confirmed, gesturing to both on the assumption that they would begin putting dots together themselves.

"Now, I could use the weight of the Tsis'Kaar to gain your votes, demand them at the behest of my Master. I could use my connections to the Sith Emperor, demand them at the behest of my Grandfather" he acknowleged simply. Who you knew was a powerful thing in the Sith.

"However, I seek to offer a deal instead. Earn your respect, give you an actual reason to offer your votes" he said simply. "There are plans in place to rebuild the data centre, regain all of the lost information. Once the information has been rebuilt, both yourselves and those connected to you personally will be allowed full access to the data centres of Woostri to access any information which you so require" he stated before he paused briefly.

"Within those walls lay the greatest cache of information in the Galaxy second to Coruscant. Once rebuilt, the Sith shall have access to all of it. I shall control access to all of it."
he added on the end.


Beaches of Glass & Dead Souls

Equipment: Robes, Armor, Lightsaber

Darth Fury watched as the second shuttle touched down. He did not bat an eye as the squad of Legionnaires exited and formed into a wedge formation around their VIP. The man himself Fury recognized only from their shared Assembly business, though he never had the honor of meeting in person.

To say Reicher Vax Reicher Vax was respected by the Sith Lord was a understatement. Fury admired his loyalty and tenacity he showed both in politics and in battle. Two shared interest between them.

After Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway made the introductions between them, Fury simply gave the helmeted figure a quick nod of acknowledge. Now was not the time nor the place for pleasantries. All three of them had more pressing matters than exchanging mutual respect for one another's craft. Once Latens began speaking again, Fury refocused on the Heir and listened intently.

This meeting was unexpected but not unwanted. Whenever a Sith offers such a olive branch you generally take it for the potential gains. And personal gain was exactly why he had showed at all. And while Latens might have thought to use his connections with higher powers to leverage Fury into a deal, he was glad he did not have to be forced to rebuff the fellow Lord. Blackmail was far from the approach to take with the man.

Though he appreciated the honesty, however wanting it may be.

The real interest though is when the data center was mentioned. Fury gazed across the still burning and desolate landscape of Woostri. Once a jewel of the Galactic Alliance and now turned martyr and beacon of Sith imperialism. If Latens plan was to rebuild and somehow regain the data lost in the attack then Fury would certainly be eager to gain first dibs on what they find.

Though he withheld his eagerness in exchange for caution.

"A interesting proposal indeed, Darth Latens. One so good that I would have no reason to disagree." Fury flashed a devious smile across his face. "For what is a simple vote and political backing for priceless data only to be found here?"

His black cape bellowed in the shifting winds of this ruined world, among the drab ruins they found themselves in as he interlocked his hands behind his lower back.

"If we were to agree, what gaurentees us you uphold your end of the bargain? What is to stop you from relegating said data provided to us to some useless shipping lanes manifest? Or that you don't stop providing the data before we're happy with what is given?"

Many questions he threw back at his fellow Sith Lord. Prudent though they were. Whether or not Latens considered this a investment of his political future or really did consider using his personal connections to force the deal mattered not to Fury. The offer was a good one but he needed reassurances.
Even from a fellow Tsis'kaar-no, especially from a fellow Tsis'kaar.


Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway
Darth Fury Darth Fury

Reicher Vax listened intently, his stance unwavering as the negotiations began in earnest. His crimson visor concealed any flicker of emotion, but beneath the helm, his mind was already breaking down Latens' offer. A governorship of Woostri was not a minor position—it was a claim over a world bathed in both blood and potential. The data center, shattered and in ruins, promised untold secrets, a treasure trove of intelligence second only to Coruscant. Such knowledge was a weapon as much as any blade or blaster. Latens' claim to control that information meant controlling the flow of power itself.

Reicher turned his head slightly, glancing toward Fury as the Sith Lord spoke, his tone laced with skepticism. The questions were valid. Guarantees meant little among the Sith, but Reicher had built his career on loyalty and discipline—on understanding the rules of war, and the rules of power. This was a battle of a different kind, but no less crucial.

"I have no patience for empty words, Latens," Reicher said, his voice carrying the sharp edge of a military commander. "The promise of data is one thing, but information alone is not power. It is how it is used, who has access, and for how long that matters." His stance was firm, his posture reflecting his years of service. "The rebuilding of the data center is not an overnight task. That much is clear. My interest is in the long-term utility of this world and what role it plays in the grander strategy of the Sith."

He stepped forward slightly, boots grinding against the scorched ground, shifting his gaze from Fury to Latens. "You seek governorship, and in return, you offer us access. That's a fair bargain. But like Fury said, what guarantees do we have? Access on paper means nothing if you decide to ration information at your discretion."

Before Latens could answer, a subtle vibration pulsed through Reicher's vambrace, an encrypted message coming through his secured channel. He lifted his wrist, scanning the data with a quick glance.

Serina Calis has been recovered. Rendezvous with you shortly.

A flicker of relief passed through him. His sister-in-law's safety had been a lingering concern—one that he had compartmentalized, but not ignored. Now, knowing she was on her way to meet him, he could turn his full attention to the matter at hand. If the negotiations lasted long enough, Serina would join them soon enough. That, at least, was a welcome thought.

Lowering his wrist, Reicher refocused on Latens. His tone was as direct as ever. "Here's my counteroffer, and one that ensures mutual trust." He folded his arms across his chest. "We support your claim for governorship, but we establish an oversight mechanism—one that ensures full access to all recovered data for an agreed-upon duration. If Fury and I are backing you, we are not doing so blindly. We will have a presence here, a stake in Woostri's future, and that means being able to act on the information that this planet provides."

His visor gleamed in the dim light as he continued, his voice unwavering. "I have no use for pointless political posturing, and neither does Fury. We deal in results. We can back you, but in return, we require tangible, structured access to the intelligence this world recovers—not on your terms, but on terms we agree upon here and now." He let the words settle before delivering the final condition.

"And if we do this, it's not just a political favor. This is an alliance of strength. Woostri is no longer just another conquered world—it becomes a tool. We use it to fuel the Sith war machine, to secure our influence in the region, and to ensure no other power—Sith or otherwise—interferes with what we build here. If you want our votes, you accept that reality."


Location: Woostri
Tags: Darth Fury Darth Fury | Reicher Vax Reicher Vax
Equipment: Lightsaber | Sith Armour | Helmet

He offered a nod.

Both Reicher Vax Reicher Vax and Darth Fury Darth Fury were being reasonable and asking reasonable questions. Promises from a Sith meant very little. They had a tendancy to lie, cheat and steal to get what they wanted. Both men wanted to ensure their end of the deal was upheld.

"A reasonable request" he acknowleged. "You both know better than to trust a Sith, especially a member of the Tsis'Kaar" he added, however the attempt at a joke was humourless. "I agree to your oversights and your presence here Vax, and make another offer to ensure you understand how genuine my offer is"

He pulled out two datachips, offering one to each man. "Helix downloaded twenty percent of the data before he and Lord Strosius were attacked by the Jedi. On each data card is a copy of that data, an initial twenty percent with the rest to follow once I am in place"

There was one notable exception on the data cards, one that no-one but Latens would be aware of. A report from a Jedi by the name of Kei Raxis regarding a tomb and some armour on Korriban. It was vague, but Zachariah had an interest in exploring it further.

"In the name of honesty" he added with a smirk. "My strike for Woostri is not only for the benefit of the Sith, but also for the benefit of myself" he continued, prior to a pause. "I seek to explore the formation of my own Sith Legion, make a play to be named an Imperator in the Empire"

He gestured around. "The information here will provide us with ship and weapon specifications as well as intelligence and lost knowledge. All will be useful to begin this quest" he acknowledged. "Whilst the idea behind the legion is still vague, I seek to gather together all of the knowledge being witheld from the Sith by those external forces"

He paused, looking between the two men.


Beaches of Glass & Dead Souls

Equipment: Robes, Armor, Lightsaber

Reicher Vax Reicher Vax continued where Fury left off. He asked every relevant question and even requested for more oversight and concessions than Fury attempted, at least to open with. The Governor was not a man of few words nor fewer resolve. He respected that.

While he did not know Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway as well as he should, yet, he did not expect sheer honesty from him. But it was refreshing to hear. So many of their kind resorted to everything but the truth. Only their truths which were so easily convoluted. Though Fury still withheld his full trust as only natural of his nature.

Reaching forward, Fury accepted the datachip and looked it over while listening to Latens speak. How interesting. Using the Force, the datachip floated behind him and to the waiting hands of his sister waiting near their shuttle. She accepted the datachip and boarded said shuttle.

Though Fury was interested in what exactly Latens was planning in order to gain a Legion of his own, he was moreso interested in possibly being a benefactor of such a grand task. No doubt securing a beneficial ally for his own future plans. This meeting not only served to benefit Latens but also Vax and himself. Meeting fellow like-minded individuals was always a useful allotment of personal time. Especially when these three men were ever so busy.

"I accept your terms, Latens. And I thank Vax here for helping negotiate our little deal. I am eager to see it carried out." Fury took a moment to think for a moment before continuing. "Should you ever need assistance with your Legion gambit, you now know how to contact me. And that goes for you as well Vax."

Fury nodded at both of the men as he pressed a few buttons on his left gauntlet, sharing a secured commlink for business with both of his counterparts.

The future was indeed looking profitable.


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