The Free One
Location: Woostri
Darth Fury
Reicher Vax
Equipment: Lightsaber | Sith Armour | Helmet

Equipment: Lightsaber | Sith Armour | Helmet
The wind howled between the ruins.
Woostri had seen war and devistation unlike anything recently.

Pnumebra had been utilised against a city off in the distance, a city that no longer existed. In the cities that did still exist above the waters surface, flooding was common and the bits that weren't flooded were dealing with raging fires that had burnt the Woostri people alive. Utter chaos reigned upon the technological world.
Then their was the data centre, destroyed at the hands of the Galactic Alliance themselves.

Most of it was useless of course, unless you wanted to carry out a credits scam. There was some consideration to sell the data off to the Hutt Cartel, at least then they'd get a pretty credit or two for it. There were hopes that the remaining eighty to seventy eight percent could be rebuilt in time, the Force assisting greatly.
In the middle of it all, stood a masked figure.
Darth Latens was still wounded after his battle on Woostri the last time he'd visited. He was bruised and cut but walking. He had gone to war across the beaches and through the city. A warehouse had collapsed on him, a thermal detonator had exploded in his face. Still, he survived. It was a mixture of luck, hatred and the solid engineering of a droid sure, but he'd survived nonetheless.

There had been a vow made that he would never return to Woostri, a vow that had been abandoned very quickly. A discussion had been held with

A message had been sent to two of the most loyal Tsis'Kaar members, two who already served on the Sith Assembly requesting that they meet with the Heir of Malum on Woostri. Both were powerful in their own rights, one a Sith to be feared and the other a Non Force User with unwaivering loyalty and a useful set of skills.
Both shuttles descended upon the Sith Knight's position, and he cracked a smile under his helm as he waited for his guests.